Where is Anna (2)

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The movement was not small. Hansen York, who had been staying at home as much as possible in recent months, was naturally disturbed. When he saw Rothgarr, hatred burst into his eyes, and he stopped in front of Rothgarr and said angrily: “Raymond, what are you doing here!”

Rothgarr looked at Hansen coldly. He didn’t beat around the bush: “Where’s Anna?”

“What Anna?” Hansen frowned.

“You’re not gonna say?” Rothgarr’s golden arrow flashed in his hand and rushed towards Hansen.

Hansen didn’t expect Rothgarr to attack so straightforwardly. He quickly dodged, and at the same time, a golden shield was hurriedly formed in his palm to block the golden arrows that Rothgarr threw out.

However, this was just a decoy of Rothgarr’s. His other hand passed Hansen’s defense and punched Hansen in the face. When Hansen staggered back from the blow, the hand that was blocked by Hansen’s shield turned into claws, covered with gold. The element grabbed Hansen by the neck and slammed him to the ground.

Hansen was stunned at this moment. How could he be… how could he be so fast!

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Rothgarr strangled Hansen by the neck and stared at him coldly: “I’ll ask again, where is Anna?”

Hansen had already felt the pain of suffocation at this time, and he knew so clearly that if he dared to speak like he did just now, Rothgarr would strangle him immediately!

“I-I haven’t seen Anna today… No, I haven’t seen Anna for a long time, Anna isn’t here!” Hansen replied hastily.

Rothgarr tightened his hand, and his eyes gradually turned cold: “Don’t lie. If Anna has so much as a scratch, I will have your whole family buried with her. I’m a man of my words.”

He suddenly remembered the few drops of blood he found on the floor of the attic, and a fierce smile tugged at the corners of his mouth lightly. Oh, Anna was already injured, right? Then when he found Anna, if there were no more injuries on her body, he would allow these people to die easier.

Rothgarr’s laughter made Hansen shudder, and he hurriedly said, “I didn’t lie, I really don’t know where Anna is!”

“Mage Raymond, please stop.” A man’s voice sounded from behind. Rothgarr turned around and saw that it was a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Hansen. He guessed it was Hansen’s uncle, Viscount York.

Rothgarr didn’t let go of Hansen, saying, “Give me Anna and I’ll let him go.”

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Viscount York said: “Mage Raymond, if you are talking about Mage Anna, I can assure Hansen that she is not here. You broke into the York residence without evidence that we have captured Mage Anna. What will the Mage Association think? Please, Mage Raymond, release Hansen first.”

“Threatening me with the Mage Association?” Rothgarr sneered. Anna was gone. Did he need to suppress himself or reason with others?

He grabbed Hansen and stood up and laughed twice: “A three-star mage that has a grudge against Anna, he is the only one. Do you think if you say that if you haven’t captured Anna, I will believe it?”

He clenched his hand tightly around Hansen’s neck, and when he saw Hansen’s face in pain, he said, “How about this. If you want to prove that you didn’t kidnap Anna, find Anna and return her to me. Until you find Anna, I won’t let Hansen go.”

What if Anna wasn’t caught by the Yorks? As long as he found Anna, he had no psychological burden for enslaving innocents.

Rothgarr took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

He was already trying his best to be patient, and his patience was decreasing with every passing minute. When his patience ran out, he might show his true form and turn the entire Black Cloud City upside down.

He would never show mercy to the person who dared to kidnap Anna!

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Viscount York frowned at Hansen’s painful appearance. For some reason, he believed that Raymond could do something like kill Hansen.

This two-star mage had the arrogance and confidence that was not inferior to that of a four-star mage, and he could even feel a sense of oppression far exceeding that of an ordinary two-star mage.

Viscount York weighed his options for a moment and said, “Okay, then I’ll ask Mage Raymond to rest in the manor for a while. I will send someone out to look for her immediately.”

But Rothgarr grabbed Hansen and walked out: “You look on your own terms; I’ll look on mine.”

He still didn’t know whose hands Anna fell into, how could he be waiting here?

“Mage Raymond!” Viscount York wanted to stop Rothgarr, but was forced back by a golden arrow. He could only watch with an ugly face as Rothgarr held hostage Hansen and left.

After a moment, he smiled deeply. It didn’t matter, the days of carefully reading people’s faces would be over soon.

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Rothgarr dragged Hansen into the carriage and began to consider who else had a grudge against Anna.

He thought of Leon’s ex-fiancee, the one named Grace. Anna and Leon got so close that even he was upset. Besides, he knew very well that the reason Leon and Grace broke off their marriage more or less had something to do with Anna. Grace was very likely to make a move on Anna because she hated her.

Rothgarr wanted the driver to drive directly to Grace’s house, but he glanced at Hansen and felt that such a burden was too inconvenient, so he stabbed an arrow in each of Hansen’s knees.

Hansen yelped and glared at Rothgarr, but Rothgarr smiled and told the coachman to go to the Stockton manor where Grace lived.

Next, yelps sounded out from time to time in the carriage, and the coachman driving outside felt cold sweat beading on his forehead. He silently accelerated the speed of the carriage, just wanting to get to the place as soon as possible so that his ears would be less tormented.

When Rothgarr arrived at Stockton’s house, it was already dark. He broke in as usual, only to be told that Grace was not at home, but went to Magnolia’s.


Rothgarr suddenly remembered the ruby ​​pendant Magnolia always wore. He had some impressions of the pendant, and vaguely remembered that it was once his, but now he was only focusing on Anna, so he didn’t even bother to figure it out.

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