Don’t Move (3)

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After walking around for a while, Anna selected the dolphins that matched her expectations. There were five in total, including the one with white tufts of hair on the top of its head.

Anna said to that spike pig: “I am bestowing you a name on behalf of Lord Rothgarr. You will be called White Fur from today onward. Your companions will be led by you, understand?”

White Fur squealed with joy; it was emotional from both receiving a name as well as being entrusted with a heavy task.

Anna pointed to the big mouse and said, “It is responsible for the plants and domestic animals of the castle. You have to cooperate together, understand?”

White Fur nodded its head again and again, indicating that it understood, and then happily ran to the big mouse, jumping up and down. It could be seen that it was still a young and active spike pig.

White Fur was large, and it jumping around the big mouse caused the latter to hide in fear. It was scared that White Fur would accidentally knock into itself and send it flying.

White Fur was squealing, and the big mouse was squeaking. There seemed to be no problem in their communication. After a while, White Fur led the four other spike pigs that stayed behind and ran out.

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As for the spike pigs who weren’t selected but also did not want to stay behind, they also left happily.

The big mouse ran to Anna like a rocket, rubbing its forelimbs together in front of it. It looked at her expectantly with its two small eyes, squeaking, as if begging for something.

Anna couldn’t understand and so she turned to Rothgarr: “Do you know what it’s trying to say?”

“It wants you to bestow a name,” Rothgarr said.

Anna raised her eyebrows. Bestow a name? Did it want a name after seeing her casually calling that spike pig White Fur? This kind of name was one that only she would use, so it didn’t mean much to name them.

But after hearing Rothgarr’s words, the big mouse nodded again and again, looking very expectant. Anna said, “Okay, then you’re called… Gray Gray.”

Although the big mouse couldn’t say the words “Gray Gray,” it could be seen that it was very excited. It circled around Anna several times, then ran away in a hurry. It climbed the newly planted fruit tree, carefully selecting two ripe fruits, then slid down the tree and offerred it to Anna.

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Anna took it with a smile: “Thank you, Gray Gray.”

Gray Gray squeaked happily and ran away to break more ground.

Anna couldn’t help laughing as she watched the back of the originally empty castle gradually come to life.

Rothgarr approached her, hugged her from behind, and whispered, “Master, give me a name too.”

Anna refused: “You already have a name!” Did he think it was so easy to come up with a name!

“But I don’t have a name from Master,” Rothgarr said.

Anna said angrily, “If you’re not afraid that I will name you Dog Egg, you can continue talking.”

Rothgarr paused in his movements. Then, he nibbled on her earlobe as he murmured: “As long as you are willing to let me bring you happiness, you can call me anything at that time…”

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Anna hurriedly twisted her body to break free from Rothgarr’s arms. She touched her slightly hot earlobe and glared at him condemningly, “You can dream on!”

She glanced at him warily and went around him into the castle. She had to quickly find a way to activate the teleportation portal!

Rothgarr stroked his lips with a low smile, and followed slowly behind her.

For the rest of the day, Anna was in the study, but she still couldn’t find any books related to the teleportation portal. She did, however, find a notebook which contained information on how to improve the efficiency of meditation. Besides drinking potions, it said to use special spell circuits to improve efficacy.

Anna practiced the spell circult for a little. Improving the efficiency of meditation was a long-term thing that would add up.

This evening, Anna was determined not to compromise with Rothgarr on this, otherwise he would definitely take an inch and run a mile. At the very least, she had to show a firm attitude.

Therefore, after ordering Rothgarr to go to his own room to sleep, and after he pretended to be obedient and returned to his own room, Anna quickly took a shower in her own room, and then secretly changed rooms. That is, the room diagonally opposite her room.

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She didn’t go to bed, but instead, stood silently behind the door, listening to the movement in the hallway. After a while, she heard Rothgarr coming out and entering the room diagonally opposite her.

In the next few moments, there were hurried footsteps. He probably thought that she had snuck away and so he went downstairs quickly. When Anna heard these movements, she immediately ran out and went back to her room, but she did not close the door. Instead, she ran into the bathroom and hid behind the half-open door.

After a while, the restless footsteps of Rothgarr, who had come back from the basement, echoed in the corridor. He opened the doors of the rooms one by one, but because the door of the room where Anna stayed in was open like before, he just briefly glanced at it before going to the next room.

He continued searching until he was outside the terrace. Rothgarr spread his wings and flew out.

Anna couldn’t help thinking that if she had the ability to start the teleportation portal, now would be the best time for her to leave.

She came out of the bathroom, opened the curtains slightly and looked out. She saw Rothgarr’s shadowed figure moving further and further away and couldn’t help but smile in victory.

Who told him to sneak into her bed? He deserved to go on a wild goose chase!

Anna returned to her bed without closing the door, maintaining the state it was in before Rothgarr left. She fell asleep comfortably in meditation.

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