Escape (4)

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On the long table, Anna and Rothgarr were sitting on one side, while Balan and Catherine were sitting on the other side. The table was filled with all kinds of strange food. Anna, who had become immune to the appearance of these foods for the past few days, felt like she had a big appetite.

Catherine poured Balan a full glass. She looked at Balan shyly and tenderly. Balan laughed, and took the glass and drank it.

Seeing that Rothgarr didn’t seem like he was going to move, Anna leaned over and whispered, “Aren’t you going to drink?”

Rothgarr glanced at her and set his wine glass in front of her. Anna understood and poured a full glass for him, then looked at him expectantly.

Just now, when Balan drank with a gallant gulp, Anna had watched in amazement, and Rothgarr had caught her look. Now, Anna was looking at him with the same look, how could Rothgarr stand up to this kind of taunt? He tipped his head back and downed the wine from the glass.

Anna’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at him with amazement in her eyes.

Because of Anna’s previous response, Rothgarr was in a good mood now. Anna poured him a drink and smiled softly at him. He lifted the glass and drank it all.

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On Balan’s side, it has developed to the point where Balan had Catherine drink from the glass, while he drank from her mouth.

Balan drank more and more. He put his arms around Katherine, placed his chin on top of her head, looked at Rothgarr drunkenly and said, “Roth, just, just tonight, let Anna have a taste of your power… or I will really think you can’t get off!”

Before he could finish speaking, Catherine silently handed him a glass of wine, he didn’t even look at it before taking it and downing it all.

Rothgarr was also becoming intoxicated due to Anna constantly refilling his glass, but he didn’t sway like Balan, he just threw the wine glass at Balan when he heard what he said.

Balan was quite drunk. The glass smacked directly on his forehead, and his fury shot up through the roof in an instant. He lunged

across the table and pounced on Rothgarr, knocking both of them off the chair. The two of them rolled off like a ball.

Anna and Catherine were both stunned, this is not the same as what they expected!

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But when the two of them looked again, they saw the two demons suddenly stop moving. As they approached slowly, they saw that they were breathing steadily with their eyes closed, and they were sound asleep.

Anna and Catherine looked at each other, and the two immediately ran out of the banquet hall to the basement.

Balan’s treasure trove was in the basement. There was no one else in the castle except two drunk demons and two humans, so no one could stop them from going to the basement.

Catherine whispered: “I’ve been here before… The treasure trove is in front, and the teleportation portal is next to the treasure trove.”

Anna nodded. They supported each other as they walked over. She even used the Wind Gathering Technique to speed up the two of them. In addition to escaping from here, they also had to find their family members, so every second was precious.

When they got to the treasure trove, Catherine took out a key. Anna looked closely; it appeared to be carved from some kind of jeweled stone. Sure enough, after the key was inserted into the door, the whole door shone slightly, and then the door opened with a click.

Catherine ran straight in, looked around, ran to a shelf, opened one of the wooden boxes, grabbed a handful of jeweled stones, and ran out.

Anna took a quick glance and saw that the treasure house was full of good things, but she didn’t want to “rob the owner while his house was on fire”. After Catherine came out, she closed the door of the treasure house, and the two scurried to the teleportation portal .

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Anna found that the teleportation portal was a circle with a diameter of nearly two meters, consisting of a very complicated spell circuit. She was a little concerned, feeling that she might not be able to activate such a teleportation portal with her skill level.

Catherine quickly placed the stones on some parts of the spell circuit. She then returned to Anna and said, “You can start now!”

Anna frowned: “Catherine, are you a mage too?” Catherine seemed to understand the spell circuit of this teleportation array very well.

Catherine paused for a moment, then shook her head and said, “No, I just saw Balan place them like this before.”

Anna still had doubts in her heart, but she couldn’t allow herself to think too much at the moment. She could only put her hands on the ground and use her mental power to form the appearance of this teleportation portal.

Since Catherine said that the power of a three-star Mage was enough…

But just as Anna started to form the spell circuit, she felt a little powerless. Her mental power was indeed sufficient, but such a complex spell circuit was beyond her ability.

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Anna looked at Catherine and wanted to ask Catherine how Balan had formed the portal, but saw Catherine looking behind her in horror.

Anna’s back broke out in a cold sweat. How could it be?

She turned around slowly, and saw Rothgarr and Balan walking in slowly. Balan’s face was full of disbelief, and Rothgarr’s expression was cold.

One of them looked at Catherine and the other at Anna, causing the two to break out in cold sweat.

What was going on? Why did they wake up so soon?

Anna’s intuition was that something had gone wrong on Catherine’s end, with the wine, or… did Balan and Rothgarr actually know about their escape plan a long time ago?

Anna looked at Rothgarr’s frosty eyes and her heart sank.

She thought, smash a pot to pieces because it is cracked; she would fight to the end if it came to that in a while.

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