Master (3)

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She came from a relatively equal society under the rule of law, and she really couldn’t accept to waste her life living like a puppet on a string. So, she seized every opportunity to climb up. To become the maid in the city lord’s manor meant that she could rise above others. To become a mage meant that she was capable of hiding even fallen mages.

Everything she did was to have the power to not be arbitrarily controlled by others.

But of all people, she was the unlucky to have encountered the demon. If there was no demon, she would not have to rack her brains to improve her strength in the shortest possible time.

Although she also knew very well that it was precisely because of him that she could become a mage so quickly under various karmic coincidences.

“Only the power that I can hold in my own hands can give me peace of mind,” Anna replied to Rothgarr.

Standing behind Anna, Rothgarr was silent for a moment before he said, “Your wish is my wish. I am willing to help you improve your strength.”


Anna was a little surprised that he would say this. After all, now that he had no identity constraint, he didn’t have to pretend to be someone else and help her improve her strength.

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“I’m willing to do anything for Master.” Rothgarr whispered, his warm breath falling on the back of Anna’s neck, making her feel ticklish.

Anna couldn’t help thinking: that was such a lie, he clearly refuses to let her go!

But Anna was still very happy about Rothgarr’s willingness to continue to teach her. Planning her escape from the demon realm would not prevent her from continuing to improve her strength!

Anna turned her head to look at Rothgarr. Normally, she would give him a reward at this time.

She had an inexplicable feeling as if she was training a dog. He would be rewarded if he did well, and punished if he did not do well, only the reward method was a little different…

But this time…

Anna stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around Rothgarr. She hugged him tightly, and whispered in his ear, “Thank you, Rothgarr.”

She didn’t give him a perfunctory kiss, but a sincere hug.

Rothgarr was stunned for a moment before he hugged Anna’s waist tightly. He also replied softly, “It is my honor.”

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After Anna obtained the ores, she really began to study the spells in the spell book seriously. Because Rothgarr was instructing her, she learned very quickly. After that, she also fought with Rothgarr, of course not in bed.

The two sparred in the open space in front of the castle. Although it was technically a fight, in actuality, Rothgarr would allow Anna to attack. Occasionally, he would also make a subdued attack, allowing Anna to improve rapidly under a comfortable amount of pressure.

When they were in the Human Realm, the two had already mastered this “fighting style”, and after practicing it a bit now, it was as if they had returned to the past.

Anna waited until her mental strength was exhausted and had Rothgarr carry her back. She suddenly asked, “Rothgarr, do you remember what happened in the human world?”

She was a little curious about his situation at the moment. After all, he kept calling her Master after the curse of The Abyss broke out, never by her name. She even suspected that he was like a new-born with a seal effect, only recognizing her as his master but not actually remembering anything in the past.

“I remember, Master,” said Rothgarr.

“Then what’s my name?” Anna asked.

Rothgarr glanced at Anna: “I don’t dare to call Master by your first name.”

“I allow you,” Anna paused, then added, “Just this once.” She didn’t want to give him the wrong idea.

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Rothgarr seemed to swallow nervously before taking a deep breath and said, “…Anna.”

It seemed that just saying this name made him panic. The expression in his eyes changed a little, but he didn’t dare to look directly at Anna.

Anna felt that she really didn’t understand Rothgarr’s state at the moment. It seemed difficult for him to say her name, but it was easy to kiss her and touch her.

Then Anna asked a few more questions related to the human world, and Rothgarr answered them all, which meant that his memory was fine.

But in the current state, his past memory seemed to be obscured to a limited extent. He didn’t bring the past up without her asking, but normally, he didn’t seem like he knew, either.

Anna felt that Rothgarr’s state was really peculiar, and was currently marveling at it when Rothgarr suddenly stopped walking and looked up.

“What’s wrong?” Anna asked in confusion.

Rothgarr frowned: “Here comes Balan.”

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As soon as Anna remembered the name Balan, she remembered how he looked like he wanted to kill her. Thinking of Rothgarr’s state at the moment, she thought, Balan could not discover them!

Although Rothgarr’s state was a bit troublesome for her, at the same time, it gave her a better chance at escape. But if Balan found them, there would be a problem!

Anna hurriedly said: “Rothgarr, go and send Balan away, but don’t let him know that you call me Master!”

While the two of them were talking, Balan had landed on the terrace. His drunken voice came from afar: “Roth, let’s have a drink together! Without you, it’s no fun just drinking by myself!”

When they got closer, Anna could see what Balan looked like at the moment, and she couldn’t help frowning.

Balan’s appearance was naturally as handsome as in the past. The three demons she had seen were all handsome. This was probably one of the characteristics of being a demon… But she still remembered how he looked when she saw him in the human realm, and what he looked like when he was about to marry Catherine.

The him then was handsome and high-spirited. He was not arrogant or gloomy like Rothgarr was, but had the dashing and cheerfulness of a noble boy.

So what about now?

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