Pushing Back the Bottom Line (1)

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Being woken up from a sound sleep was really not a pleasant experience, and Anna was very angry now.

And the one behind her was so shameless, which made her even more furious.

Was the curse of The Abyss all that? Just because the curse of The Abyss broke out, does that mean he can be all handsy?

Anna formed gold element in her palm, but Rothgarr seemed to have expected it. His warm palm slid down her arm and held her hands to prevent her attack.

Anna: “…” Being strong means you can do whatever you want.

Rothgarr said in Anna’s ear: “Master, the sun has not yet risen, you can sleep for a while longer. I am yours to punish when you wake up.”

Anna was trapped in Rothgarr’s arms and couldn’t break free, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. But how could she fall asleep under these circumstances?

Then she heard Rothgarr continue to say in her ear: “If the master can’t sleep, do you need me to do anything to help you fall asleep?”

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Anna was taken aback. What did he want to do!

She immediately said, “No, I sleep well.”

Since waking up, Rothgarr hadn’t done anything too indecent, so Anna had no choice but to believe that he wouldn’t do anything after she fell asleep.

She couldn’t stop him anyway.

She quickly went into a meditative state and fell asleep not long after.

The next time Anna woke up, the day star was already high up in the sky. Without a doubt, she was still in Rothgarr’s arms.

As soon as she woke up, Rothgarr noticed, and he whispered, “Master, did you sleep well?”

“I slept okay,” Anna replied while pushing him, “Get out of the way, I’m going to get up.”

Naturally, Rothgarr didn’t let Anna push him away, he just smiled: “Master, have you thought about how to punish me?”

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Anna paused in her movements.

She was stuck between a rock and a hard place; if she didn’t punish him, it would be condoning him to treat her like this, but if she were to punish him…..she couldn’t win in a fight against him.

“I have, get up first.” Anna said.

“Yes, Master.” Rothgarr lowered his head and kissed Anna’s lips as he spoke. He didn’t let go of her for a long time. Panting, he said, “I almost forgot the good morning kiss… You can punish me along for this.”

When Anna saw that Rothgarr was finally willing to let go of her, she hurriedly sat up. She adjusted her dishelved pajamas, calmed her breathing, and then ordered, “I’m going to change, you go out.”

Rothgarr’s overly enthusiastic gaze lingered on Anna, and he responded with a smile: “Okay, master.”

Seeing that Rothgarr left honestly, Anna hurriedly changed her clothes.

After opening the door, she saw him standing on the side. When he saw her coming out, he immediately looked over.

“Today’s punishment for you is to stay at least two arms’ length away from me; don’t get close to me.” Anna said.

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Rothgarr frowned for a moment, but quickly responded dejectedly: “Okay, Master.”

Seeing that he agreed straightforwardly, Anna looked at him suspiciously. But when he really took a small step back and kept two arms’ length away from her, she felt relieved.

Anna made herself something to eat with the plants that she didn’t finish yesterday, and then went to see the little animals she raised.

As soon as she saw the situation in the pigsty, she was stunned.

At this moment, the animals were divided into two groups, one group was trembling in the corner, and the other group was feasting around a bloody animal.

She suddenly realized that she forgot to separate the herbivorous and carnivorous animals!

Anna thought for a while. Herbivorous animals were easier to raise, so with a golden arrow formed in the palm of her hand, she killed off the two animals that were ripping at the corpse, and then fished them out with the wind gathering spell. To Rothgarr, she said: “Go and catch some more herbivores.”

She glanced at the reluctant Rothgarr and added, “When you come back, I will give you a special reward.”

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“I’m looking forward to it, Master.” Rothgarr naturally agreed with Anna’s words and spread his wings.

Anna took the two dead animals back to the kitchen to deal with them. She was going to make them into shelf-stable jerky.

After cleaning the slices, she turned them over and remembered that there was no salt.

She thought about it, she could have Rothgarr go to the Human Realm to get some. If he wouldn’t let her go, he could go by himself, right?

Anna put all the meat slices away, and took some leftover roots and tubers to feed the herbivores in the pigpen. They had also been deprived of food for a day and immediately scrambled for food happily.

At this moment, Anna could not help frowning when she saw a cloud of smoke coming from not far away.

It was definitely not Rothgarr running on the ground, and there had always been no other creatures near Rothgarr’s castle, so the ones coming here at this moment could only be coming with ill-intentions.

Anna used the Wind Gathering spell to fly upwards for a while. The expanded field of vision made it easier for her to see the figure at the front, which was the big mouse she recognized. And behind the big mouse, there were some demonic creatures that look like leopards. They were not as big as the big mouse, but there were many of them.

Anna was very fond of this big herbivore rat, and seeing that it was about to be caught up to, she hurriedly used the Wind Gathering spell to bring herself over to the chase. When the leopard demonic creature at the very front was about to bite into the big rat, she threw a gold arrow out. The arrow knocked out the leopard’s teeth. It roared, fell onto its companion, and they rolled back together.

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