Time (1)

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Time slowly passed as Anna waited anxiously. She seemed to hear a voice from outside, and she got up and walked out of the church.

Father Louis saw her leave and hurriedly got up to follow.

As soon as Anna walked to the door of the church, she saw Evan, Gaea, Jim, Adele, and little Evan walking over in a hurry, all of whom she hadn’t seen for more than half a year.

As soon as she saw her, Gaea ran over with great strides. She hugged Anna tightly, and said. choked up, “Goddess bless you! My Anna!”

Anna hugged Gaea back. Her eyes became a little red. She hadn’t seen her for more than half a year, and she had left them in such a mess. She was worried that Evan and Gaea would not forgive her.

She took a deep breath. This is not the time to reminisce; she quickly said: “Papa, Mama, come with me, I will tell you the specific details on the way, time is urgent!”

Anna thought it would take some effort to convince Evan and Gaea, but Gaea quickly said, “Okay, Anna!”

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During the days when Anna was gone, Gaea and Evan would think of what had happened before Anna left from time to time, and regret that they did not going with her. Now, after more than half a year, Anna, whom they had been worrying about for a long time, had come back. Seeing that she was safe and sound, they almost wept with joy.

Gaea had imagined countless times that if the goddess had mercy and turned back time, and Anna asked them to go with her again, she would definitely agree without hesitation. She didn’t expect such an opportunity to come so quickly, so she didn’t want to interrogate Anna about what she was doing this time.

As long as they could be together as a family.

Anna didn’t expect Gaea to agree so quickly. She looked at Evan, who nodded at her as well.

She didn’t ask any more questions, either, turning to Father Louis. She said, “If that demon comes here, tell him that I went to Black Cloud City.”

“Black Cloud City?” Father Louis asked, confused.

After all, that was a city in another country, and a small local priest like Father Louis, who didn’t care much about cities in other countries, had never heard of it.

“Black Cloud City is in the Principality of France, he will know where you are talking about.” Anna glanced outside. The carriage was ready; it was a very ordinary carriage. She said to the priest, “Thank you, Father Louis, we’ll be leaving now, so we won’t cause you any more trouble.”

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Father Louis watched with regret as Anna got into the carriage and left with her family, thinking that he still had so many questions that had not been answered.

Anna wanted to drive the carriage herself, but Evan didn’t let her. The group passed the city gates and headed towards Black Cloud City.

Gaea kept looking at Anna, as if she wanted to make up for the missing half a year.

Seeing that Gaea didn’t ask any questions, Anna didn’t explain for the time being. She just looked nervously at the sky outside, for fear that Rothgarr would catch up at this time. At the same time, she was also using the detection spell to prevent Father Louis from sending people after them, and the wind gathering spell to eliminate the traces left by the carriage.

Anna knew very well that Rothgarr would have a hard time finding her if she was hiding alone, but she was also worried that if he couldn’t find her, he would take it out on her family and friends. So, even if there was increased risk, she would keep her family and friends out of Rothgarr’s sight.

After leaving town for a while, Anna shouted to Evan, who was outside in the front of the carriage, “Papa, stop the carriage!”

Here was a fork in the road. One path led to Black Cloud City, while the other seemed to lead in the direction of Green Pine City.

“Go this way!” Anna pointed in the direction of Green Pine City.

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Evan didn’t ask much, and drove in that direction.

The fork in the road returned to calm after the carriage left. A moment later, a figure flew out of the forest and towards Blue Stone City. It was Rothgarr, who was chasing after them.

He was covered in wounds, and the corners of his mouth also had a bit of blood. He didn’t disguise himself, quickly flying to Blue Stone City.

It was not easy to find someone in a small town with a population of tens of thousands. Rothgarr didn’t intend to hide any more, and flew directly to the City Lord’s mansion, and went straight to the City Lord’s residence. He had possessed Parrish and knew exactly where the City Lord lived.

But when he arrived at the City Lord’s residence, he didn’t see the City Lord, not to mention, he didn’t run into anyone along the whole way here.

This anomaly made Rothgarr frown, and he flew into the air, heading for the church.

Because he did not hide himself along the way, some people in the city had already seen him, and there were exclamations everywhere, though he didn’t care.  When he arrived at the church, Father Louis was standing at the door of the church. The latter did not run away when he saw him.

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Rothgarr knew that Anna must have been here, and that Father Louis knew ahead of time that he would come.

“Where’s Anna?” Rothgarr asked without beating around the bush.

“She went to Black Cloud City.” Father Louis said calmly.

“Is that what she wanted you to say?” Rothgarr asked.

Father Louis didn’t hide anything: “Yes.”

“She took her family?”


Rothgarr frowned. There were only two places that Anna had any attachments to; one was Blue Stone City and the other was Black Cloud City. After she took away her family from Blue Stone City, the only remaining concern was Black Cloud City… Natalie.

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