Don’t Move (4)

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Rothgarr followed Anna’s usual routes and searched a mile radius from the castle but returned without finding her.

His face was gloomy, and there was a little panic in his eyes. Standing on the terrace, he remembered at this moment that he could use the probing spell.

He “saw” a figure on the bed in Anna’s room, and hurried back to her room. Seeing that the person on the bed was sleeping soundly, his wound-up heart could finally be at rest.

He walked over slowly, lifted the blanket and climbed onto the bed. This time, he hugged Anna from the front and kissed her on the lips lightly.

He knew now that he had been tricked by her.

“Master is really cunning… I almost fell for it.” He muttered, his body wrapped around hers. He whispered, “You promised not to leave me; Master can’t break her promise.”

Anna, who was sleeping, moved slightly, but did not wake up. However, the corners of her mouth rose slightly; she was probably having a sweet dream.

Early the next morning, Anna was awakened by Rothgarr’s kiss. She opened her eyes, only to see his magnified handsome face in front of her. Those blood-red eyes were lightly closed as if he was intoxicated from her lips. His long, dark hair created a juxtaposition against his fair skin.

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She clamped her teeth and bit down.

Rothgarr let out a low groan and opened his eyes to look at Anna. He didn’t care about the pain on the tip of his tongue. He stepped back a little and asked with a smile, “Did Master have a good time last night?”

Anna pushed him away and sat up. She straightened her pajamas and denied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Rothgarr didn’t get up, he just moved to Anna’s side and wrapped his arms around her waist. His breath was like a misty rain down her spine. He said, “Master, please rest assured, I don’t dare to be angry with Master…”

Her pajamas were thin, and Anna felt a bit tickled from his breath. She pushed him by the shoulders to make him move away. Then, she rolled over and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.

By the time she came out dressed, Rothgarr had returned to his well-dressed appearance.

Today was another busy day.

Anna found that Gray Gray was really a very energetic demonic creature. It was breaking ground early in the morning and planting all kinds of seeds. She hadn’t completely planned which place to plant what, but Gray Gray had already arranged everything, and she thought everything looked very neat and reasonable.

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After all, this was the big mouse that could grow a whole orchard!

There seemed to be a bit more herbivores in the pigsty. The remaining spike pigs drooled as they watched them grazing. Out of instinctual fear of carnivores, the herbivores were scared silly, and had no stomach to continue grazing. Gray Gray noticed this, and hurriedly ran over to drive the spike pigs away. This way, the smaller animals in the pigsty were able to eat without being scared to death.

Anna looked around and knew that she didn’t have to worry about them anymore. She greeted Gray Gray and White Fur and happily went back to the study to start reading.

Today, her luck was not very good; she did not come across any books that could come in handy.

The day passed quickly, and this evening Rothgarr would not listen to Anna no matter what; he refused to go back to his own room to sleep. Anna couldn’t win against him in a battle of tongues nor swords, so she could only let him be.

Forget it, at least he never broke in when she was taking a shower…

A few more days passed just like the previous ones. When Anna woke up that morning, she found that not only did Rothgarr dare to kiss her, but he even dared to reach his hand into her collar!

Sure enough, some people could not be spoiled! Once they were spoiled, they would take an inch and run a mile!

Anna was so angry that she punished Rothgarr to remain two arms’ length away from her all day.

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He listened obediently, but at night, she still couldn’t drive him away.

And the situation the next morning was no different from the previous day.

After punishing Rothgarr for three days, Anna realized that this method was useless and decided to fight back.

Did he think that he was the only one who could treat her like this, and she couldn’t treat him like this?

So, the next morning, Anna woke up from a not so deep sleep as soon as Rothgarr touched her. In the past, he was always the one on top, head lowered to kiss her. But this time, as soon as he leaned over, Anna, who had woken up, pushed him back in an instant.

He looked at Anna with a little surprise, but the latter had turned over so that she was on top. She pressed against him, lowered her head and kissed him.

Rothgarr was stunned for a moment, with surprise written on his face. After enjoying the kiss for a while, he had his lips pressed Anna’s as he murmured with a smile: “Master is so passionate today.”

As soon as he raised his hands, it was knocked away by Anna, who had been paying attention. She lifted the blanket and held down his hand, and then her hands moved upwards starting at his wrist, like salmon swimming upstream.

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“…Master?” Rothgarr became more and more surprised. In front of him were Anna’s eyes, as blue as the sky in the Human Realm. They pulled him in and made him addicted.

“Don’t move.” Anna ordered.

After a few minutes.

Anna left the room in a very good mood, leaving Rothgarr behind with a red face and dazed eyes.

Walking to the back of the castle and seeing that everything was normal, Anna went back to the study.

She didn’t see Rothgarr appear even when she opened her first book. She recalled Rothgarr’s reaction when she left, and suddenly felt that she had miscalculated.

It seemed like no matter what, Rothgarr was always cool.

After thinking about it, her original purpose was to prevent Rothgarr from touching her again. Anna, who realized that she had achieved her goal, was quickly relieved.

If she kept reading and practicing, she would certainly be able to escape before Rothgarr recovered.

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