Master (5)

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“You are not allowed to slander my master!” Rothgarr looked at Balan grimly.

Balan couldn’t believe it.

He would never forget the image of Rothgarr looking like a bloody corpse yet still trying to resist the power of the curse. Before and after that incident, he had never seen Rothgarr in such a woeful and seriously injured state.

But today, Rothgarr easily said the word “Master”!

“Rothgarr, when the curse of the Abyss passes, you will regret it!” Balan said almost angrily. “Remember your resistance that day! You are Rothgarr, you can resist the power of the curse! ”

However, Rothgarr didn’t want to listen to Balan’s nonsense, so he punched him again.

Balan hurriedly stepped aside, and after allowing him three punches, he sneered. “Fine! Since you have become weak and unable to save yourself, then I will help you!”

When Rothgarr sent another punch, Balan did not dodge. He received the punch, and then following the momentum, rushed toward the bottom of the castle.

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In front of him was Anna, who was watching their fight from the window!

After Rothgarr and Balan had begun to fight, Anna hurriedly ran to one of the windows in a room and looked out. Rothgarr and Balan were fighting so intensely that she couldn’t help but worry about whether or not Rothgarr would be able to get Balan away. She wouldn’t humor Balan being killed; the strength of these two demons were evenly matched.

She had clearly heard what Balan said to Rothgarr, and seemed to understand something, but she was a little unsure.

But the next moment, she suddenly thought that she could take this opportunity to dig through the treasure chest in Rothgarr’s room. Who knew, she might be able to find a mixed elemental ore.

However, at this moment, Balan leaned over and charged towards her with murderous intent, as if he was going to kill her on the spot!

She was just forming some wind when she saw Balan falling down. It turned out that Rothgarr had caught up with Balan. He glanced at Anna through the window before chasing after Balan.

Anna gulped. She quickly backed away from the room, ran to Rothgarr’s room, and after searching for a long time, she actually found a mixed element ore in the corner of the chest.

She was able to recognize it because she had seen and felt one before.

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Anna wanted to take the ore and take the opportunity to activate the teleportation portal to leave here, but she was not familiar with the array yet, and she had exhausted her mental power by sparring with Rothgarr just now, so she was unable to recover for the moment. Who knew how long Rothgarr and Balan would go for. She likely wouldn’t have time to recover her strength, and if Rothgarr found out her intentions, she would be done for.

Anna was resolute, putting the mixed elemental ore back.

It was fine; she could not be too impatient.

She still had the opportunity to act in the future. Right now, stability was most important. She could not take the ore in advance for fear of being discovered.

Anna closed the chest and left Rothgarr’s room. She thought about it, and decided that she wouldn’t go to watch the battle through the window. She didn’t want to distract Rothgarr anymore.

Rothgarr and Balan were pretty even in strength; he would be fine.

Anna squatted down against the wall in the corridor. Occasionally, she could hear the sound of fighting outside, but on the inside, Balan’s words were replaying in her mind.

Balan didn’t make things clear, but she could make some guesses.

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She still couldn’t accurately guess the specific details of Rothgar’s curse, but the general idea was that once the curse struck, he would be obedient to the first person he saw. Balan mentioned “that servant,” which indicated that a similar thing had happened in the past, and she could clearly see during this period of time that Rothgarr’s obedience was only directed at her.

So, once when his curse broke out, a servant walked into his room like she did. Did he also prostrate in front of the servant and kiss the tops of his feet?

Maybe not.

Balan said that Rothgarr resisted the power of the Curse, and that he almost conquered it.

But this time…

Anna still remembered the scene she saw when she walked into Rothgarr’s room that day. She saw him, he saw her, and then he was suddenly kissing her and calling her ‘Master’.

No matter how she thought about it, everything went smoothly that day like a newly bought mobile phone; he didn’t “resist” or “conquer” anything.

So, is the power of the curse of the abyss increased this time, and he can’t resist it at all, or…he didn’t want to defeat it in the past? Just because… just because the person in front of him is her?

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Anna touched the left side of her chest, where her heart was beating very fast.

Was it because of her that he was completely unable to resist the power of the curse?

Was it because of her that he was willing to call her master and humbly crawl in front of her and beg for punishment?

Outside, Rothgarr and Balan were still fighting, but Anna turned her head slightly, looking at the walls of the corridor, clearly seeing nothing.

She was probably thinking the same as Balan now, hoping that Rothgarr quickly returned to normal, and then… she wanted to ask him the question she had at this moment.

She had a bit of anticipation.

Anna knew that she had feelings for Rothgarr, but she used to think that he could not give her what she wanted, so she always suppressed them. But she knew that her feelings never disappeared.

Because when she was kissed by Rothgarr and when she kissed him, she was actually not very unwilling.

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