Inside The Abyss (4)

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Natalie stopped on the edge of a cliff, pointed to the dark place and said to Anna: “Throw the fruit down, and your wish will come true!”

Anna gripped The Abyss fruit in her hand. This plum-sized fruit seemed to have a different kind of hardness. She wasn’t damaging the fruit at all despite gripping it with all her strength.

Seeing that Anna wasn’t moving, Natalie turned around and said, “Anna, what are you waiting for?”

Anna took a step back.

Natalie smiled innocently: “Anna, don’t you want to be with me all the time? Throw the fruit in.”

Anna took another step back.

Natalie still stood where she was; her smile became a little blurred: “Anna, have you forgotten? You killed me, shouldn’t you do something about it?”

Anna’s vision blurred again.

In her blurred vision, Natalie took a step forward covered in blood. She fell to the ground and crawled towards her with her hands.

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“Anna, look at me, I died so miserably, but you didn’t even know… I was so lonely when I died; did you not feel guilty?” Natalie’s face was covered with blood, but her face still had an innocent smile, “Help me, can’t we study happily every day like before?”

“Of course!” Anna choked up, “Of course…”

She looked at Natalie, who was still crawling towards her covered in blood, and instead of retreating, she walked forward.

Under the gaze of Natalie’s clear eyes, Anna knelt down in front of Natalie and hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry…” Anna cried bitterly. Apart from sorry, she didn’t know what else to say. She knew that this was not Natalie, but she still couldn’t control her emotions.

“Anna, throw the fruit in quickly… I will forgive you if you throw it in.” Natalie’s persuasive voice bewitched Anna’s ear.

Anna shook her head lightly.

She knew from the very beginning that this was an illusion and that none of this was real.

She wouldn’t drop The Abyss fruit in. How could she forgive herself using such a despicable illusion?

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“Anna, don’t you miss me? Don’t you feel indebted to me?” Natalie kept saying, “Don’t you want to go back to the past? Back then, we were so happy…we were best friends, and you were my only friend. If you don’t help me, do you want to watch me disappear again?”

Anna just shook her head.

Natalie continued with the same tone: “Anna, you must help me, I only have you to rely on. My Papa, Mama, brothers and sisters, they don’t love me, no one will help me, I only have you…”

Anna thought of the wife of Natalie’s brother she saw in Natalie’s room. She didn’t seem to feel much sadness about Natalie’s death.

That’s right, she was the only one Natalie could rely on.

But she couldn’t do anything for Natalie.

At this time, a big hole seemed to be torn open in the sky, and Rothgarr, covered in blood, appeared in midair.

Rothgarr saw Anna who was kneeling on the ground and hugging someone. He swooped over, and said in a raised voice, “Anna!”

Natalie’s tone became more urgent: “Anna, hurry! Help me, throw the fruit in! Otherwise, it will be too late!”

Anna heard Rothgarr’s voice and looked up, still hearing Natalie’s urging voice.

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She had better not do what the hallucinations told her to do.

Anna held the fruit tightly, let go of Natalie, and said to her, “Natalie, I’m sorry…”

“Help me if you feel sorry!” Natalie grabbed Anna’s arm with an eager and pitiful expression, “Anna, Anna, I don’t want to disappear again…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed away by Rothgarr, nearly falling off the cliff.

Anna subconsciously leaned forward but was hugged by Rothgarr. He carried her and flew into the sky, but the sky pressed down as if it had collapsed.

Anna turned her head and saw that the valley she was in just now had collapsed and. Natalie was lying on the edge of the cliff, looking up at her until she eventually fell off.

The blue sky gradually turned blood red, like a devouring monster, opening its mouth wide open.

Rothgarr held Anna and avoided the falling debris. More injuries formed on his body, but he didn’t care. He asked Anna as he was dodging the debris, “Anna, are you injured?”

Anna said, “No.”

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After she answered, Rothgarr rushed out of the entire collapsed space in one fell swoop, and she saw that place with green water and green mountains gradually shrinking inward, and finally disappeared completely.

But what she and Rothgarr were in at the moment was a blood-red chaotic space.

As Rothgarr said, there was no up, down, left, or right, and there was no exit in sight.

“Are we being sucked into The Abyss?” Anna hugged Rothgarr tightly, trying to ease some of the burden on him, “Is there a way to get out?”

“Yes.” After Rothgarr finished speaking, he accelerated and flew in one direction.

Anna saw a wound on Rothgarr’s neck, so she raised her hand and pressed on it, using the Holy Healing spell to at least stop the bleeding.

Only then did she realize that the fruit of The Abyss she was holding tightly in her hand just now was gone, replaced by a dark red mark on her palm about the size of the fruit.

Anna didn’t know what happened just now, nor did she know what the fruit was, and why it turned into a mark on her palm, but she didn’t ask Rothgarr either.

Rothgarr didn’t know how to use The Abyss tree see, so how would he know that seed could bear fruit? Anyway, he wouldn’t know the reason, so it was better not to say it.

What’s more, it was not certain whether they could escape. They could discuss this later when they made it out.

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