Master (1)

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After Anna had flipped through two books, Rothgarr finally appeared at the door of the study. He leaned lazily against the door.

Anna glanced at him and couldn’t help but think, his appearance was a bit like one you had after ‘it.’ Although she hadn’t seen what he looked like after that. He didn’t DIY after she had left, did he?

The thought only briefly flashed in her mind before she quickly retracted it, focusing back on the book in front of her. Although she was forced to engage in “adult matters” because of Rothgarr, she should still be like those eminent monks, treating all beauty as only skin deep so as not to get distracted.

Flipping through a few pages of a book, Anna suddenly found a page that talked about teleportation portals. She quickly glanced at Rothgarr. Once she saw that he was still standing at the door, she quickly took a closer look.

Teleportation portals referred specifically to the transmission channel between the human realm and the demon realm. The human and demon realms were connected in a hard to imagine way, and teleportation portals were constructed on this connection to achieve the purpose of transmission. Therefore, it was only possible to create a teleportation portal between the human realm and the demon realm. It was impossible to create a teleportation portal between the two places inside the human realm or the demon realm.

The teleportation portal was by far the most complex spell circuit created by intelligent creatures, and only the most powerful mages were capable of using it. That being said, it was not impossible for a slightly weaker mage to use one.

Anna suddenly closed the book with a thud and turned to look at the approaching Rothgarr. When she closed the book, the back of the book was facing up, so the title was not revealed.

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Although you couldn’t actually tell the contents of the book from its title, she was worried that Rothgarr had read all the books in the study and knew the content just by looking at the title, so she was extra cautious. She looked at him and frowned, “What do you want now?”

Rothgarr smiled and said: “I want to thank Master for your reward. If Master is willing to give me this honor, I will definitely make the master more intensely happy…”

Seeing that he was going to lean over, Anna raised her hand to stop him. She said with a cold face and domineering: “Since you acknowledge me as the master, listen to my words carefully. You can only get what I give you.”

Rothgarr paused, and after a moment of silence that was suffocating to Anna, he finally backed down: “Okay, Master.”

Anna saw that Rothgarr had returned to stand by the door, and only then did she pick up the book again.

The latter part of the description of teleportation portals introduced a method that allowed less powerful mages to master the teleportation portal. More specifically, the method was to set up an array outside the teleportation portal. This array was relatively easy to set up, but it required a mix of elemental ores. The array required all eight natural elements for activation, and most mages did not have affinity for all elements.

Anna certainly remembered the mixed element ore, which she used to test her affinity of the elements when she first joined the Mage Association. She still remembered that kind of ore was very rare in the human world, and she didn’t know if it could be found in the demon realm, either.

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Anna didn’t stay on this page for too long. When she turned to the next page, it showed the diagram of the array. She took a quick glance to get the general idea, then, just like usual, set the book down on the side and picked up another book to start reading.

The next day, Anna read more than a dozen books like the previous day, four of which were carefully read from beginning to end. The books here were rather short, and most of the ones that she read were not very useful to her. Anna only skimmed through them, so her reading speed increased.

At night, Anna said to Rothgarr before going to bed: “Don’t mess around. If you do well, I will reward you tomorrow morning.”

At this moment, Rothgarr was already lying on her bed. He asked expectantly, “Will it be like this morning?”

“Maybe.” Anna didn’t give any specifics. “It depends on your performance. For example, if you go back to your own room now, maybe tomorrow, there will be a reward that you will like even more?”

Rothgarr thought for a while. He stretched out his long arms and pulled Anna into them, saying with a low smile, “A reward like this morning’s is more than enough…”

Then he laid the blanket over them, hugging Anna tightly.

Seeing that Rothgarr was not fooled, Anna felt a little regretful. She shifted a little, adjusting to the most comfortable position, and slowly fell asleep.

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The next morning, Anna did the same thing to Rothgarr as the day before. She was not rewarding him, of course, but did so in order to go find Gray Gray while he was still dazed.

Anna didn’t waste any time. As soon as she saw Gray Gray, she asked if it had seen mixed elemental ores before.

Gray Gray didn’t quite understand the meaning of mixed element ore, so Anna described it carefully. This type of ore contained the eight natural elements and its respective properties.

After all, Gray Gray was also a kind of magical creature. It was actually a kind of earth-type creature, but its strength was relatively poor, and its spells could only be used to help it dig soil faster and better. After listening to Anna earnestly explain it, it finally squeaked twice. Anna listened to it squeaking for so many days, and she could roughly distinguish the meaning from the emotional tone. She knew its squeaking now meant that it knew.

Anna was overjoyed: “Then can you get me some? But you have to carefully give it to me, and not let the demon know.”

Gray Gray’s squeak became hesitant, and Anna asked, “Are you afraid of the demon?”

Gray Gray shook its head.

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Anna thought for a while, and then asked, “Is it because the place where the ores are located is too dangerous?”

Gray Gray quickly nodded.

Anna asked again, “Do you think it will be dangerous if I go?”

Anna had fought and defeated those leopard creatures who had been chasing Gray Gray right in front of said mouse. It likely knew Anna’s strength.

Gray Gray immediately nodded.

Anna asked again, “What about the demon?”

Gray shook his head without hesitation.

Anna suddenly felt a little distressed. She secretly asked Gray Gray so as to avoid letting Rothgarr know. If the only way she could get that ore was with Rothgarr’s help, wasn’t it all pointless!

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