We’ve Both Changed (3)

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After Anna escaped from the Demon Realm, she didn’t hide herself, but hid her family first, and then went to confirm the safety of her friends, because Rothgarr knew her family and friends, and she was worried that he would hurt or take advantage of them. This would of course put her at a great risk. If she was really a cunning person, after taking away her family, there was no need to risk being captured by Rothgarr by going back to Black Cloud City for the sake of her so-called friends.

Balan took another sip of wine, but said: “So what if she doesn’t take the initiative to hurt you? You can’t prevent others from using her to hurt you. Don’t forget, you are a demon that humans hate, she is a human.”

In the past, Rothgarr was the one that cared very much about the boundary between humans and demons, but now, after Catherine’s incident, Balan hated humans greatly.

Rothgarr said: “She will become stronger. As long as she is not willing, no one can use her.”

His perception of human beings had not changed, but, to Rothgarr, Anna no longer belonged in the category of “human beings”. He was very sure that Anna loved him too, but she was depressed because of Natalie’s death, and of course he couldn’t take advantage of her, let alone force her to do anything. He would give her some time until she opened herself to him as she had then, without any cover, and offered all of her to him.

Now, both he and she had no shortage of time.

Balan looked deeply at Rothgarr with a complicated expression: “Roth, you have changed.”

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“You’ve changed too,” Rothgarr said.

Balan was taken aback, and laughed loudly: “Yeah, we’ve both changed. How funny is it that the Grand Dukes of The Abyss in the Demon Realm have changed because of human women…”

If Rothgarr had the foresight a year ago to see how he would change because of a human woman, he would have killed that human woman first.

But now, just thinking of Anna quietly reading a book in the study below and waiting for him to go back, his chest felt a burst of joy that he never had before.

“So what if I’ve changed? I’m still me.” Rothgarr thought of Anna. He didn’t want to talk nonsense with Balan here anymore. He finally said, “Don’t come here again during this time.”

Balan said with a smile: “So it’s true when they say you don’t need friends if you have love! But you don’t even do anything with her. Or is it that you are afraid that I will disturb your two-person world?”

Rothgarr looked at him coldly: “Still not leaving?”

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“I’m going, I’m going. I’ll leave after I finish this bottle.” Balan waved his hand as if he had lost all fighting spirit.

Rothgarr ignored him and flew back to the castle.

Balan sat on top of the castle, gulping down what was left of his wine.

He was reluctant to go back to his castle, because it was full of memories of him and Catherine.

After not even a drop of wine could be poured out, Balan dropped the bottle regrettably. He flew into the air, hovering for a while before finally flying slowly towards his castle.

He should still go back. At least in his castle, after he got drunk, he could still see Catherine.

Behind the castle, Gray Gray, who was breaking ground, was frightened by the wine bottle that fell from the sky. Because the wine bottle fell right on the soft ground it had dug up and miraculously did not break, Gray Gray thanked its lucky stars that it was not injured.

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After it recovered its senses, Gray Gray rushed to the wine bottle angrily, picked up the bottle and smelled it. Gray Gray was very sure that this was not something from its own castle. It looked up at the sky angrily, but because of its physiological structure, Gray Gray fell on its back on the ground with a thud.

Seeing this scene, White Fur laughed, jumping up and down. Gray Gray turned over, grabbed the wine bottle and threw it at White Fur, but unfortunately, its claws were not suitable for throwing, so the bottle flew less than a meter away before it hit the ground, rolling towards White Fur.

White Fur placed its foot on the wine bottle, called its companions through a series of grunts, and actually started playing a game of pass the bottle, which made Gray Gray on the side even angrier.

When Rothgarr returned to the castle, Anna was turning the pages of the book. She looked him up and down first, and said after seeing that he was not injured, “Balan just left like that?”

“Yeah.” Rothgarr replied, “He won’t hurt you again.”

Anna nodded. Rothgarr had presumably reached a consensus with Balan.

Balan wanted to kill her several times before, but Rothgarr stopped her. Although Balan had his own purpose, it was a fact that he helped her hold back Rothgarr when she had attempted to escape. After thinking about it, she didn’t need to resent him because of this. Though, of course, she couldn’t possibly like him that much.

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Hating someone was too tiring. Truthfully, she did not want to hate an additional person.

Anna put down the book and said enthusiastically, “Is it time to practice today?”

Rothgarr said, “Yes, did you remember what you learned yesterday?”

Anna: “…Yes.” Unexpectedly, her “do you remember” PTSD was still not healed.

Rothgarr and Anna went downstairs and outside the castle. As soon as they stepped out, a shadow flew towards them. Rothgarr brought Anna into his arms to avoid it, and the lightning thrown by Anna also hit the shadow.

With a bang, the thing shattered and broken pieces fell to the ground.

Only then did Anna see clearly that it was a dark wine bottle.

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