Escape (6)

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Anna had just waved hello to Parrish when she heard Father Louis’ words.

She fled Blue Stone City that day when Rothgarr, in the Holy Son’s body, fought Ulysses. She didn’t know the follow-up. It turned out that they already knew about the existence of the demon; that made things much easier for her.

“Since you know about the demon, I don’t need to say much more.” Anna turned her head to look at Father Louis, seemingly calm, but in fact she was very anxious, so she spoke very quickly, “Tell me immediately, where is my family?”

It was impossible that Father Louis did not investigate her family after what had happened before she left. He had to have known where her family was. Plus, she came directly to the church to give a warning.

As long as she had escaped, Rothgarr would definitely come to look for her in the two cities where she had once lived; she should give a reminder first.

After being reminded by Anna, Father Louis suddenly remembered that he was a priest, and hurriedly said: “You are an accomplice of the demon, you should…”

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“Shut up.” Anna raised her palm impatiently, a bolt of lightning quickly formed and hit the statue of the Holy Child under the throne of the goddess. The statue cracked straight into pieces.

“My current strength is at least a three-star mage. All of you here combined can’t beat me.” Anna said, “And the demon is chasing me, I don’t know when he will arrive, he is not as easy to talk to as I am.I just want to take my family and get out of here. When the demon comes, you can tell it as it is.”

Father Louis was completely stunned. How could a girl who was just an ordinary maid half a year ago suddenly become a mage? And, after all this time, was she still having an interracial love tragedy with that demon?

Behind Anna, Parrish did not follow the guidance of the priests to leave. He looked at Anna with complicated eyes. This maid who once begged him to teach her to read but was rejected by him had now been reborn and had become a respectable mage. What had happened to her in the past six months?

“Father Louis, have you not figured out what to do yet? You can’t trap me, don’t think about leaving me to the demon. Besides, you are a priest. I don’t think you want to take on the reputation of having made a deal with the demon? I advise you to take me to my family as soon as possible, otherwise when the demon comes and I haven’t left yet, I will definitely have a stalemate. And if he slaughters the city by then, I can’t and won’t stop him.”

Hearing the word “slaughter”, Father Louis finally gritted his teeth, finally coming to his senses.

It was a fact that the demon possessed different people several times in order to pursue Anna. As for why the demon was still chasing Anna after more than half a year, he didn’t care. For the sake of the whole city, he could only do what Anna said first.

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Of course, Father Louis knew where Anna’s family had moved, and he also wanted to send Anna out of the city as soon as possible, so he immediately arranged for an ordinary carriage at Anna’s request, and at the same time, he sent someone to bring her family over immediately.

At this time, all the irrelevant people in the church had almost left, so Anna found a seat and sat down, waiting anxiously.

Just now Parrish couldn’t get a word in at all, so now he walked up to Anna and said, “Anna, you…you have become a mage.”

Anna glanced at him, and nodded slightly: “Yes, but with such strength, I am still like an ant in front of the demon. I advise you to go home as soon as possible, or find a place to hide. If the demon sees you, who knows if he will kill you.” She frightened Parrish without a conscience.

Parrish’s face turned pale. He was just an ordinary person. He would surely die if he went up against the demon, and even Father Louis would not be able to save him.

He stammered, “Wh—why?”

Anna looked outside every so often, and the anxiety in her heart could only be dispelled by frightening Parrish: “Because you touched me.”

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Parrish was taken aback, and hurriedly defended: “When have I touched you? You can’t wrong me!”

“When the demon possessed you, he hugged me using your body. That demon is extremely possessive. Before, he was caught up in something and couldn’t get to the Human Realm, but now he’s coming to catch me. He’ll likely remember what happened in the past when he sees you. What do you think, will he be enraged by jealousy and kill you offhandedly?”

“But he was the one who touched you back then!” Parrish retorted, all worked up.

“But that was with your body, you can try to see if you can reason with the demon.” Anna said, “If I were you, I would definitely hide immediately.”

Parrish froze. Today, he just attended the sermon in place of his sick father. How could an ordinary day suddenly become so eventful?

Anna, who he had almost forgotten about before, suddenly appeared and brought news that the demon was coming. Her words also revealed the unusual relationship between her and the demon… While he couldn’t help but marvel at Anna’s charm that could make even demons fall for her, he also admired her for being able to escape from the hands of the demon. He didn’t know what happened between her and that demon in the past six months; she had become a three-star mage…

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Parrish was too curious, partly about the demon, and partly about Anna. But thinking of his precarious life, he had no choice but to let go of all his curiosity and leave in a hurry.

Father Louis had nowhere to go, and after hearing the conversation between Parrish and Anna, he realized that his initial judgment on the tragedy of interracial love was correct!

Toward Anna, who was able to win the demon’s love but bravely escaped, Father Louis had complicated respect in his heart. He used to be a very devout believer, but after what happened more than half a year ago, he was plagued by nightmares, and his beliefs were not as pious as before. Even Anna, who had relations with the demon, didn’t have the courage to fight against him even if it meant she would die.

Of course, he was still a clergyman after all. If the matter was not so urgent, he would definitely ask Anna how the demon fell in love with… No, he would investigate what had happened, and ask what kind of torture she suffered, and find out if she was still a believer….

Father Louis knew deep down in his heart that it was against his priesthood to obey Anna’s requests, but… the nightmares of being killed by the demon were so clear at this moment, he would rather believe her than not.

Anna looked towards the church door from time to time, for fear that Rothgarr would come first instead of her family.

She knew that Father Louis was sizing her up, but she didn’t care what he was thinking. She only hoped she had a little more time. Otherwise, if Rothgarr came first, he likely wouldn’t slaughter the whole city. But slaughtering her? It would be a piece of cake.

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