Escape (1)

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Flamingos only burn once in their lives.

Under the reflection of the firelights, surrounded by the clear whistling sounds, such a sentence suddenly sounded a little more romantic.

It was like a metaphor, foreshadowing some kind of future.

Anna was not a hipster in the past, but in such an atmosphere, it was inevitable that she had a slight change of heart.

She looked sideways at Rothgarr, his red eyes also burning like a fiery flame.

At this moment, she even felt that she could accept it if he were to kiss her.

But Rothgarr didn’t make a move. He raised an eyebrow. “The Demon Realm is more interesting than the Human Realm, isn’t it?”

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Anna, of course, still preferred the Human Realm. It was where she was from, after all. She said ambiguously, “This scene is indeed pretty. Why do flamingos burn?”

“To be able to reproduce,” Rothgarr said.

Rothgarr didn’t care that Anna tried to switch the topic, he took Anna’s hand, took her to the edge of the rift again, pointed to the figures climbing on the rift and said: “Those are female flamingos, and the burning ones heading toward the sky are all male flamingos. After all the male flamingos have been burned, these female flamingos will set off after them. The first to arrive can choose the most beautifully burnt male flamingo. ”

At this time, all the male flamingos had already soared into the sky, so almost as soon as Rothgarr finished speaking, the black figures all spread their wings and flew into the sky, rushing full speed towards the male flamingos that had already flown away. During the take-off, some female flamingos also pecked at each other.

Anna couldn’t help being in awe. The animal world was really interesting. Most of the good-looking ones were the males; the females, on the other hand, were quite plain looking.

Rothgarr was paying close attention to Anna. Seeing that she liked this very much, Rothgarr had an idea, and he said, “Tomorrow night, I will take you to see the reproduction of thunder pythons.”

Anna was startled. Reproduction of thunder pythons? No, wait, why would she want to watch them do their business? Wasn’t his ulterior motive too strong?

“This…isn’t necessary, is it?” Anna pretended to curiously look down the rift valley, and said casually.

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Rothgarr held Anna’s wrist tightly to keep her from falling. He frowned in confusion and said, “You don’t like watching this stuff?”

Rothgarr didn’t know what was interesting to see in the Demon Realm. He asked Balan, who told him about the flamingos and thunder pythons, and Balan confirmed that bringing Catherine to see these kind of things worked well, so he followed suit and brought Anna to see it, too.

He thought about it for a while, and then said, “If you don’t want to see thunder pythons… do you want to watch two groups of phoenixes fight endlessly for territory?”

Anna thought this sounded more normal, so she nodded and said, “I want to see it!”

The corner of Rothgarr’s mouth curled upwards. He tugged on her hands with a little force, and Anna fell into his arms. He held her and flew into the sky again.

After flying for about ten minutes, Rothgarr did not land, but hovered in mid-air instead.

Anna saw a hundred meters away, the kind of phoenix that only had bones that she had seen for the first time not too long ago. They were divided into two groups and clashed amongst each other. Their bones were making cracking sounds, and they seemed like they were weak, but the bones were actually held together rather firmly. None of the creatures fell apart after colliding together, like Anna had imagined.

After watching for a while, Anna found that these phoenixes had no “brains”, but they had certain wisdom. They also employed strategies when fighting. There were three phoenixes attacking one phoenix together. One phoenix distracted the other, while its companions did a sneak attack… etc. etc. other strategies. Anna couldn’t take her eyes off it.

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Perhaps it was because the phoenixes only had bones, so when it was killed, only its bones would fall on the ground. The scene was not bloody at all, so Anna didn’t feel uncomfortable. If they were replaced by demonic creatures with fleshly bodies fighting each other, she would definitely not be able to watch that kind of bloody scene.

The phoenixes quickly had a winner. One of the groups was completely defeated and was driven out of the area. The other group that won actually suffered heavy casualties, but they gained the right to live, so they danced strange dances to celebrate their victory.

Anna admired their dancing for a while, and asked out of curiosity, “Can they be tamed into mounts?”

Like a Phoenix Knight or something, it sounded a bit cool!

Rothgarr thought of the dozen or so phoenixes that had been kept in the ground at the back garden of Balan Castle as flying tools, and said with great certainty, “No.”

He held Anna’s arm tightly, not wanting this privilege to be taken away.

Hearing Rothgarr’s answer, Anna felt a little regretful and disappointed. The phoenix was ​​actually very big, and its wings could be up to three or four meters long. Riding a phoenix would be ​​similar to riding a dragon. What a pity.

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The phoenix clan war was over, and Rothgarr took Anna back to the castle.

From the moment she touched the ground, Anna noticed that Rothgarr was holding her hand and he didn’t let go until she reached the door of her room.

Anna stopped, looked sideways at Rothgarr and smiled: “Thank you for taking me to see these interesting sights today, I liked it very much.”

Anna let go of Rothgarr’s hand. She pushed the door open, turned back and said, “I’m going to rest, you also…”

Before she could finish her words, Rothgarr hugged her waist and kissed her. He carried her into the room, slammed the door shut, and pressed her against the wall to kiss her intently.

Unlike Balan, he didn’t like being watched.

Knowing that she couldn’t stop it, Anna didn’t make a meaningless effort to resist.

Of course it was also impossible for her to respond; she would not encourage Rothgarr in his actions.

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