Plan (3)

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Maybe they didn’t go all the way, but what about some frisky behavior? Did she actually touch Rothgarr’s horn when she was hallucinating? So he ripped her skirt to pieces?

It was really upsetting to have no memory! She now had a deep sense of how the poor souls who had been possessed by Rothgarr felt after regaining ownership of their bodies.

When Anna was sulking, Catherine grabbed her hand and wrote on her palm: Anna, it doesn’t matter, as long as our soul is clean, the body is actually irrelevant.

Anna was stunned, she did not expect Catherine to have such a realization.

Indeed, even if something really happened, what could she do about it?

But wouldn’t it be nice if she could have avoided it before it all happened?

Knowing that Catherine was comforting herself, Anna nodded, indicating that she understood.

At this moment, Anna’s door was pushed open again, and Balan appeared at the door.

Balan went straight to hug Catherine and complained, dissatisfied, “Catherine, why do you always run to Anna? I’m getting jealous.”

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Catherine blushed and said, “I–I’m not… Didn’t Lord Rothgarr say that he wanted me to take good care of Anna?”

Balan raised a finger to Catherine’s lips. He shook his head and said, “Don’t mention Roth. He’s my friend, but if you keep mentioning him, I will be unhappy.”

He lowered his head and murmured, “Only my name can come out of Catherine’s mouth.”

Anna: “…”

Showing affection was okay, don’t do it in front of her! What’s more, she also knew that Catherine wanted to run away. For Balan, it was one-sided, which made Anna feel really awkward watching this scene.

Catherine shamefully hid herself in Balan’s arms. Balan glanced at Anna, and suddenly smiled maliciously: “Anna, Roth is a thousand-year-old virgin, you should be honored to be his first woman. ”

Anna wanted to roll her eyes very much, saying “the first woman”… What was he doing, treating her like a tongfang* maid?

[T/N: A tongfang maid refers to a maid that accompanies the legal wife over when she marries; this maid acts as a servant, but also a concubine.]

“Does he know that you speak ill of him behind his back?” Anna asked calmly.

Balan was stunned for a moment and laughed: “What I said is the truth!” He suddenly looked at Anna with a low smile, his eyes full of warning, “Roth is a newbie in love, don’t hurt him… Otherwise, you can feel free to imagine what will happen to you.”

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Anna’s desire to complain could not be suppressed.

What could she do to hurt Rothgarr? Seduce him first and then dump him?

…Well, it seemed that according to her and Catherine’s plan, there was indeed such a step.

But the problem is, demons wouldn’t fall in love with humans. At most, he would feel that being tricked and played with would hurt his self-esteem, but not his feelings. After she successfully escaped and Rothgarr was unable to find her, he wouldn’t keep looking for her. There were countless more women that could be his, “first woman”.

Anna didn’t answer, and Balan didn’t need Anna’s response; he carried Catherine away.

Anna picked up the colorful fruit on the bedside table and bit into it.

It was definitely not suitable to blatantly seduce him, though not because she was afraid of Balan’s warning. She and Catherine were already planning on escaping, so what were they afraid of? It was just that if her performance was too contrasting with her usual behavior, it would easily arouse Rothgarr’s vigilance. Moreover, she was afraid that she would actually seduce him to bed, that is,be the mute who ate bitter herbs, unable to express how she truly felt.

To get closer to Rothgarr naturally to the point where he wouldn’t be suspicious if she gave him something to drink, perhaps she had to start from his horns.

Anna covered her face, was she really going to be a hooligan while sober?

After who knows how long, Anna woke up from meditation and found Rothgarr standing beside the bed. She was startled and blurted out, “Do you still want me to touch your horns?”

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Her tone sounded a little frightened, but in fact she asked him this deliberately to provoke him.

Rothgarr sat down on the edge of the bed and sneered: “I’m going to set you right, this is to restore your memory. You should have seen what you looked like when you were pestering me and touching my horns.”

Anna: “…”

With Catherine’s addition, she could fully imagine how inappropriate it was.

She sighed and said, “Okay, I do want to know what my lost memories were.”

With that, she sat up on her knees, holding Rothgarr’s horns in her hands.

Anna refused to touch them before, so Rothgarr didn’t expect her to touch it this time. Before he could react, he experienced the feelings from yesterday all over again.

And Anna thought Rothgarr was just talking casually, but when she touched his horn, a memory flashed back in her mind.

She saw that she was bravely fighting a demonic creature, tore her skirt to protect herself, and fought with the demonic creature in close quarters. She took the opportunity to seize the two horns on the top of the demonic creature’s head, making it powerless to resist, and then fled into the woods and killed one demonic creature after another. Finally, she was caught by a spider-like demonic creature, tied and hung, and then she lost consciousness.

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Of course now she knew that at least the very first demonic creature was actually Rothgarr.

The whole clip of memory was too amazing, especially the binding style near the end, that seemed to only appear in some special niche groups. It made her sense of shame reach its peak.

When Anna finally regained her senses, she realized that she must have been the horns for a long time.

She quickly let go, but saw that Rothgarr’s bright red eyes looked a little strange. Even the whites of his eyes were smudged with a hint of red.

As soon as she released her hand, Rothgarr grabbed it.

He looked at her blankly, his eyes flushed and his hands hot.

She suddenly had an ominous premonition. Did she go overboard?!

Anna wanted to withdraw her hand, but Rothgarr suddenly increased his strength. It felt like her hand was stuck by a machine; there was no hope of escape.

She swallowed nervously and deliberately said, “Rothgarr, you’re right, I recall everything now, thank…”

Before she could say thank you, a burning hot arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her over in an instant!

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