Plan (1)

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Anna had no memory of that time, but she was definitely not the idiot that would believe whatever Rothgarr said.

“Impossible,” Anna said firmly. “No one can touch your horns if you don’t want them to.”

Rothgarr knew that Anna had learned the meaning of the demon horns from Balan, and he just wanted to see Anna’s panicked look, but he was rendered speechless when she said this.

How could he tell Anna that when she was clinging to him, his mind became blank for a while, and that’s when she found the opportunity?

The more Rothgarr thought about it, the more unhappy he was. He was the only one who remembered what happened yesterday.

He suddenly grabbed Anna’s wrist and brought her hand up to touch the horns on his head.

Anna’s eyes widened in shock, this “accident-faking” was too blatant!

“What are you doing! Let go!” Anna shouted in horror, “You’re forcing me, it doesn’t count!”

Rothgarr paused, looked at Anna and said, “I’m helping you remember.”

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Like hell I’d believe you!

Anna continued to resist against Rothgarr, saying, “How can I remember something that didn’t happen!”

Rothgarr’s expression sank, growing angrier.

He didn’t use much strength just now, which was why Anna was able to move back a little bit, but as long as he wanted to, her little bit of strength wasn’t enough to go against him. He applied more strength, and continued to bring Anna’s hand up towards his horns.

“I don’t want to touch it! Let go!”

Seeing that she could not escape, Anna’s other hand condensed gold elements and poked at Rothgarr’s hand holding her wrist, but Rothgarr easily waved off her attack, grabbed her hand and pressed it against the head of the bed.

With a thud, Anna felt a dull pain in the back of her hand.


Just as the two were at a stalemate, the door was pushed open, and Catherine walked in with a smile on her face. She was stunned when she saw the situation inside the room.

On the messy bed, Anna sat with her legs bent, both hands held by Rothgarr, who was so close to her, as if he was about to kiss her in the next moment. Anna’s face was full of reluctance, her veins bulging because of the intense emotion.

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Catherine should have left when she accidentally bumped into this scene, but she just stood there, as if frozen. Her legs were stiff, and she didn’t make a move to leave the room.

Rothgarr glanced at Catherine with a frown. He released Anna, and walked out.

Anna rubbed her bruised wrist and smiled at Catherine: “What are you doing standing there? Come sit down.”

Catherine slowly came over and sat down beside the bed. She saw that Anna was healing the bruise on her left wrist with Holy Healing. Then she gave Catherine a smile, taking a few bites of the colorful fruit.

Afterwards, she also used Holy Healing on her right wrist, and said with emotion: “I didn’t expect that this fruit could really increase spiritual power. I can now perform Holy Healing using less time. After a few days when I’m familiar with my new spiritual power level, I’ll likely need even less time.”

When Anna finished speaking, she saw Catherine’s eyes were red, and she couldn’t help feeling a little helpless. Huh, why was she crying?

Anna hurriedly handed a handkerchief to Catherine. Catherine took it, wiping her tears gently and whispering, “I’m sorry.” She saw that Anna was almost forced by Lord Rothgarr, but now she was deliberately acting as if nothing had happened, so she couldn’t help feeling sorry for Anna.

Although she didn’t know what Catherine was “sorry” about now, Anna still replied: “It’s okay. If you’re sad, just cry. Tears will take away your sadness.”

Catherine stared blankly at Anna. In the next moment, she cried even more fiercely.

Before, her eyes were only slightly red, but now, it was raining tears.

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Anna was stunned. She moved over and hugged Catherine in her arms, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, “It’s okay, just cry it out.”

Catherine wrapped her arms around Anna’s waist and sobbed for a while before whispering, “My sister also used to say the same thing… She said, when you are sad, just cry it out. I miss my sister.”

Anna sighed in her heart and hugged Catherine, comforting her gently.

She remembered the rumors she had heard, which was that the eldest daughter of the Viscount York family had long since passed away. Catherine must have had a good relationship with her sister.

She also missed Adele and the others… Now she had almost the strength of a three-star mage. If she went back to Blue Stone City, she didn’t need to be afraid anymore. She could even take her family to Black Cloud City. She was a mage and was about to be made a baron, and they would live better with her.

She just didn’t know what had happened to Magnolia’s family, and whether her disappearance would lead to her being charged with a crime… She really wanted to go back to Black Cloud City to see.

Catherine finally stopped sobbing, let go of Anna and said embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, I’ve lost my manners.”

Her eyes were a little swollen and her cheeks were slightly tinted red, looking pitiful.

“No worries, everyone has a time where they lose control of their emotions.” Anna smiled.

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Catherine nodded, and under Anna’s gaze, she wet her fingers with tea and wrote something on the bedside table.

Anna was a little puzzled, but she didn’t make a sound. She just looked at the words Catherine was writing on the bedside table.

Catherine wrote and said, “By the way, Anna, I almost forgot to tell you that Rabbit’s ears are very sensitive; as long as you call her in this castle, she can come over immediately. ”

Anna frowned slightly, Catherine was explaining why she was writing and not speaking.

She looked at the words Catherine was writing and said, “Understood, I will call her in the future when I need her.”

Catherine wrote: Do you want to run away?

Anna was taken aback and looked at Catherine, who was also looking at her nervously.

She nodded heavily.

How could she not want to run away? She wasn’t from here; she still had family and friends she wanted to see. Even if Rothgarr didn’t show any killing intent to her at the moment, the feeling of being played with in the hands of others was really uncomfortable.

Catherine continued to write with water: I want to, too.

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