Escape (5)

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“Catherine, why are you doing this to me?” Balan approached Catherine step by step, puzzled, confused, shocked and in pain.

Catherine looked at Balan, shook her head and stepped back, tears streaming down her face.

“You don’t love me at all, why can’t you let me go?” She suppressed her grief and asked in pain.

Balan retorted, “I’m going to marry you, Catherine!”

Catherine looked at Balan with tears in her eyes: “So what? Can I be with you for ten years? Twenty years? When I grow old, will you still love me? You never thought about staying with me for a long time. All you want is my youthful body…you don’t love me at all!”

Balan pursed his lips and was silent for a while before saying, “But Catherine, I told you, I can’t make a soul contract with you, the curse of The Abyss will kill you.”

“No, that’s just your excuse for not loving me,” Catherine shouted, choked up, “I believe true love conquers everything! The curse of The Abyss won’t kill me!”

“Catherine…” Balan stepped forward and hugged Catherine.

Catherine struggled violently against him, even though to Balan, it was nothing.

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She cried: “If you don’t love me, let me go… I’d rather find an ordinary man who loves me and spend a simple life with him, than be with someone who doesn’t love me!”

Balan hugged Catherine tightly, refusing to let her go. His brows were furrowed, even his jaw was clenched.

He never knew that Catherine thought this way!


“But Catherine, you underestimate the curse of The Abyss…” Before Balan could finish speaking, Catherine covered his mouth.

Catherine looked up at him, her eyes full of tears, but also determination: “I believe the love between us can conquer all. If you love me, don’t care about The Abyss curse. If you don’t love me, then let me go!”

Balan immediately shook his head: “I won’t let you go.”

Catherine couldn’t help crying again.

Balan hugged Catherine tightly. Listening to her sorrowful cries, his facial expression changed rapidly, and finally he said, “Okay, on our wedding day, we will sign a soul contract.”

Catherine looked up in surprise: “Really?”

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Since he had made up his mind, Balan nodded and said, “Baby, when did I ever lie to you? My love for you is real, you shouldn’t doubt it.”

Catherine blushed and looked at Balan with blurry eyes, and said in a daze, “I love you, Balan.”

Balan kissed Catherine suddenly.

Seeing that their movements were going to develop beyond what words could describe, Rothgarr grabbed Anna’s wrist and dragged her away from the basement.

Anna hadn’t said a word yet until now. She looked back at the teleportation portal and the scattered stones on the ground. After thinking about everything today, she suddenly understood.

She seemed to have been played.

Rothgarr, who was dragging Anna upstairs, was cold all over, with a gloomy face. He did not speak. Anna was forced to follow after him quickly, but she had the courage to ask him: “What is Balan’s curse of The Abyss?”

Rothgarr paused and looked back at her with a sneer: “Are you still in the mood to care about others?”

Anna smiled and said, “Let me know before I die!”

Rothgarr frowned. “Who said you were going to die?”

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Anna said: “I guessed it. Looking at your aggressive appearance, you want to take me back to the room and force yourself on me, right? Then I will definitely fight to the end. Once we start fighting, who can tell what will happen? I can’t beat you in a fight, but the possibility of me accidentally killing myself is still very high.”

Rothgarr held Anna by the wrist and pulled her in front of him, his blood-red eyes full of anger: “Are you threatening me?”

Anna smelled the alcohol on him, which made her feel uncomfortable. She shook her head and said, “No, I’m just stating a fact.”

Rothgarr sneered. He turned and continued upstairs.

Anna staggered due to his tugging on her, and as soon as she found her footing, she heard Rothgarr say, “There are a lot of seduction potions in Balan’s castle that are stronger than the one you made by accident. Would you like to try them?”

Anna was silent for a while before she said, “What the hell is Balan’s curse of The Abyss?”

Rothgarr looked back at Anna in disbelief, how could she be so persistent in asking this at such a time?

“Just tell me, I’m too curious.” Anna was still smiling.

Rothgarr looked at Anna blankly, and suddenly smiled: “Okay, I’ll tell you if you want to know. The curse of Balan’s The Abyss is that if the person who signs the soul contract with him is his true love, the soul contract will fail, and she will be stripped of all her vitality in an instant.”

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“What is a soul contract?” she asked again.

Rothgarr didn’t dodge the question: “Demons can sign a soul contract with others and share their lifespan.”

Anna was stunned for a while, then couldn’t help but laugh.

It turned out that Catherine planned everything today to force Balan to agree to sign a soul contract with her, all because she wanted a longer lifespan.

As for Balan’s curse of The Abyss, it was really interesting. If it was not his true love, he would not sign a soul contract with someone, but if it was his true love, she would die as soon as the soul contract was signed. In other words, if Balan really fell in love with someone, he could only be with her for a few decades.

Anna remembered that Catherine said that she felt that Balan didn’t really love her. This may be Catherine’s real thoughts, which was why she wanted to force Balan to agree to sign a soul contract; she thought she would not die.

Rothgarr frowned. “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at poor Balan,” Anna said.

Rothgarr said indifferently: “What’s so pitiful about him? Since he promised Catherine, it means that he knows in his heart that he doesn’t love her.”

Anna didn’t refute this, she also felt that Balan didn’t love Catherine. His promise to her just now might just be to calm her down. He might go back on it on the wedding day, or he might kill Catherine when he gets tired of her.

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