During the Wedding (1)

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Anna had not seen Catherine since the day they failed to escape.

She guessed that Balan thought she had ruined his innocent and lovely Catherine, so he was separating Catherine from her, the bad friend/influence.

She was also wondering, did Balan find out that Catherine actually set up everything on purpose to get him to agree to sign the soul contract? Perhaps even if he found out, he wouldn’t care, anyway, Catherine couldn’t make much of a splash. So what if he played along with her?

Rothgarr disappeared, too. For Anna, she didn’t know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or be sad.

She actually didn’t understand why he disappeared.

Because she exposed his real motives, and he had no face to appear in front of her again? That was simply impossible.

Did her words scare Rothgarr away?

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Perhaps, he didn’t know how to answer her question, so he just left.

But why didn’t he know how to answer?

If he didn’t care at all, he could just give an answer casually, right? But he didn’t, and ran away without saying a word.

Anna couldn’t help but think, maybe it was because he was also uncertain about this issue in his heart.

In other words, he actually liked her that much in his heart? Not the kind of like where he just wanted her body, but a pure like.

This reasoning was too sweet, but it was hard for her to come up with another reason.

Anna didn’t go find Rothgarr to confirm anything, some thoughts were better kept in her heart for now.

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Rabbit brought her food every day, and besides taking care of her bodily needs, she spent the rest of her time meditating.

She felt that the whip demon seedling that was integrated with her seemed to help her enter the state more easily when she meditated. She felt reassured that the whip demon seedling was not conscious, otherwise the thought of there being another consciousness in her body was scary.

In the process of meditating every day, Anna’s spiritual power became more and more refined. Although she did not cultivate her spiritual power from two stars to three stars, she was a pragmatist. As long as it was useful, she had no prejudice against the spiritual power she had received from the seedling.

The day before Balan and Catherine’s wedding arrived. Balan went to the Human Realm to bring Catherine’s family over and had them staying on the second floor.

Anna didn’t really want to see Hansen, so even though she wasn’t actually under house arrest, she didn’t go join the fun.

She hadn’t even been out of the room much these days.

She felt like she seldom had a day where she could meditate like this.

On the day of Balan and Catherine’s wedding, Anna dressed up a bit. She chose the best dress in the wardrobe, and straightened her long reddish brown hair, letting it fall freely behind her.

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She spent enough time hiding in her little nest, it was time for her to come out and face the cruel reality.

The wedding began at noon and would continue until late at night. Anna looked down the stairs from the landing where she was standing, and could see many human-like creatures of the Demon Realm bustling around transporting guests. Some could fly, and others were in charge of land “transportation”.

When she saw the “guests” who came riding on a phoenix, her eyes bulged.

She remembered that Rothgarr had told her that phoenixes could not be tamed into mounts…he had lied to her about such a trivial matter!

When Anna followed Rabbit out of the room, her face was not very good.

On the first floor, Anna saw more and more people, all of whom were strangers. Many of them gave her strange stares. After all, humans were rarely seen in the Demon Realm. They didn’t have the ability of Grand Dukes of The Abyss to go to the Human Realm at will, so when they see a legendary human being, how could they not take a second look?

Anna was led by Rabbit to the ceremony hall. She saw Rothgarr at first glance, then walked over and stood beside him.

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Rothgarr didn’t seem to see her, and his expression was always cold, as if everything and everyone was beneath him. But after Anna stood beside him, he didn’t back away or make her move.

Anna stood silently beside him.

There were not many people in this hall. Anna glanced around. Except for a few humanoid creatures who looked like they were powerful and high status, only the York family was there.

The York family was a big family. Of course not everyone came. The only people present were a middle-aged man and Hansen. Anna guessed that person was Viscount York. After all, he was Catherine’s father. How could he not come to his own daughter’s wedding?

Noticing Anna, Hansen was very surprised. He wanted to come over and ask, but Anna was standing next to a demon with a recognizable appearance. How would he dare to come over?

Rothgarr couldn’t help but glance at Anna who was beside him. Seeing that she was looking at the opposite side, he followed her line of sight.

Seeing it was Hansen, Rothgarr’s hands couldn’t help feeling itchy. On the day he left the Human Realm, in order to find Anna, he beat up Hansen hard. Of course, when he found Anna, he threw Hansen to the side and had no time to care about him.

He really did not expect that Catherine’s family was actually the York family. Now he had more reason to hate Catherine. If it wasn’t for Catherine, Anna wouldn’t really make the move to escape.

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