Reward and Punishment (4)

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She had already started to miss the spike pigs that could help transport objects. Speaking of which, she had made two such “baskets.” Placed on the back of a spike pig, it would be well balanced. One spike pig could transport many things in just one trip.

She decided to catch two more and tame them tomorrow. Besides, she didn’t say that she would not catch them again after letting them go.

Which spike pig would be the lucky one?

Rothgarr returned soon after, and, as Anna wanted, all those that he caught were alive.

Anna saw that among the small animals that Rothgarr had caught, some looked like rabbits, some looked like chickens, and others looked like smaller versions of horses… Rothgarr tied them with ropes, and they were stiff and motionless, as if dead.

Anna touched one of the “small horses” and was relieved to find that it was still alive. They were likely frightened by the demon that was Rothgarr.

Afterwards, Rothgarr held Anna while carrying the small animals he had caught. Anna carried the baskets, and the two returned to the castle with their ‘packages’.

After arriving at the castle, Anna helped the small animals to settle and immediately went to the kitchen to divide the things collected today into two parts, one to be planted and the other to be eaten directly.

While Anna was busy with this, Rothgarr stood in the kitchen. Whenever she looked back, she could see that he was looking at her, and his expression was unrecognizable. The look in his eyes of repressed desire yet inferiority made her feel terrified every time she saw it.

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Just as Anna said Rothgarr’s name with the intention of telling him to step out if he had nothing to do, he immediately walked over and bent down slightly to look at her: “Master, I am at your disposal.”

Anna did not stand on ceremony with: “Go stand at the door.”

Rothgarr’s brows slightly raised, and Anna’s heart skipped a beat. Sometimes his expressions and movements were exactly the same as normal. Whenever that happened, she thought he recovered.

But she heard him ask in a low voice, “Did I make Master unhappy?”

Anna said, “Yes, so this is my punishment. Go stand. You can’t move until I say so.”

“Yes, Master.” Rothgarr obediently walked to the door and stood there, but he happened to be right at the door, and his eyes could still look straight at Anna.

“Go outside, where I can’t see.” Anna said.

Rothgarr didn’t move. There were complicated emotions in his blood-red eyes, and his tone was low and pitiful: “Master, I want to see you all the time… Please don’t treat me like that.”

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Anna: “…”

Anna could only continue to prepare her food and pretend that Rothgarr wasn’t there. She could wield the fire element, and it was easier this way to control the heat, so she used magic all throughout the food preparation process.

Just because Rothgarr kept staring at her, she couldn’t enjoy the food either. She hurried to fill her stomach, packed up and left the kitchen.

It was still day in the Demon Realm, and Anna went down to check out her new captive animals before heading back to the castle—and Rothgarr was inseparable from her during this time, of course.

“I want to go to the study and read a book,” Anna said tentatively to Rothgarr.

“Okay, Master.” Rothgarr stepped forward and looked at her expectantly. “If you’re tired, I can carry you over there.”

“…No need.” Anna turned around and left. As long as Rothgarr didn’t stop her from reading and cultivating, she would bear it!

Anna went into the study and picked up a book at random. It was a history book, talking about when the Vatican was first born. She flipped through it a little and put it down.

She didn’t have time to read this kind of history book now. What she wanted to read was books that could actually improve her strength, but the books here were organized too messily, so she could only slowly go through them.

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She also noticed that Rothgarr was leaning against the door during this time, still staring at her, but didn’t stop her from rummaging through any books.

Anna flipped through a dozen books before finally finding a book related to cultivation, but she quickly found out that it was the cultivation experience of a five-star mage. She was only a three-star mage, and still far from five-star, so the effect of reading this book would not be very good.

She hesitated for a moment, but decided to take a look at it first.

The books here were too disorganized, and she didn’t have the book list that Teacher Leon made for her. There was a high probability that the books in front of her were not suitable for her cultivation. She could only read them all and extract the information that may be useful from them.

After reading this book of cultivation experience, Anna was sleepy. She glanced out the window; the night star had already risen.

Looking at Rothgarr, he was still standing at the door in the same posture. She really admired his willpower.

Anna set down the book and said, “It’s time to rest.”

Seeing his eyes that lit up for a moment, Anna said vigilantly, “You must stay in your own room at night, and you are not allowed to come to my room, understand?”

Rothgarr looked at Anna fixedly, and said disappointedly, “Got it, Master.”

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Seeing that he agreed quite readily, Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

Going to the top floor, Anna watched the reluctant Rothgarr return to his room before entering her room and locking the door. Although she knew it was useless, it was better than nothing.

After washing herself and changing into pajamas, Anna, who had been busy all day, fell asleep within two minutes of lying on the bed.

Anna was woken up. Something was moving around her, but she didn’t know what. She was a little confused at first, but suddenly woke up at a certain moment and found someone holding her from behind.

“Rothgarr?” Anna exclaimed, her voice distorted.

The person behind him basically imprisoned her in his arms with his hands and feet. She heard him chuckle and say in her ear: “Master, although you gave an order, I couldn’t help but violate your order and enter your room. I even climbed into your bed…you can punish me any way you want.”

Rothgarr’s voice was deep and sexy in the night, making Anna’s ears go numb.

She found herself being held so tightly that she couldn’t break free. She was both anxious and angry at the same time.

Unexpectedly, he still made his way into her bed! If she was able to fight and win against him right now, she would definitely give him a beating!

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