Take a Look at the Demon Realm (3)

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She didn’t say anything about her and Hansen’s grudges. As for the possibility of meeting him on the wedding day…it would be fine if they pretended not to know each other, right? After all, the main one who had a grudge with Hansen was “Raymond”, she was just a “lackey”.

Anna stopped when she talked about the butcher Bobby’s forced marriage. When she met Catherine’s expectant look, she smiled, “I’m a little tired, we can continue later.”

Catherine suddenly looked disappointed. Her heart was itching to know how Bobby’s matter was resolved. After all, Anna was doing fine now, wasn’t she? But Anna said she was tired, so she couldn’t ask any more questions. So Catherine got up and said, “Then you should rest first.”

Anna nodded, but she suddenly remembered something.

She still remembered that when she met Balan outside Black Cloud City, he once said that ordinary human beings would die if they breathed in the air of the Demon Realm. Although she was already a mage, she was still a low-level mage, and her resistance against the air of the Demon Realm would not be very strong, but she didn’t feel the slightest discomfort right now.

That is to say, what should she do to adapt to the air here. She still remembered Balan saying that there were many ways, but he preferred to “imprint his mark on them”, what did that mean?

“Catherine, I have one more thing to ask you,” Anna said. “How did you adapt to the air of the Demon Realm? I heard Balan say that the air of the Demon Realm is lethal to ordinary humans.”

Catherine was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red, and she stammered: “I…I…”

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When Anna saw this, she quickly waved her hand: “I don’t want to know anymore!”

Catherine whispered shyly: “Then I’m heading out, Anna, have a good rest!”

After saying this, she almost ran away.

Anna, on the other hand, retracted into the bed and covered herself with the quilt.

Although Catherine did not answer, her reaction was the best answer.

Balan said he imprinted his mark on the other party. Seeing Catherine’s reaction, it went without saying that this must be something sexual!

Then what about her?

How did Rothgarr help her resist the influence of the Demon Realm’s air?

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Anna covered her face, unable to vocalize how gloomy she was. What did he do to her while she was seriously injured and comatose!

Anna was hiding under the blanket thinking wildly when suddenly a force came, the quilt was lifted, and Rothgarr, who was lingering in her mind, was standing beside the bed and looked at her condescendingly.

Rothgarr heard that Catherine had left, and came over after waiting a while. As soon as he arrived, he saw Anna hiding under the blanket, squirming around like a bug, so he lifted the blanket.

“Do you want to suffocate yourself?” He looked at Anna and frowned.

Anna put down her hands covering her face, slowly got up and leaned against the head of the bed. She picked up the blanket to cover herself, and then denied, “No.”

She didn’t know if she wanted to ask. If she didn’t ask, she would always think about this question, but if she asked, what if the answer was very shameful?

After thinking about it, she decided not to ask. No matter what he did, she would just pretend not to know! And she felt that, at least it was definitely not the way Balan and Catherine did, after all, she didn’t feel any discomfort.

Rothgarr didn’t press further on the matter, asking her, “Want to see what the Demon Realm looks like?”

“Ah? This…” Just as Anna was about to say that she didn’t want to go out, she saw Rothgarr’s face darken and said quickly, “Okay!”

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At this moment, she didn’t have those past “reliances” that came from her misunderstanding, so she could only show weakness whenever she could.

Only after hearing this did Rothgarr relax his brows and glance at Anna. He then turned to open the closet against the wall. It was stuffed with all kinds of skirts.

Rothgarr stared at it for a long time. He was dazzled by the various colors and styles of skirts in the closet. He suddenly walked to the door and said, “You choose yourself.”

Seeing that the door was closed, Anna sighed and got off the bed. She picked out a simple light blue dress, and put it on. There was a light blue headband that matched the skirt, which she used to loosely and simply tie her hair.

There were also shoes at the bottom of the closet. She tried them on. The size was slightly larger than her feet. Fortunately, they were strappy, sandal-like shoes, and they wouldn’t fall off if they were tied tightly.

Then she opened the door and went out.

At the door, Rothgarr stood straight to one side. When he saw her come out, Rothgarr turned and walked in one direction.

Anna quickly followed.

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Different from the warmth in the room, the castle corridor outside looked very aged, and there were many parts that looked like it had been washed away by time. She even saw long bloody handprints on the walls of the castle, which she hurriedly avoided. Above the corridor were quietly burning oil lamps, and the mottled light and flickering shadow made the whole corridor look particularly deep and terrifying.

As Balan had told her, his castle was full of servants, grotesque looking ones, each trembling on their knees as Rothgarr passed by, in complete surrender and obedience.

Anna followed Rothgarr to the terrace at the end of the corridor, and saw that the whole outside world was gray. There was a light source very far away, and she wasn’t sure if it was sinking into the ground or rising into the sky.

“That’s the night star,” Rothgarr said, seeing Anna looking at the light in the distance. “When it sinks into the ground, that’s when the night begins.”

As he said that, his shoulders moved, and huge wings suddenly appeared behind him. When Anna looked back at him in amazement, he stepped forward and put his arms around Anna’s waist, leading her into the sky.

Anna let out a short exclamation, and hurriedly hugged Rothgarr’s waist. The wind was rustling in her ears. It took her a while to open her eyes, and her legs felt weak when she looked down.

They were at least two hundred meters above the ground!

She used to play around with the Wind Gathering technique, at most going ten meters above the ground. She didn’t fly so high either when she was caught by the three-headed demonic eagle, but suddenly she was so high in the air, and the only point of force was Rothgarr’s hand around her waist. The sense of weightlessness tore at her senses, causing her to hug Rothgarr subconsciously, her whole body clinging to him.

Rothgarr looked down at Anna. The corner of his mouth twitched; he flapped his wings and flew higher.

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