Kiss (3)

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The common language of the Demon Realm was actually the same as the Human Realm, but because of the long-term separation, the meaning of some words had shifted.

Five people sharing one language, Anna felt that was an extremely luxurious thing.

However, Anna only stayed in the library for a while, and left after glancing at the types of books.

Balan probably didn’t need to cultivate to improve, so these books were mostly stories and fables. What shocked her most was that there were more than ten books that were actually advanced versions of “physiological educational textbooks”. In addition to human beings, there were also books on half human half animal. The pictures in them were not in the freehand style of ancient asian style; they were all realistically drawn.

In fact, when she was in modern times, she would not be embarrassed to look at these pictures alone. After all, it was human nature, but because of the presence of Rabbit, who she was not familiar with, she automatically became more embarrassed, and set the book down after recognizing what it was about.

Anna went back to her room. She had just wanted to thank Rabbit, but the latter walked away after bowing her head and saluting.

Before, Catherine communicated with her through writing to prevent Rabbit from hearing, but if Rabbit couldn’t speak, was there no need to defend against her?

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After thinking about it, Anna still thought that she should be cautious. Who knew if Balan was very insidious and purposefully had Rabbit pretend to be mute?

When Anna pushed the door and walked into her room, she suddenly understood why Rabbit was walking so fast – Rabbit must have heard that someone else was in the room.

Hearing Anna opening the door, Rothgarr turned to look at her and frowned, “Where have you been?”

“Just walking around.” Anna replied nonchalantly. She walked to the closet, opened the door, and pretended to look at the new dresses inside. In truth, she just didn’t want to face Rothgarr.

Rothgarr’s question came from behind: “It’s the migration season of flamingos, do you want to see it?”

Anna paused and turned to ask him, “Will I be stung by green beetles again?”

Rather than stay in a dangerous room with Rothgarr, she would of course prefer to go outside. Plus, flamingos! She didn’t expect the Demon Realm to have flamingos; she wanted to see them.

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As soon as she finished speaking, Rothgarr threw a jar of something, a paste.

“Apply insect repellent.”

Anna picked it up and looked at it. It was lavender, light in color, and the paste was like jelly. It smelled like a fragrance. She tried digging some out and applying it to the back of her hand, but there was no color after applying it.

She sat down in a chair and began to apply the paste to her exposed skin.

She thought about how she used to wear sunscreen before going out. It was half a year since she came to this world; the past really felt like a lifetime ago.

Rothgarr watched as Anna smeared the paste on her body. Seeing her spreading the paste with her slender fingers, he remembered that not long ago, those hands were clasping his horns. Seeing her spread the paste evenly on her face, he thought of the softness and smoothness that his lips felt when he kissed her face. Seeing that she had finished applying the paste and stood up to adjust the skirt, he thought of the fair and smooth skin that was revealed after she tore her skirt…

He let out a slow breath, even thinking about not going out.

But seeing that Anna was standing in front of him with great interest, he had no choice but to walk in front and have Anna follow.

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The two walked to the terrace. Rothgarr spread his wings, and Anna took the initiative to hug him.

Rothgarr paused in his movements. A smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He hugged Anna tightly, and flew into the sky suddenly.

Rothgarr flew with Anna for about ten minutes before stopping at the top of a cliff.

Anna held Rothgarr’s hand and looked below the cliff. Even with the faint light, nothing further could be seen. She felt like the cliff was bottomless.

The Demon Realm was indeed slightly brighter during the day than at night, but still quite dim. There were all kinds of cooing and chirping sounds around, and she didn’t know what was hiding in the dark. Anna recalled the tragic experiences of being bitten by a green beetle before and being tied up by a spider-like demonic creature, and she took Rothgarr’s hand, standing close to him.

“It’s so dark, can we really see the flamingos?”

Rothgarr felt the softness of Anna’s body against his. The corners of his mouth raised happily. He lowered his head to her ear and said, “Listen.”

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Anna quieted down. She heard some sounds different from the chirping of insects and birds around her. It was an organized sound that seemed to have been trained, like the sound of wings flapping the air.

Then, she saw that the rift ahead seemed to have light.

In a few seconds, she knew it wasn’t an illusion, the rift was glowing… No, it wasn’t the rift that was glowing, but something else, rising from the bottom of the rift. The light became brighter and higher, and suddenly a group of flames flew out of the rift valley. What followed was a clear whistling sound as they shot straight to the sky.

Anna looked up at this scene in amazement. It appeared that the flamingos of the Demon Realm were really flaming birds*!

[T/N: the word for flamingoes in Chinese can be broken down to mean “flaming” “bird”.]

A steady stream of burning flames rushed out of the rift, like little suns crossing the horizon. They flew high in the sky, so high that they became invisible in the distance.

Anna stared at the scene in front of her, fascinated. The reflected flames danced in her pupils. She was even reluctant to blink, and in her ears was the clear whistling sound the flamingos made when rising out of the rift.

Beside her, Rothgarr looked at her profile, captivated. The only figure in his eyes was her. He lowered his head and chuckled in her ear: “Flamingos will only burn once in their life.”

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