Take a Look at the Demon Realm (2)

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She breathed out a little to regain her thoughts, and smiled: “It’s a long story. It started when I was set up and made to fall in front of the carriage of the son of the City Lord, but I saw a demon hidden in his body.”

She’d told Rothgarr the truth anyway, so it didn’t matter if she said those things. Except for a small part that was not suitable to be told to others, most of it could be told to Catherine like a story.

At the same time, she could also find a way to learn more about the Demon Realm and about the demon from Catherine’s side.

It was not her style to sit still and wait for death. To know one’s own strength and the enemy’s is the sure way to victory. Although she had absolutely no chance of defeating the demon now, maybe she could find an opportunity to win just one battle and escape back to the Human Realm? Chances were meant for those who are prepared!

Anna nodded, but Catherine seemed to have remembered something. She pointed to the things on the bedside table and said, “Anna, eat something first.”

Anna was actually hungry a while ago, but she didn’t have time to think about it before because they were talking about important matters. In addition, the food on the tray looked a bit off putting, so she deliberately didn’t mention it.

Anna looked at Catherine and pointed to the purple-black liquid in the glass with a strange expression: “What is this…it looks like poison.”

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Catherine pursed her lips and chuckled: “The Demon Realm’s food is like this. It doesn’t look good, but it tastes good. Really, I’ve eaten it for months without being poisoned.”

Anna looked at Catherine’s fair and tender skin and beautiful, delicate face, and felt that her words were very believable.

Her stomach growled twice. Thinking that she didn’t know how long she was going to be in the Demon Realm and that it was impossible to go without food, she raised her glass and sniffed warily.

Vanilla flavored.

The smell was not bad, so Anna took a tentative sip.

Although the color looked poisonous, the taste was a little sweet and minty, and it seemed to have a floral aroma, which was very delicious.

Anna took a sip and set it down. Her eyes fell on another green food… tangled like seaweed threads.

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She twirled it around her fork like it was noodles, and smelled it. A pleasant aroma wafted up her nose. She then put it in her mouth and chewed.

It tasted really good!

The other plate of food looked the most like food from the Human Realm. It was likely a plate of meat.

Anna had eaten the meat of demonic creatures, so she didn’t ask what kind of meat it was, and just ate it happily.

Catherine saw that Anna easily accepted the food of the Demon Realm, and watched it for a while. After Anna finished eating, she said with sincerity, “It took me several days to get used to these foods. You are really amazing.”

Anna smiled, she was indeed easy to feed.

She wiped her mouth and smiled and said, “Then let’s start.”

Perhaps it was that she hadn’t communicated with humans for a long time. Seeing that Anna was finally about to start “telling a story”, Catherine immediately sat upright, looking straight at Anna with her green eyes, full of anticipation.

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Anna coughed lightly and started her story.

“I have a neighbor named Lily who has always been jealous of me. She followed me that day and pushed me in front of the son of the City Lord’s carriage when I was unprepared. I couldn’t see his face clearly until I was carried into the carriage. I was terrified when I saw Rothgarr possessing him.”

Catherine wondered, “But Lord Rothgarr is as handsome as Balan…”

Anna explained the facts to her: “If your Balan appeared in front of you for the first time, with the body of a snake, would you be afraid?”

Catherine seriously imagined it, and nodded in horror: “Yes!”

“Right, he was just like that to me at the time,” Anna said. “Such a person proposed to me as soon as we met. Do you think I would agree? Of course, I refused immediately and without hesitation!”

Catherine covered her mouth and chuckled: “This, I know. I was there when Lord Rothgarr and Balan made the bet. The price of their bet was The Abyss tree seed. If Lord Rothgarr lost, he would come to…my wedding with Balan. If Balan lost, his Abyss seed would go to Lord Rothgarr.”

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“What is The Abyss tree seed?” Anna asked.

Catherine shook her head: “I don’t know either. I only know that it is a very precious thing that Lord Rothgarr has been looking for.”

“Oh…” Anna responded, pretending not to care about it, and continued her story.

Anna’s storytelling skills were very good. Catherine listened with relish, and she also unconsciously revealed a lot of information under Anna’s guidance.

For example, right now, this castle they were in was actually Balan’s territory. Rothgarr brought her, who was seriously injured, directly here. She drank a very special potion made from plants unique to the Demon Realm, so that she could recover so quickly and so well.

Or, a second example was the matter of the bet between Balan and Rothgarr, as well as how the content of the bet was later revised—that is to say, Rothgarr would remain in Balan’s castle until Balan and Catherine got married, and she, of course, would stay as well.

Or, a third example, Catherine’s surname was York. She was from the Dark Cloud City. The day before her wedding, Balan would go to Dark Cloud City to bring her family to the Demon Realm for the wedding.

Anna did not expect such a coincidence; Catherine was the second daughter of the York family who was kidnapped by the demon in the legend. So this legend turned out to be true! So the day she first arrived to Black Cloud City, when Balan said that he was going to see his friends in Black Cloud City, he was probably talking about Catherine’s family, right?

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