Inside The Abyss (2)

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In the past, no human was kind to him, so he didn’t care about their life or death, but now, someone had taken him in regardless of his origin, and even he wanted to repay her. Or, at the very least, not let her die during his mad state.

But things didn’t develop in the direction he expected. He was caught and turned back into a demon in front of Anna, and even hurt her and her friends…

Aosta regained his conscience in the late stage of massacres in the past, and he had no mercy for the human beings who died in his hands. He was a demon. What would killing a few human beings matter? But this time, he was stopped by Rothgarr, and he regained his conscience ahead of time. Seeing everything he had caused, especially Anna lying in a pool of blood, he could no longer keep calm.

For so many years, the only human being who showed kindness to him was Anna, but he still hurt her!

He hated the curse of The Abyss more than ever. He had been on the fringes of The Abyss for so long, and never expected to see Anna again today.

He thought of the sweet taste of the roast goose he ate at Anna’s place, which was the best memory involving food that he had. He should have left immediately, but as if something beckoned him, he came over anyway, and called Anna’s name.

He didn’t know what he wanted to do. Maybe, he just wanted to hear her talk to him again, if just a word.

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Anna moved closer to Rothgarr almost subconsciously. She had once faced Aosta’s berserk killing intent, and that memory would occasionally appear in her dreams. After learning that Natalie had died at that time, that memory turned into a nightmare.

After realizing her actions, Anna froze. She endured the discomfort in her body and looked up at Aosta with her head held high and back straight. She was planning to take revenge on Aosta, how could she not even dare to face him?

“You’d better…not call me that again, the person I’m familiar with is not you!” Anna said in a deep voice.

Aosta took a step forward but stopped after seeing Rothgarr’s warning eyes. He stared at Anna and said with difficulty: “I’m sorry.”

Anna tightened her grip on Rothgarr’s arm, looking at Aosta through gritted teeth.

Why did he say sorry? Wasn’t he the cruel demon Aosta now? Why would he apologize to her?

“Aosta, before I attack you, you’d better get out of here immediately.” Rothgarr frowned and looked at Anna, who did not look so well. There was murderous intent in what he said to Aosta.

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Aosta had already guessed that the relationship between Anna and Rothgarr was unusual, but he couldn’t help being a little surprised to see Anna snuggling up beside Rothgarr, while Rothgarr, who had always been arrogant and full of contempt for humans, allowed Anna to touch him.

But thinking about the two months he spent with Anna day and night, he felt that this was not surprising at all. Anna had that kind of ability.

He took two steps back, turned around and said, “The roast goose was delicious.”

Anna couldn’t help but say loudly: “What does it have to do with you that the roast goose is delicious? I took in Abel, not you!”

Aosta paused, turned around and said, “I didn’t want to hurt you and your friends, but I couldn’t control myself at that time. Anna, I’m sorry.”

Anna’s hatred for Aosta was based on her belief that Abel and Aosta were not the same person.

But seeing Aosta again made her question this; she knew that she was greatly mistaken.

On Aosta’s face, she could vaguely see a hint of Abel. There was none of the irrational and brutal appearance of that day. He remembered everything about Abel; he remembered the roast goose, he remembered her, and he even apologized to her.

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At times like this, Anna hated her logic very much.

She wished so badly that she could hate Aosta unreasonably. Then, at least she could take revenge.

But she was very clear now that it seemed like Aosta could not be blamed.

She remembered so clearly that Aosta had left without saying goodbye one day. He couldn’t control himself, so he left in order not to hurt her when he transformed into a demon. But Magnolia captured him and brought him back. So, he had killed Natalie without meaning to…

Anna felt as if she was facing the insane exam questions given by those malicious law professors during criminal law exams. She didn’t know how to answer them or who to blame them.

Aosta had done what he could do beforehand, yet he was the one who actually killed Natalie.

Magnolia captured Aosta, and she did all these things, but if Aosta hadn’t transformed at that time and Rothgarr had saved them in time, Natalie would not have died.

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Anna thought dazedly, in the end, could she still only blame herself?

Anna had been holding back her emotions before. She didn’t go to the Human Realm to find trouble with Magnolia’s family because, for one, she knew that Magnolia’s entire family had almost died under Aosta’s hands. If she was able to find the family members, those people would likely only be distantly related. She did not believe in spreading hatred, and did not want to go make trouble for them. The second reason, perhaps, was that she still hesitated about taking revenge, so she just worked hard every day to improve her strength, saying that she could defeat Aosta in this way. In reality, she was just delaying time.

But now, those emotions had overwhelmed her.

Some things were accidents caused by coincidences. She shouldn’t blame herself, but she could only blame herself.

Even when she was training with Rothgarr trying to improve her strength, she still couldn’t help herself from thinking time to time that Natalie could still be alive if she didn’t exist.

Anna let go of Rothgarr and took two steps back.

Rothgarr looked back at her, saw that her eye circles were red, and couldn’t help frowning. He was about to pull her in, but saw her burst into tears suddenly without any care for how she looked.

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