We’ve Both Changed (2)

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When she finished showering, Anna still didn’t come to a conclusion she could accept even after taking her time in the shower. And the root of everything laid in her own mental blocks, but those were often the hardest to overcome.

Anna stood in her room for a while, lost in thought, then sighed when she snapped back to reality.

She walked out and headed to Rothgarr’s room. Forget it, she would let him decide.

Anna opened the door and entered, only to find that Rothgarr was already on the bed with his back to her, as if asleep.

But she knew very well that he was not yet asleep.

Still, she walked over quietly, climbed onto the bed and lay down beside him.

Rothgarr rolled over and looked at Anna almost as soon as she laid down. He rested his head on one hand and played with her hair with the other as he said casually, “I thought you wouldn’t come.”

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Anna thought to herself, it was mainly because she was too thin-skinned, and too embarrassed to break their deal. And—

“If I didn’t come, you would’ve come to me.” Anna looked at the ceiling, silently counting the flower buds in the pattern.

Rothgarr said indifferently: “No, then I would just let you be.”

Anna suddenly looked back at him, showing some regret uncontrollably.

Was he really that easygoing? In the past, he would obviously sneak into her room and climb onto her bed, and she couldn’t get rid of him no matter what… No, that was the humble him from when the curse broke out!

Seeing Anna’s expression, Rothgarr couldn’t help laughing out loud. He lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly. He let go of her long hair and caressed her cheek. After a while, he hooked his lips into a wicked smile and said, “I’m waiting for the day when you willingly submit to me.”

Anna’s face was flushed and she was at a loss when she heard Rothgarr’s words. He pulled away, tidied her nightgown, and pulled her into his arms.

Anna froze for a while at first, but seeing that Rothgarr had really planned on doing nothing, she finally softened.

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Thank you.

She said this in her heart, closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning was still the same gray day in the Demon Realm, and it started, as usual, with a passionate kiss.

Rothgarr originally wanted to let Anna practice what she learned yesterday, but as soon as the two walked out of the room, Rothgarr looked up with displeasure.

Anna guessed: “Balan is here again?”

Anna’s guess was correct. Rothgarr had Anna read a book by herself, while he flew out from the terrace.

This time, Balan didn’t say anything when he came. He flew to the top of the castle and sat down with a bottle of wine in his hand. He took a sip from the bottle, looking into the distance.

He had fought with Rothgarr several times before, and received some pretty serious injuries. He didn’t have someone like Anna who could use the Holy Healing spell on him, so his injuries were still pretty obvious, making him look haggard and unkempt.

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Rothgarr hovered beside him, frowning, “What did you come here for?”

Balan took another sip of his wine before turning his head to look at Rothgarr, as if sizing him up carefully for a while before saying, “You signed it?”

Rothgarr tacitly confirmed it.

Balan smiled: “You haven’t gotten her yet.”

Rothgarr sneered: “None of your business.”

Balan laughed. When it died out, his smile changed slightly, “I used to think that only I would be dragged down by love, but I didn’t expect you to fall deeper than me.”

Rothgarr didn’t want to talk about this kind of topic with Balan. He turned around, wanting to leave, but he heard Balan say: “The magical array Catherine used was aimed at the soul contract she signed with me. I have already gone to York’s house to destroy the related books …But I can’t confirm who else knows about this. If Anna wants to control you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop it in time.”

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Catherine wasn’t who he thought she was at first, but he was still convinced that the part of Catherine he loved was who she really was. And Anna was not the same as Catherine. He never would have thought before that even though he tried his best, he still couldn’t stop Roth from gradually becoming obsessed with Anna, even though he had known him for thousands of years, while Anna and Roth had only known each other for less than a year.

Balan stopped being hostile towards Anna like before, so Rothgarr was willing to talk to Balan a little more. He turned around and said, “Balan, do you know how I got Anna back?”

Balan had only stopped Rothgarr from chasing Anna before; he really didn’t know how Rothgarr actually found Anna.

He shook his head: “Tell me.”

Rothgarr said: “The teleportation portal is connected to outside Blue Stone City, where her family is. Because of your obstruction, she took her family and left Blue Stone City; I don’t know where she was headed. Later, she went to Black Cloud City. I found her while she was confirming the news of her best friend’s death.”

Listening to Rothgarr’s words, Balan’s original indifference gradually disappeared.

“Balan, the Anna you see has always been the false illusion she gave you.” Rothgarr wanted to laugh when he thought of the scene where Anna tricked Balan outside Black Cloud City.

Balan understood what Rothgarr was saying.

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