Reward and Punishment (3)

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Anna pushed Rothgarr, who had been reduced to a utility person, away. She walked over to the demonic creatures called spike pigs. They looked fierce from head to toe, but obedience and fear could be seen in their eyes.

“You all understand what I’m saying, don’t you?” Anna pointed to the pile of wood beside her and said, “I need you to transport all this wood to the castle. Don’t worry, you only need to transport it there.”

What surprised Anna was that these demonic creatures not only understood human language, but also had a very strong ability to cooperate. The length of the wood was slightly longer than their body length. They formed groups of two, placing the plank of wood horizontal on their backs. This way, the piece of wood would not fall off.

While these spike pigs were busy, Anna pulled Rothgarr aside and asked in a low voice, “Is their meat delicious?”

Rothgarr replied: “They’re awful to eat.”

Anna breathed a sigh of relief. Since they were not good to eat, there was no need for her to break her promise and kill or eat them…Plus, these demonic creatures were too big to be kept in “pig pens” made of ordinary wood.

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In a short while, the spike pigs had all finished placing the pieces of wood on their backs. Anna returned to their side, smiling kindly. She secured the wood to them with the twisted rope, and then directed them to follow her.

So, Rothgarr held Anna as they took to the sky, and these spike pigs followed on the ground, leaving a trail of smoke and dust.

Soon after arriving at the castle, Anna helped untie the ropes and had them stack the wood on the ground. But thinking about the amount of work to be done next, Anna came up with an idea on a whim. She picked up a piece of wood, inserted it into the soil, and used another piece of wood to hammer it firmly in place. She said to the spike pigs, “Like this, piece after piece at a distance from each other. Understand?”

These spike pigs looked at Anna. It could be seen that they were a little confused. If they could talk, they would probably say: We don’t even have hands, big sister!

Anna didn’t care what they were thinking. She set up a piece of wood at each of the four corners of the square area she had planned, and then set up a piece of wood at a certain distance from the edge of the first piece of wood as a standard for the distance between two pieces. Then, she said to these spike pigs: “You can start working, and I will let you go after it passes the inspection.”

Anna, the wicked capitalist, walked away after speaking. Under the ruthless supervision of the overseer Rothgarr, these spike pigs who had no hands began to work hard according to Anna’s requirements.

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After all, they were some intelligent demonic creatures. The spike pigs quickly found a way to cooperate. One pig dug a hole in the ground, then inserted a piece of wood into the hole. The other pig would stand on its hind legs, grabbing the top of the plank and using its body weight to push the wood plank into the ground. The first pig would push soil onto the other end of the plank to bury it, and continue to tamp the ground.

These spike pigs worked together, and the first step of making the fence was quickly completed. Anna then demonstrated adding two horizontal planks to the fence and tying them with ropes formed from twisted bark.

Later, with Anna’s “help”, the spike pigs learned to tie knots with their mouths, teeth and tongues.

Anna didn’t make a door for the pigsty. It was too troublesome. If she wanted to catch the animals raised in it, she would just use magic.

When the pigsty was completed, Anna let the spike pigs leave as promised before. She then pulled Rothgarr out the door again to find the big rat-like demonic creature.

Seeing the big rat-like demonic creature squeaking flatteringly, Anna asked directly, “Do you know which plants can be eaten, and which ones can be made into drinks by adding water? And they have to be easy to grow.”

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The big mouse immediately understood Anna’s words. It ran forward a few meters, turned around and moved its forelimbs at Anna, gesturing for her to come. Anna quickly followed.

The big mouse first showed Anna a pale-yellow plant that looked a bit like celery. It dug the ground to reveal the tuberous roots below.

“Is this edible?” Anna asked.

The big mouse nodded. It even dug out several more immediately, stacking them at Anna’s feet.

Then, it picked up one of the roots, dug a hole, threw the root in, buried it with soil, and looked at Anna again.

Anna understood what it meant: “You mean, take this root back and bury it in the soil and plant it, so that a new plant will grow?”

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The big mouse was very happy that Anna understood, and nodded repeatedly.

Anna was also very happy, and then followed the big rat to learn several more edible and drinkable plants. She collected seeds and rhizomes, and some mature and ready to eat plants.

There were too many things to take back, so Anna decided to make a container out of twigs. She also commanded Rothgarr to go the forest to catch some small, unintelligent, edible animals.

Rothgarr did not want to leave Anna here with a demonic creature. Anna waved to him. When he bent down and leaned toward her, she kissed him on the lips experiencedly, patted his shoulder and coaxed: “Go and come back quickly. ”

Rothgarr glared coldly at the big rat demonic creature, who consequently huddled into a ball and squeaked in fear. Only after Rothgarr stepped into the woods did it stretch out its limbs and relax.

Per the suggestion of the big mouse, Anna made a simple container out of the stem of a certain plant, covered the bottom with large leaves to prevent leakage, and put all the collected things in it.

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