Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times - Chapter 94.1 - Sleepy Translations

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7-9 minutes 23.08.2021

Brought Back (1)

“She died two months ago. You claim to be her friend. How could you not know about this?” The woman looked at Anna suspiciously. At this moment, she finally realized that the “boy” in front of her was actually a girl.

Anna clutched the door frame tightly, breathing heavily.

Two months ago… that was the time when Magnolia kidnapped her, Abel went crazy and they were all so badly injured that she had to ask Rothgarr to save Natalie and Leon.

She vaguely remembered that she passed out after that and had woken up in the Demon Realm. She asked Rothgarr how Natalie and Leon were doing, how did he answer her then?

What he said was: When I took you away, the people from the church had already arrived.

He didn’t directly say whether Natalie and Leon survived, did he not know or did he deliberately avoid mentioning it?

Did Natalie already die then? Or did she die from her injuries later on?

…Was she really dead?

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Anna walked up to the woman in a few steps. She vaguely remembered that this was Natalie’s brother’s wife. She grabbed the woman’s arm, stared at her with red eyes and said, “How did Natalie die?”

The woman shrank her neck in fear. Anna’s expression at the moment was too frightening. She didn’t even dare to call for her servants loudly for fear that this dirty woman would be goaded and hurt her.

“She died in a heroic fight against the demon.” She swallowed, “That’s all I know. For more details, you have to ask the priest, he knows the most!”

Anna didn’t let go of her. She looked at her and said, “Did you see Natalie’s body?”

The woman nodded in horror: “I attended Natalie’s funeral, of course I saw it!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the eyes of the girl in front of her who was disguised as a man fill with tears. She froze for a moment; so they were really friends?

After realizing that this was really Natalie’s friend, she was no longer afraid. She broke away from Anna’s hand and said dissatisfiedly, “You don’t even know that your friend is dead; do you really deserve to call yourself her friend? Ah, no!”

She suddenly looked at Anna suspiciously: “What friends does Natalie have? Isn’t her only friend the civilian mage who disappeared… Wait, could it be you?”

Anna ignored her; her mind was in a mess. How could she accept the fact that Natalie was dead?

“Then… where is Mage Leon?” Anna looked at the woman suddenly, wiped away her tears and gritted her teeth before asking.

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“Mage Leon? Of course he is recuperating in his own home!” The woman said, as if this was obvious.

Anna left the woman behind and left here quickly.

She had to ask Leon, she would only believe the answer she got from Leon.

Anna had never been to Leon’s house, but she knew where Leon’s family lived.

After leaving Baron Wright’s mansion, she ignored the gazes of the surrounding civilians and used the wind gathering spell all the way to Leon’s house.

Because she didn’t know the layout of Leon’s house, Anna didn’t break in directly by flipping over the wall. Instead, she asked the guard at the door. But because she looked a little disheveled at the moment, the guard just told her to go away, with no intention of going inside to pass the message.

Anna formed a golden arrow in her hands and held it against the guard’s neck. Without a word of nonsense, she cut straight to the chase: “Take me to see Mage Leon.”

The guard’s life was being threatened, and he was so frightened that he had no choice but to take Anna inside.

The servants who were walking around the mansion saw this scene and looked at Anna in horror. Some rushed to report it.

Anna naturally did not stop them. All she wanted was to see Leon as soon as possible.

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Anna had held the guard hostage and walked inside for around a minute when someone came out in a hurry.

It was Leon.

Anna dissipated the golden arrow in her hand, and shouted when Leon frowned, “Mage Leon, I am Anna!”

Leon rushed out after hearing a servant come to report that someone arrogantly took a guard hostage and broke into the mansion. Since he was injured by the demon that time, his mental strength had not been fully recovered. One reason was that he was seriously injured from that incident, and the other was …That incident hit him hard mentally, and he was a little slack in restoring his mental strength.

Hearing this familiar voice, Leon also recognized Anna from under her messy disguise at the moment. He couldn’t help being overjoyed, and walked up a few steps and asked with concern: “Anna, where have you been for the past two months?”

He passed out during the fight with the demon. He thought he would never wake up again. Who knew that he would survive? But Natalie died and Anna disappeared…

“I was taken to the Demon Realm.” Anna answered briefly, then stared at Leon, and asked the question she was most concerned about at the moment, “Where is Natalie? Is she really…really dead?”

Leon couldn’t bear seeing Anna’s hopeful eyes. He knew how good Anna’s relationship with Natalie was.

“Yes, at that time, she… sorry.” Leon said in a low voice.

At this moment, Anna felt as if all the strength in her body had been emptied, and the tears she had endured this whole way here could no longer be held back.

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Natalie died two months ago, and she didn’t even know… Natalie’s sister-in-law was right, how could she count as Natalie’s friend? She didn’t even make it to Natalie’s funeral…

Leon quickly reached out and grabbed Anna’s arm. She was swaying, as if she was about to fall. After he supported her, she slowly looked up, her tears-soaked eyes were full of pain and self-blame.

“It’s not your fault.” Leon said solemnly.

Anna felt that her throat was swollen and uncomfortable. Leon didn’t know anything, of course he would say it wasn’t her fault.

But could she convince herself that she was not responsible for Natalie’s death?

At this moment, Anna felt Leon’s hand, which was holding her arm, tighten suddenly. Exclamation sounded from all around, and the servants ran away in all directions. She didn’t need to look to know that Rothgarr had finally caught up to her.

She had worked so hard since she escaped from Rothgarr, just to avoid being captured by him, but at this moment, his arrival did not arouse much fear in her. Instead, a surging anger occupied her brain.

After Rothgarr came out of the teleportation portal, he was distracted by Balan all the way until he was outside Black Cloud City. After suffering injuries on both sides, he dispelled Balan’s determination to continue obstructing him with one sentence.

Balan left, which meant he didn’t have to worry about anything else. He went straight to Natalie’s house first, and after asking a woman about Anna’s visit and where Leon was, he rushed over immediately, just in time to see the irking scene of Leon holding Anna’s arm.

He folded his wings in mid-air, landed lightly on the ground, and walked towards the two people step by step.

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