Black-hearted Lotus Twin (27)

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Chu Cheng bowed and squatted on the ground, unable to believe that it was their fault all along. He kept saying, “I watched Chu Xi grow up. She is not so bad.”

“If she can kill Chu Xiang once, she can kill her twice. Think about it, she is a criminal now. Why did she commit a crime? You all know that she won’t live long unless she finds the right heart. Why is she so persistent? Because she and Chu Xiang are twins! She knows that Chu Xiang’s heart can keep her alive! The most vicious person is her, and you are all the fools used by her!”

Fang Jie was truly ecstatic this time. She straightened her hair and said coldly, “Hurry up and sell the house and return the money to me. Otherwise, I’ll make a mess of you. I always do what I say.”

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Fang Jie turned around and left, without any psychological burden about Chu Xi who was being rescued. Chu Xi’s will to survive was super strong, and she survived after being resuscitated so many times. Although each time she survived, she got sicker and sicker, and not a trace of Chu Xiang could be found in her appearance. Nonetheless, she still held on tenaciously, because Chu Xiang’s heart and Chu Xiang’s medical skills could save her. She could never be completely desperate.

However, the feeling of an undying glimmer of hope but it was always hanging in the air was actually the most uncomfortable. Fang Jie felt relieved at the thought of it. At least on this trip, she completely unmasked Chu Xi’s hypocrisy. Now that all the truth came to light, the Chu family were in agony. This could also be counted as venting her anger.

Chu Xi’s rescue took a long time. She revived with a thread of breath, but she was in a coma for most of the day. Even when she woke up, she was a little confused and couldn’t recognize most people. She could only mouth Chu Xiang’s name in a faint breath, like an obsession engraved into her soul.

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Seeing her like this, the Chu family could no longer question whether she had tripped Chu Xiang into the water. Besides, there was nothing to question. Wasn’t what Chu Xi said that day an admission?

After Mrs. Chu knew about it, her illness worsened day by day, so she simply didn’t go to see Chu Xi again. She lay in the hospital bed and washed her face with tears every day. Chu Cheng and Mr. Chu kept smoking outside the hospital every day, unable to accept this fact.

If it has always been Chu Xi who harbored malice; it has always been Chu Xi who bullied Chu Xiang and found opportunities to harm her; it has always been Chu Xi who wore a mask of hypocrisy; then they misunderstood Chu Xiang, right? Then at those times when they felt that Chu Xiang was awful and lectured her, they were all wrong, right?

Regret has not yet sprung up within them, but they were already filled with bewilderment. They couldn’t figure it out, really couldn’t figure it out. If this was all true, then how proficient Chu Xi must be at acting, huh? The child that they had pampered and held at the tips of their hearts had been tricking them for so many years? Just like what Fang Jie said, was she using them?

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What about Chu Xiang? When Chu Xiang claimed that Chu Xi tripped her into the water, all of them scolded her, driving her to ran away from home, paying all child support, and cutting off relations with them. They kept saying that Chu Xiang was ruthless and cold-blooded, but was it actually them who were ruthless and cold-blooded?

Chu Xiang returned to China, but didn’t know what happened on their side. Xia Yunhui knew that she had important things to do in the next two days, so she didn’t mention such bad news to her at all. So, Chu Xiang’s interview was aired as promised, and she also talked about her family for the first time in the interview.

Chu Xi was in a daze, but she was in better spirits that day, and insisted on watching Chu Xiang’s live interview. The Chu family all came to the ward. They turned on the TV and saw Chu Xiang appear on the screen. They all looked at the TV in silence. Their eyes seemed to be watching her, but they were empty. It was a wonder what they were feeling inside.

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Chu Xi stared closely at Chu Xiang on the screen. Chu Xiang has rosy cheeks and clear eyes, and was wearing a red sleeveless dress. Her long shoulder-length hair was tucked behind her ears. She looked dignified and generous without losing her youthful vitality. She was so beautiful and eye-catching. The host spoke to her with respect and reverence, because she achieved feats that no one could ever accomplish, and she deserved high respect.

Chu Xi’s hands on both sides slowly clenched into fists. Why? They obviously were exactly the same. They were twins, but why were their lives so different? They were simply worlds apart. Chu Xiang was so high up, while she was about to return to dust. God was so unfair, and she was really not reconciled!

If Chu Xiang had died in the sea; if Chu Xiang had been willing to operate on her; if the hitman had killed Chu Xiang; if just one of these had succeeded, she would have a chance for survival. But why? Why was she always so unlucky?

Just when Chu Xi was feeling resentful, she heard Chu Xiang mention her name. Her eyes widened instantly, and she stared at the screen.

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