Kiss (2)

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Anna directly used the Holy Healing Technique on her lips, and after a while her lips were as good as before, and there was no pain at all. She couldn’t help suspecting that Rothgarr was so rough because he knew she had Holy Healing.

Anna leaned against the head of the bed, her fast beating heart slowly becoming steady.

She felt that the situation did not look so good; things had already deviated from her original plan.

At first she didn’t know that Rothgarr’s reaction to being held by the horn would be so big. In her memory when she touched his horn, his reaction was not that big.

Nevermind that; he obviously looked down on humans, so why was he interested in her?

Because of her, he had one failure after another and almost failed to complete the bet, so he held a grudge against her and was playing with her to achieve the purpose of revenge?

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But Balan said that Rothgarr was a thousand-year-old virgin. Was he really capable of giving up his virginity for the sake of revenge?

But he kissed her for half an hour just now, and very deeply, too. This was the strange point.

Anna was thinking about Rothgarr’s purpose, and suddenly an idea came to her.

Could it be that Rothgarr actually liked her a little bit, the kind of like that eventually led to love, and that was why he did these seemingly unreasonable things?

Anna’s heart beat a little faster, but then she pressed this possibility back to the deepest part of her heart.

There was no need to consider this kind of conclusion at all. Just take a look at Catherine’s case.

Only short-lived pleasure could exist between humans and demons. Rothgarr might be thinking this, as Balan had said when he warned her.

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Catherine said Balan didn’t really love her. So whether it was Balan’s doting or marrying her, it was all to maximize the effect of this short-lived pleasure. If Balan made Catherine think that he really loved her, then she would be willing to respond to him with all her heart and love him. Whether it was physical or mental, he could get the greatest satisfaction.

Anna couldn’t help but think, Balan was probably playing the role of a teacher to Rothgarr, while the latter was the student. She just happened to be there. Since she was already brought over to the Demon Realm, and Rothgarr happened to not hate her, a hands-on learning experience was very suitable.

As for Rothgarr’s lack of sweet words to her like Balan says to Catherine, it was due to his character. He was not Balan after all. She knew that he was arrogant and bad-tempered, so it was impossible for him to say sweet words.

But if she wasn’t vigilant enough, even if he didn’t say anything sweet, she might indeed misunderstand that he liked her.

Anna’s heartbeat completely calmed down. If he wanted to play, let’s see who would end up playing who.

In seven days, she could escape this hell of a place.

Anna shouted after a short rest, “Rabbit.”

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After a while, the door opened, and Rabbit, who was slightly out of breath, came into the room.

Anna felt that this was really fascinating. She couldn’t help but take a secret look at Rabbit’s ears. Of course, she didn’t make it too obvious. She coughed: “Can you show me around this castle?”

Even if she wasn’t as familiar with Balan’s castle as Catherine was, she wanted to at least know a thing or two.

Rabbit nodded slightly and turned to lead the way.

Anna followed behind her like she was following a tour guide, keeping the terrain in mind. Because Rabbit couldn’t speak, she didn’t know what some rooms were for, so she could only see for herself. But she was worried about knocking over and breaking something expensive or valuable, so she didn’t dare to open the door to see in.

The castle had a total of four floors, plus the underground part; that was five floors in total. She lived on the fourth floor currently, and at the end of the corridor was a very large terrace. She remembered Rothgarr flying her directly out from here before.

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There were only a few servants on the fourth floor, and under the guidance of Rabbit, Anna saw one. The servant was a humanoid, with lizard eyes and tail. According to the body figure, the servant was likely a female.

There were more people, or rather, creatures, in the lower floors. However, everyone likely knew about Anna, as these humanoid creatures did not pay her any special attention when they saw her.

There was a large banquet hall on the first floor, which was decorated with splendor and extravagance. Anna imagined scenes of Balan with other women here before Catherine came into the picture, and couldn’t help pursing her lips.

Perhaps in Balan’s expectation, after “experiencing” her, Rothgarr would also become one of them.

Anna was stopped by Rabbit when she wanted to go down to the basement. Rabbit just shook her head and said that she couldn’t go. Anna said she was curious and looked at Rabbit, who refused to agree. She could only follow Rabbit back to her room.

After looking around, Anna found a library on the fifth floor, but there were very few books in it, probably less than fifty books. She looked through and found that almost all of them used the common language of the Human Realm that she knew, not the demon language Rothgarr had taught her.

In regards to demon language, Anna thought it was very strange. According to her and Catherine’s random chit-chat when they were secretly passing written messages to each other, she learned that among the Demon Realm, there were only five individuals of the demon race, that is, the five Grand Dukes of The Abyss. They were those that climbed out of The Abyss, and demon language appeared to be the language they were born speaking.

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