During the Wedding (2)

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Rothgarr still didn’t know the answer to the last question Anna had asked him.

At that time, he tried to respond with what Balan said to him. Did the Archduke of The Abyss need to explain himself? He did what he wanted.

But when Anna looked up at him, her eyes were red, and her eyes were so fragile that he couldn’t say those words at all.

Was it possible for a demon to fall in love with a human?

Rothgarr had a drink with Balan yesterday. Alcohol was just a temporary method of intoxication for them, and it took only a few minutes for the effect to wear off. Balan had to drink non-stop if he wanted to get drunk.

And Balan really didn’t stop yesterday. He was used to always teaching Rothgarr what to do, but right now, he was the one who was very confused.

“I always thought I loved Catherine, but I’m a little unsure now.” Balan said in confusion, “If I love Catherine, she will die after signing the soul contract tomorrow. But I already promised her… ”

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Rothgarr was drinking with him; he didn’t drink often, but right now he was drinking glass after glass. If it were ten days ago, he would have no doubt that Balan was asking for trouble. He always felt that Balan’s so-called love for Catherine was just a momentary infatuation. After the freshness was over, there would be no more feelings of love.

But at this moment, Anna’s voice was constantly ringing in his mind. She was asking him, can demons fall in love with humans?

He looked at Balan, but there was no answer.

Balan suddenly looked up at Rothgarr and said with a smile, “Roth, why don’t you sign it for me? In the future, I’ll sign it with your true love for you.”

Rothgarr refused without hesitation: “No.”

“Hey, we’re good friends, Roth, you have to help me with this kind of life-and-death matter!” Balan originally mentioned it casually, but when Rothgarr refused, he got excited instead.

Without even looking at Balan, Rothgarr retorted, “Would you let me kiss Catherine deeply for five minutes?”

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Even if Balan allowed it, he could never kiss Catherine.

He downed the wine from the glass, suppressing the thirst that rose from the depths of his throat. He started to miss Anna’s lips again. She was only next door. As long as he took those few steps, he could taste her sweetness as recklessly as he did a few days ago, but when he heard the vague movement next door, he was reminded of her questioning him with red eyes, which made him unable to take that step, and he was full of irritability.

Balan sighed, of course he wasn’t willing.

For other women, he didn’t care how they were with other men while they were with him. Only with Catherine, he didn’t even want her to be seen by others too much.

He shouldn’t have promised Catherine that day, but he did. Maybe he wasn’t even sure of his love for Catherine.

The more Balan thought, the more irritable he got. He didn’t want to think about it any more. He drank another half a glass of wine and looked at Rothgarr drunkenly and teased: “The day they escaped, I ‘punished’ Catherine severely. How about you, Roth? Are you keeping Anna locked up these days?”

Balan was obsessed with doing important matters with Catherine that day. He only knew that Rothgarr took Anna away in anger, so what happened next was logical to him.

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Rothgarr poured himself a glass of wine in silence.

Seeing this, Balan sobered up a bit, and said in surprise, “You still haven’t done anything? The way you took Anna away that day, I thought she wouldn’t be able to get out of bed for three days.”

Rothgarr poured himself another glass of wine, looking cold. He didn’t refute Balan.

Balan put down the glass and looked at Rothgarr with a serious expression: “Roth, if you are reluctant to kill Anna, bring her back to the Human Realm.”

At the beginning, he had made a bet with Roth, mostly to see Roth’s liveliness. Even when he had met Anna later on, he didn’t change much. But now, he found that Anna’s influence on Roth was too great, and Anna was definitely not a pushover, she would play Roth to the point of him willingly giving everything for her, even if she didn’t love him.

“Don’t worry about my matters.” Rothgarr gave Balan a menacing look, “Take care of your woman, don’t let her affect Anna!”

When Balan heard Rothgarr saying something negative about Catherine, he was immediately angry. He frowned: “It’s Anna who’s leading Catherine astray! Before Anna came, Catherine was very good, but look what happened once Anna came. Of course it’s Anna’s fault! Catherine is the purest lamb, Anna is a cunning viper, you have to be clear about things!”

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Rothgarr thought, Anna was cunning, but her cunning was cute. Why did Balan call her a viper?

He threw the glass at Balan angrily.

The drinking this time eventually turned into a fist-fight. However, considering Balan’s wedding ceremony the next day, the two avoided each other’s faces when they fought.

Rothgarr glanced at Anna again. He wanted to take Anna in his arms and kiss her sweet lips, but his pride as the Grand Duke of The Abyss would not allow him to do so.

He didn’t want to think about the nasty question of whether demons would fall in love with humans, but Anna’s fragile appearance at that time always jumped out to stop him.

Maybe it was a good idea to kill Anna or send her back to the Human Realm, according to Balan. But…he couldn’t do it.

He seemed to understand somewhat at the time when he asked Leon to stay away from Anna, and when Leon answered “I can’t”, it was not that he could not, but that he was reluctant.

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