Time (4)

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Red Fog City was slightly larger than Blue Rock City, but not bigger than Black Cloud City. After Anna and her party entered the city, they first found a local slum, and then asked people nearby who had vacant houses. They finally found a family willing to rent out their house, and decided on the spot to settle in.

When it was just her family, Anna gave Gaea and Evan almost all of the gold coins she grabbed from Rothgarr’s treasure chest. In the handful, there were also two gems mixed in. This money was enough for them to survive on for a long time.

These gold coins were not commonly used in this city, but the value of the gold coin lied in itself. As long as it was gold, it would have the ability to be exchanged for anything. Anna herself only took two gold coins for the road just in case. She didn’t even stay the night; Anna immediately left Red Fog City on the carriage which she had come in.

Anna changed into Evan’s clothes, put on a headscarf, and made her face dirty. She really looked like a boy. She left before the gates of Red Fog City were closed, and continued westward all the way through the night.

In the past, she and Dubian had walked all the way to Black Cloud City. They would spend half a day resting and half a day walking, and it took about half a month in total to get there. On the carriage, this speed was tripled, even quadrupled, but the horse would not be able to take the journey. If she wanted to use the quickest speed to get to Black Cloud City, her best bet was to rely on her own wind gathering spell.

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Anna stayed on the carriage for most of the night, but the horse finally couldn’t run anymore. She got out of the carriage and untied the horse, let the horse go free, took the last bit of dry food and water with her, and used the wind gathering spell to lift her and moved forward quickly.

When the sky was bright, half of her mental strength was consumed, so she stopped to meditate and rest, and ate to replenish her energy.

Just walking like this, it took Anna almost three days to finally arrive at Black Cloud City.

And at this moment, she suddenly noticed the sound of fighting coming from not far away. She stopped and listened carefully, but because it was too far away, she couldn’t hear anything useful.

Right now, she was not curious to see who was fighting, so she took a long detour and rushed to Black Cloud City.

Anna didn’t go directly into the city. Instead, she looked at the huge city from a distance. She couldn’t see anything unusual, but she also couldn’t know for certain whether it was safe.

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It was a lively morning at the moment, and many people were entering and exiting Black Cloud City, making it quite lively. Anna quickly slipped into the crowd, hunched her back slightly like an ordinary teenager, and walked slowly towards the gate at a speed similar to the people around her.

Just when Anna got to the gates, she heard the gate guard exclaimed: “My God, what are those? Bird-shaped demonic creatures?”

Anna looked back suddenly, and who was fighting in mid-air not far away, if not Rothgarr and Balan?

She gasped, and ran across the city gates. Her reaction was not special. After all, the ordinary people who saw the demonic creatures fighting in the distance all ran into the city in panic.

And the guards were also shouting: “Go and notify the Mage Association!”

Anna ran forward for a while and paused. There was an intersection ahead, one leading to Natalie’s house and the other leading to Leon’s house. She thought briefly about it before turning her footsteps and running toward Natalie’s house.

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Natalie was more important to her, and she believed Rothgarr felt the same way. So, she had to tell Natalie to find a place to hide before he broke into the city.

It had been one or two months since the summoning incident. Maybe the city already had the power to resist the demon. Natalie would know better than her; as long as she found Natalie, the follow-up would be easy.

Anna arrived at Baron Wright’s mansion very quickly. Because she was in a hurry, she didn’t enter through the main entrance, but directly climbed over the wall.

She knew where Natalie lived. Avoiding all the servants, she soon reached the small building where Natalie lived. All she could hope for now was that Natalie wouldn’t be at the Mage Association. Otherwise, she would have come here for nothing.

She hadn’t seen Natalie for a long time. Thinking about it, Natalie must have been worried about her this whole time. She didn’t know what kind of cute reaction Natalie would have when she saw her…

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Anna snuck into where Natalie lived and came to the front of her bedroom door.

The door was open, and there was a woman inside, but it wasn’t Natalie.

Hearing the movement at the door, the gorgeously dressed woman turned around, saw Anna in a dirty boy’s attire, and exclaimed, “Heavens, who are you!”

Anna quickly said: “I’m here to find Natalie, I’m her friend!”

The woman took a step back, looking at Anna with more wary eyes: “What are you kidding! Natalie is dead, are you here to find her ghost?”

The expression on Anna’s face froze.

“What did you say? Natalie, she…she died?”

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