Escape (3)

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Anna quickly glanced at her finger, but saw that the wound on it had healed. She felt the seedling that entered her body again, and had a weird feeling. She seemed to have become one with the seedling.

“Try to form the water element in your palm and summon it,” Rothgarr said.

Anna did as Rothgarr said, and saw a green seedling sprout out of her palm. It gradually grew, twisting as it did so, and finally turned into a finger-thick whip nearly two meters long, and she was acutely aware of every part of this green sprout whip.

She was looking at the whip with novelty, when she suddenly noticed that the scar on Rothgarr’s neck looked a bit like the kind you would get from a whip. She held the whip in her palm and placed it by his neck for comparison, and the wound matched well with the whip.

“This kind of thing is so powerful that it can even hurt you?” Anna was very surprised. If there really was such a powerful demonic creature, wouldn’t that mean…

Rothgarr said: “The mature form of a demonic creatures like the whip tree demon is not even a match for a two-star mage, but if you want to get its seedlings, you can’t attack it, you have to get the seedlings while it’s attacking, otherwise at the first attack of an outsider, the seedlings will wither rapidly.”

Anna was stunned. In order to find such a small toy for her, Rothgarr would willingly be beaten by a demonic creature with the strength of a two-star mage rather than fight back. Considering his character, this was pretty difficult for him.

——In order to win her “love” and unlock more levels, he really gave it his all.

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Anna withdrew the “whip” in her palm. She had Rothgarr sit down, and healed his wounds.

Rothgarr raised his eyebrows. Watching Anna’s focus on performing the Holy Healing Technique, he felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Before Anna could heal all his injuries, he couldn’t help but gently pull on her so that she fell onto his lap. He hugged her close and kissed her eagerly.

Rothgarr felt an indescribable emptiness these past two days.

Balan said that as the Grand Duke of The Abyss, he could do whatever he wanted, so he kissed Anna, and after finding that it felt good, he didn’t hold back any longer and kissed her whenever he wanted.

But these two days, he gradually felt dissatisfied.

Because Anna never reciprocated. She didn’t crave him like he craved her. No, you could say, she didn’t seem to take his kisses seriously, as if she didn’t understand what this meant.

Rothgarr was stunned.

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What did this mean?

Rothgarr remembered Balan’s mockery yesterday after learning he hadn’t slept with Ana, and what he said after that.

Catherine was sleeping at the time, and he and Balan were chatting on the balcony.

Balan sneered at him: “Just kiss her until she’s lost her senses and then you can take her to bed, I don’t know why you waited so long. Can you not get off?”

What answered Balan was naturally his signature black flame.

Balan shook his head and said seriously: “Roth, Anna is indeed charming, but if you give too much affection, you will be hurt by her. In terms of strength, you can crush her easily with one finger, but in terms of heart… you’re really not her opponent.”

He glanced at Balan and threw out a cold sentence: “Don’t underestimate me.”

Balan said: “It’s not that I look down on you, it’s this luck of yours… If you meet a girl like Catherine, I wouldn’t worry at all, but you met Anna. I just want to warn you, you can let her like you, fall in love with you, but you can’t fall in love with her.”

Rothgarr still vividly remembered how he responded—I’m not you, I won’t fall in love with a human.

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In regards to his deep yearning for kissing Anna, he didn’t think anything of it.

In regards to his irritation because Anna didn’t respond, he also didn’t think it was a big deal. He was the Grand Duke of The Abyss, shouldn’t she be responding with a greater passion as a woman he has grown desire for?

But Anna just didn’t, so it was normal for him to be upset about it.

Anna suddenly held Rothgarr’s hand, looking back at him.

Rothgarr didn’t move, his eyes were unusually red, and he said the words that were a bolt from the blue to Anna: “I want you.”

Anna’s expression changed slightly. After trying to get on her good side for seven days, the day when he cashed the check in finally came!

She pulled her hand out of Rothgarr’s, slowly leaned over and wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering in his ear, “Can we talk about it after tonight’s banquet?” During the banquet, she would run away with Catherine!

For the first time, Rothgarr felt like she was giving a response. His heart beat faster.

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Instead, the content of her response was secondary. Her gesture of responding to him swept away his irritability for the past few days.

So, he said nicely, “Okay.”

Then he just held her in his arms.

Anna relaxed. She didn’t let go of Rothgarr.

She actually hugged him even tighter, the heat she felt from him making her feel inexplicably reassured.

She knew this was wrong, but she would only succumb to it for a moment.

In the evening, Anna and Rothgarr came to the hall on the first floor of the castle and saw Balan and Catherine all dressed up.

Balan winked at Rothgarr and joked, “Roth, we haven’t had a drink together in a long time, you need to drink more for liquid courage.”

Rothgarr gave Balan a sidelong glance and sat Anna down along with him.

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