Master (4)

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There was no change in his appearance, but she felt that his energy seemed to have been completely drained. It was a very subtle feeling. Before, he was like a striking, luminous body, but now he was just a talking, walking corpse.

When Balan approached, he saw Anna in Rothgarr’s arms. He poured a drink from the bottle in his hand and said with a smile, “Roth, are you tired of playing with this woman?”

Rothgarr frowned. Anna blurted nervously, “Balan, you don’t have to provoke the relationship between me and Rothgar all the time, it’s useless!”

If Rothgar was still conscious, Anna would definitely not have said such a thing, but in his current state, she would play it at her will.

Balan laughed: “Anna, what kind of feelings do you have for Roth? You can fool Roth, a fool who has never been with a woman, but can you fool me?”

Anna took a deep breath, thought of Catherine, and sneered: “Do you think you can be compared with Rothgar? What goes around comes around. Catherine only got close to you to avenge her sister. It was you who could not control yourself and caused her sister to die. But Rothgarr and I have no such enmity. He is handsome and powerful, and is devoted entirely to me, so why can’t I be sincere to him? You are not Rothgarr, and I am not Catherine!

“Shut up!” Balan rushed over with murderous intent in his eyes, but was stopped by Rothgarr.

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Balan looked at Rothgarr, and his expression gradually became grisly: “Roth, you would go against me for some human woman? Did you forget what you said half a year ago? You said that human women are dirty even when touched! ”

Of course Rothgar remembered what he had said. He glanced at Anna nervously and worriedly, and he was relieved to see that she looked normal.

Afraid of hurting Anna by mistake, he put her down gently, and then faced Balan. He said with a cold face, “You are not welcome here, scram.”

Balan’s expression changed, and he glanced at Anna resentfully. Suddenly, his fingers flicked, and a black flame spread along the wall, heading for Anna. Anna’s expression changed instantly, and she quickly stepped back, while Rothgarr’s expression also changed. With a punch to the wall, he scattered the black flames.

His expression was like Asura. Looking at Balan coldly, his anger surged.

“How dare you try to hurt my master!”

Rothgar sent a flying punch. This punch was faintly entwined with black mist, and it looked menacing.

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Anna’s expression froze. In the end, Balan still found out!

Balan didn’t dodge because he was stunned when he heard Rothgarr’s words.

The punch hit him in the face and sent him flying along the promenade out of the terrace. But before he fell, he regained his senses, spreading his wings and flying up. At this moment, Rothgarr chased after him out of the promenade. Balan hurriedly flew up into the sky, avoiding his attack this time.

He shouted to Rothgarr in midair: “Roth, your Abyss curse has struck?”

Balan hadn’t noticed the busy spike pigs and rat at the back of the castle until this moment. This scene was unthinkable in the past. Since that incident, you couldn’t even find an insect in Rothgarr’s castle.

Such an abnormality was undoubtedly related to the occurrence of the Abyss curse. Just now, he clearly heard Rothgarr calling Anna Master!

Balan dodged Rothgarr’s attack again, and said with deep eyes, “Roth, wake up!”

Balan knew what Rothgal’s abyss curse was, because he happened to be here when Rothgarr’s curse struck a few hundreds of years ago.

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Rothgarr’s curse was that when it struck, his personality would change greatly. He would acknowledge the first person he sees as his master, and allow them to command him.

This was absolutely unbearable torture for the arrogant Rothgarr.

There were other creatures in Rothgarr’s castle in the past. Because no one dared to enter his room without his orders, every time the curse struck, he would stay in the room, waiting for the day that the curse would pass.

But on that one occasion hundreds of years ago, a servant was so daring to come into his room without permission.

To this day, Balan couldn’t bear to recall the tragic situation Rothgarr was in.

Even if it was an abyss curse, Rothgarr still wanted to fight it, but the power from The Abyss was so powerful that in order to resist the urge to crawl in front of that servant that came from the depths of his heart, he kept hurting himself. His entire body was covered with blood, not a single inch was left unscathed. The whites of his eyes were all red, and even his horns were almost torn off. Even most of his bones were fractured, let alone his skin.

Balan always thought that if he hadn’t arrived in time, Rothgarr would have died from resisting the curse of the Abyss.

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And when Balan wanted to kill the servant, Rothgarr fought against him even with his bloodied and battered covered body due to the power of the curse of the Abyss. Fortunately, Rothgarr was so badly injured at the time that he was able to hold him off and kill the servant.

After that, Rothgarr slowly returned to his normal state. He whipped the servant’s body for several hours, to the point where the servant couldn’t even lift a finger.

And after that, Rothgarr drove away all the creatures of the castle, living alone by himself, with Balan visiting occasionally.

Of course, that was Balan’s own opinion. He also recognized that Rothgarr himself did not feel lonely, and instead, enjoyed being alone.

Nothing happened again even after hundreds of years. Balan didn’t expect that Rothgarr’s curse would strike again, coincidentally at this time.

“Roth, Anna is not your master, it’s just that the curse forced you to recognize her as your master!” Balan said while dodging Rothgar’s attack in a frenzy. “Have you forgotten? Everything that you’ve done — go to the human world to collect ancient books, collect the Abyss tree seeds — isn’t it just to find a way to lift the curse?”

What he received in response was a black flame.

Balan blocked the attack with his wings, and continued: “Have you forgotten what happened to that servant? You resisted the power of the abyss curse at that time, you almost defeated the curse! But now? You, Archduke Hugh Bilis, calling a human being your master? Where is your pride?

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