Inside The Abyss (3)

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She knelt and sat on the ground, crying hoarsely, her whole body trembling.

There was no one else to blame, no one to take revenge on.

If she really wanted to blame anyone, she could only blame herself.

Rothgarr looked down at Anna, who was breaking down and crying. He remembered that when he brought Anna back to the Demon Realm, she looked sad, but that was all.

But now, her grief and pain burst out all at once.

Rothgarr thought about waiting for Anna to cry it out, but after hearing Anna cry for a while, he didn’t feel great. He didn’t want to see her cry so sadly.

So, he stepped forward, wanting to hold Anna in his arms.

At this moment, The Abyss, which was still some distance away, suddenly enlarged rapidly, enveloping the three of them in an instant. When Rothgarr came to his senses and grabbed Anna, he only touched a lock of her hair.

Then, his vision blurred, Anna disappeared. Aosta was gone as well.

He knew that he was inside The Abyss.

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The grief that Anna had suppressed for a long time after finding out about Natalie’s death broke out at this moment. Anna didn’t know how long she had cried for until someone gently hugged her.

It wasn’t Rothgarr.

Anna was already familiar with Rothgarr’s embrace and smell. This was definitely not Rothgarr, but how could he allow others to touch her like this?

Anna opened her eyes and was surprised to find that the person hugging her was a woman…it was Catherine!

Anna pushed her away and backed away. Catherine had already died a long time ago, so this person couldn’t be Catherine!

She quickly wiped away her tears and looked around, only to realize that she had come to a place that she had no memory of at all.

The place where The Abyss was located was a desert, but here… there were green grasslands and gurgling streams, and farther away were towering peaks that covered this river valley-like place. White clouds covered the sky above, but you could still make out that the sky here was similar to the blue sky of the Human Realm, not the perpetually gray sky of the Demon Realm.

Anna had cried a lot, and she felt a little better after. She knew that the current situation was absolutely not normal, so she stood up quickly and looked at “Catherine” vigilantly.

“Who are you? Where is this place?” Anna asked. Her voice was a little hoarse, because her throat was a little sore from crying, but she couldn’t care about that at the moment.

“Catherine” smiled and tilted her head: “This is heaven. Don’t you like it here?”

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Anna said: “First, I’m not dead, so I can’t be in heaven. Second, I don’t believe in the existence of heaven. Where is this place? Is it related to The Abyss?”

“Catherine” smiled coquettishly but dodged her questions: “You will like this place. Look.”

“Catherine” pointed behind Anna. She turned around and saw Natalie smiling at her.

Seeing Anna turning her head, “Natalie” ran over a few steps and hugged Anna excitedly: “Anna! I missed you so much!”

This was fake, Natalie was dead.

Anna told herself this, but still hugged her.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

Natalie hugged Anna tightly and said with a smile, “Anna, what are you talking about? We’re finally together again after so long, so don’t say anything to spoil the mood! Let’s go, I’ll take you to a good place!”

After Natalie finished speaking, she led Anna into the valley.

Anna allowed Natalie to hold her, wiping the tears welling up from her eyes as she walked.

This wasn’t Natalie, but she couldn’t refuse.

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Natalie took Anna to a flat ground. She pointed to a place and said, “Anna, don’t you have a tree seed with you? Plant the tree quickly!”

Anna did have The Abyss tree seed that Rothgarr had temporarily entrusted to her for safekeeping. When she took it out, the Abyss tree seed was still crystal clear.

Natalie urged: “Quick, plant it quickly, so I can always be with Anna!”

Do not plant it.

There was a voice in Anna’s heart to dissuade her, but she still squatted down, dug a hole in the wet soil with her bare hands, then looked up at Natalie and said, “If I plant it, can you be resurrected?”

Natalie nodded happily and said, “Yes! Plant it quickly so I can be by Anna’s side forever! ”

Anna placed The Abyss seed in the hole, filled it with soil, and slowly patted the soil to tamp it down.

Natalie said from the side: “Anna, you have to give it the energy of the light element so that it can grow.”

Anna asked: “I only know the holy healing spell; is that okay?”

Natalie immediately said, “It’s ok!”

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Anna put her hand on the soil where The Abyss tree seed was lying below and used the Holy Healing spell. In the next moment, The Abyss tree seed suddenly sprouted, sprouting out of the soil. It grew at an extremely fast speed. Anna had to back away. She saw that the sapling had grown into a towering tree within a minute, but there was only one dark red fruit on the tree.

“Anna, pick it off!” Natalie continued to command.

The fruit was more than three meters high. Anna used the Wind Gathering spell to fly up and pick the fruit. As soon as she landed back on the ground, the towering tree withered immediately, finally turning into ashes and falling to the ground.

Natalie said happily: “Anna, come with me, we are only one step away from success!”

After Natalie finished speaking, she turned and walked in one direction with brisk steps.

Anna looked back. Catherine, who had first appeared in front of her, had long since disappeared.


Natalie called Anna from ahead. She looked away and hurriedly followed after Natalie.

Anna had never seen such beautiful scenery in the Demon Realm, but she had no intention of admiring it at the moment. She just looked at Natalie’s back and slowly followed her forward.

After walking for a while, she couldn’t help wiping away her tears again.

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