Plan (2)

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Anna was startled when she saw what she had written. She recalled the intimacy between Balan and Catherine that they showed in front of her. Balan was very fond of Catherine, while Catherine was shy and sweet.

She had thought that Catherine was immersed in this interracial relationship with Balan, after all, they were getting married in around twenty days.

“Speaking of which, the Demon Realm is always dark, and I prefer sunshine.” Anna said, and read the words that Catherine continued to write: Let’s run away together!

Catherine said as she wrote, “Indeed. But there are sun and night stars that indicate the boundary between day and night. If you look closely, you will find that the sky after the sun rises will be slightly brighter than the sky after the night star rises.”

Anna also wrote in water: Why? I thought you had a good relationship with Balan.

After Catherine read Anna’s words, her expression suddenly became a little lonely. She wrote: Because Balan doesn’t really love me. He only covets my young body; him marrying me is just coaxing me. A demon’s lifespan is so long; in ten years…maybe five years, he will definitely dislike my aged body and fall in love with other women. I would rather marry an ordinary man and happily live out a simple, short life.

While writing, Catherine was also talking: “Actually, many places in the Demon Realm have beautiful scenery. Balan has taken me to many places before. When you see them, you will be amazed. For example…”

Catherine wrote a long sentence, and Anna fell silent after reading it.

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She remembered when she tried to provoke Rothgarr by saying that he was in love with her. He had said that demons didn’t fall in love with humans. Seeing how close Balan and Catherine were, she didn’t really take Rothgarr’s assertion to heart.

But now she did agree with Rothgarr a bit. Their lifespans were not equal, Catherine’s life was too short for Balan; it was difficult to say how much impact it could have on Balan.

Anna was the kind of person who would not persuade them to separate or make up. They could make their own decisions.

At this moment, she saw that Catherine was thinking of running away, which meant she had an ally to plan their escape together. Of course, she would like for Catherine to run away with her.

Catherine had lived here for several months. She could be regarded as half a local. At least on the surface, she had a very good relationship with Balan. Catherine could do much more than she, a newcomer, could, who had only been here for a day or two.

Anna did not comment on Catherine and Balan’s relationship, but wrote: So is there a way to leave the Demon Realm?

Catherine replied to her: There is a portal under the castle, which can send us to the Human Realm when activated. But creating the portal requires a special crystal stone and the mental power of at least a three star mage.

Anna’s heart trembled slightly, and she finally understood the reason why Catherine proposed her escape idea.

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She and Catherine had only known each other for two days; they were basically strangers. It seemed that Rothgarr’s behavior of forcing her to touch his horn just now was misunderstood by Catherine. Catherine thought that Anna had a very strong desire to run away- although the speculation process was wrong, her conclusion was correct – and she was now a three-star mage, which satisfied one of the conditions for creating the portal; this was why Catherine approached her.

Anna replied to her: My mental power will be fine after a few days of practice. Where can the crystal stone be obtained from?

Catherine wrote: Balan hides it in his treasure trove. I can take the opportunity to grab it when he’s drunk. There’s a kind of wine that will get even a demon drunk for hours on end.

Seeing that Catherine spoke in a well-organized manner, Anna knew that Catherine must have started to think about escaping long ago.

But she still had many questions.

Anna wrote: Can the portal be used immediately after activating it?

Catherine replied: Yes.

Anna paused. This meant that even if they successfully activated the portal and ran away, Balan and Rothgarr still had a chance to catch up. It wasn’t enough to get Balan drunk; Rothgarr had to be drunk as well.

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She saw Catherine continue to write: But we have a few hours, which can get us far enough away. The Human Realm is so big, they can’t find us.

Anna hesitated for a moment, then wrote: What about our family? I don’t think they will give up after being tricked by us. We may not have time to take our family with us.

Catherine seemed to think about it before saying: Then increase the amount of alcohol and let them stay drunk for a day or two. I can persuade Balan to drink, but you have to persuade Lord Rothgarr.

Anna looked at Catherine’s words and was silent for a while.

In fact, there was a more “once and for all” kind of way, that is, to kill them all while they were still drunk. But Catherine didn’t mention it, presumably because she still had feelings for Balan.

She thought about it, and came to the conclusion that she probably wouldn’t be able to kill Rothgarr. He did have murderous intentions for her at first, but in fact, some of the things he did later also helped her a lot. What’s more, she was an ordinary person from a society ruled by law, and she really couldn’t find it in her to kill someone.

So Anna pretended to be unable to think of another way. She wrote: I see, I will try to gain Rothgarr’s trust these days.

Catherine replied: It will be my birthday in seven days. Balan will likely invite Lord Rothgarr, so let’s do it on that day.

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The two talked about insignificant things, while communicating their escape plan through writing, and went over a lot of details.

After almost everything was finalized, Anna asked in a low voice, “Catherine, I went out with Rothgarr yesterday and came back with this kind of fruit. But I don’t know what happened, and I have no memory at all. Do you know anything?”

Catherine recalled yesterday’s images, and couldn’t help blushing slightly. She whispered, “You looked to have been stung by a green beetle. The poison of that kind of thing can cause hallucinations.”

Anna thought of the little dot on her right ankle. Her memory had indeed been cut off after that

Seeing that Catherine seemed a little hesitant to say anything, she asked, “Catherine, if there’s anything else, just say it, I can bear it.”

Hope she wasn’t brought back holding Rothgarr’s horns… what difference would this be between being a hooligan in public!

Catherine lowered her head and whispered, “You were brought back by Lord Rothgarr. At that time… your skirt was torn, and there were… red tie marks on your body.”

Anna’s expression was a little ugly. Although she was pretty sure she didn’t do anything in the wild with Rothgarr, it was hard for her not to think about some discordant images when she heard Catherine’s description.

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