Psychedelic Poison (6)

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She was a little dazed, as if she had returned to the Mage Association. As Raymond, he always asked her to heal her injuries when she was not yet proficient in Holy Healing. It would not be an exaggeration to say that her skilled Holy Healing Technique was the result of him.

Compared with Raymond, she found that Rothgarr was even fairer. She thought it was probably because there was no sun in the Demon Realm… Catherine also said that she became a lot paler after coming to the Demon Realm.

Anna couldn’t help but wonder, wouldn’t there be a lack of vitamin D without sun exposure?

By the time Anna recovered, the bruise on Rothgarr’s arm had almost disappeared.

She asked, “Any more injuries?”

Rothgarr paused and began to undress.

Anna: “…!”

She knew that he was undressing because the injury might be on his chest or back, but he was staring at her so straightly while he was taking off his clothes, which put a lot of pressure on her.

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After a while, Rothgarr took off his robe, threw it aside, pointed to the bruise on his abdomen and said, “Here.”

Anna hesitated for a moment, but pressed her palm on the bruise with a solemn face, using the light element of the Holy Healing to gradually cover the fist-sized bruise.

Although she tried her best not to look around, they were so close and her line of sight was hard to control that she could not avoid seeing the tight muscles contained under his pale skin. It made her want to poke a little.

She quickly retracted her gaze, looking down and lowering her head.

In order to reduce the embarrassment caused by the silence, Anna asked, “How did you get hurt?”

If it were only the scratches on his face, she suspected that he inflicted them on himself, but the bruises on his abdomen and hands must not have been done by him, so it was a safety issue.

Rothgarr looked down at Anna’s face and said casually, “A fight with Balan.”

“Oh…” Anna responded and asked again, “Why did you guys fight?”

Rothgarr wanted to say something trivial, but when the words came to his mouth he changed his words: “Balan thinks that as the grand duke of The Abyss, I should do whatever I want and take whatever I want. What do you think?”

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Anna froze. This question was a trap!

From Balan and Rothgarr’s point of view, this dog-eat-dog logic was fine; after all, if they could do it, why not? But for those who were captured, such as her, it was a disaster!

Anna continued to perform the Holy Healing Technique and replied seriously: “Balan is in that position, so of course it’s okay to assume that, but others…for example, me, who is destined to be in a position of being taken away, it is difficult to agree with his point of view.”

Rothgarr looked at her. “So, what would you do?”

Anna stared at the wound: “Resist.”

Rothgarr sneered. “You can’t resist.”

“Yes, but I still have to resist. This is the attitude I should have.”

Rothgarr didn’t really want to do anything to Anna. He listened to Balan’s words only a little – for now, he would assume that his impulse to Anna came from himself.

Moreover, he also followed his own mood by coming to visit Anna. Seeing her focus on healing him put him in a good mood.

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That was it for now.

Anna felt uneasy after not seeing a reaction from Rothgarr after making her statement, but she couldn’t say anything. She could only heal his injury peacefully and watch him slowly put back on his clothes.

Rothgarr glanced at the fruit on the bedside table. There were still seven. He picked up one and put it in her hand and said, “If you eat this, your mental strength will be enough to rise to three stars. The effect of eating the remaining six is ​​not so good, but something is better than nothing.”

Anna thought, this was indeed the kind of fruit he was speaking of.

The question was, what happened before she woke up?

Anna held the fruit in her hands. She looked up at Rothgarr, who was standing beside the bed, and asked him, “What happened after we went outside into the woods yesterday? Why don’t I have any impression at all?”

Anna’s question reminded Rothgarr of his quivering heart being held by his horns, a feeling he still remembered to this day.

In the past, Balan would sometimes openly tell him what it was like to be held by a woman’s soft hands. His words went in one ear and out the other. He never cared to listen and had never been curious about it, until yesterday, when he found out what it was like.

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Rothgarr sat down on the edge of the bed again, leaned slightly, and said blankly, “Yesterday you touched my horn.”


Anna’s eyes moved up involuntarily. Because of Rothgarr’s posture, his horns were very close to her.

She even touched his horns?

Wait wait wait! She remembered that when she was still outside Black Cloud City, Balan once said that the demon’s horns were like the breasts of human women and could not be touched.

…That was to say, she sexually harassed a demon?

This kind of thing was too strange!

The difference in strength between her and the demon was huge, how could she touch Rothgarr’s horn casually? Unless… unless he himself allowed it.

At this moment, Anna’s expression changed. If what Rothgarr said really happened, then she had encountered an entrapment*! No, maybe it was more appropriate to call it “faking an accident”.

[T/N: Entrapment is a practice in which a law enforcement agent or agent of the state induces a person to commit a “crime” that the person would have otherwise been unlikely or unwilling to commit.]

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