Black-hearted Lotus Twin (28)

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Chu Xiang answered indifferently, “It seems that my family affairs has caused a buzz around recently, and everyone is very concerned about it. In fact, for me, before I went to college, almost five years ago, I already had no family. So the recent incident has neither impacted me much, nor will it cause me any shadow on my return to the country. After my work abroad is finished in a while, I will return to settle in the country.”

The host asked, “Regarding your twin sister, it seems that only you can cure her disease. Is that really the case? From the beginning, Dr. Chu chose to specialize in this research. Does it have anything to do with Chu Xi’s disease?”

Chu Xiang smiled and replied, “That’s right. Now that I think back on it, probably since I was a child, I have always had an obsession to find a way to heal Chu Xi. Because…” She chuckled: “Because from as far as I can remember, my parents and my brother told me over and over again that I stole Chu Xi’s nutrition and caused her congenital cardiac dysplasia, and that it was I who’s the culprit to all her sufferings.”

The host was shocked: “This… this doesn’t make sense at all.”

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Chu Xiang spread her hands and said with a smile, “I know it doesn’t make sense now, but I didn’t know it when I was young, and I really thought I owed Chu Xi. Therefore, my biggest dream was to cure her. I have been paying attention to this aspect since I was a child. I don’t have much time to make friends, and everyone’s impression on me was that I’m cold. Later, when I was admitted to medical school, I cut ties with my family, but it was a pity to give up what I studied for so many years, so I just followed this research path. Luckily, the results were not bad.”

“It turns out that there is such a reason behind Dr. Chu’s achievements. Although the beginning of your story is awful, with quite a lot of bitterness in between, the final fruit is sweet, fortunately…”

Chu Xi could no longer hear what the host was saying afterward. Her eyes widened, and she stared at Chu Xiang on the screen, motionless.

Chu Xiang said that all this was done for her, to cure her. After so many years of hard work, Chu Xiang finally succeeded, but she offended Chu Xiang to death in the middle of it. She destroyed the chance to live by herself, and she forced her away!

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She could have had a chance for survival, and she could have had a sister who loved her very much. She had a great sister who was the only one in the world who could save her and overcome the world’s problems for her. She could have had a chance for survival!

For her sake, Chu Xiang became the only person in the world who could save her. She could have lived. She could have lived…

Chu Xi stared at the TV screen, while her heart slowly stopped beating. Mrs. Chu was the first to realize that something was wrong. She extended her hand and pushed Chu Xi. With a long beep, everyone was jolted. Chu Cheng hurriedly rushed out and shouted at the doctor, and Chu Xi was pushed into the emergency room again.

But this time, she never woke up again.

Mrs. Chu was lying beside her bed and wept bitterly. She reached out and tried to close her eyes, but they couldn’t. Chu Xi was truly dead.

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Mrs. Chu broke down and cried, What the hell have I done? Why has a good family become like this? Why did my two daughters have to kill each other? God…”

Mr. Chu couldn’t hold it anymore. He couldn’t support his legs, and he collapsed softly against the wall. Old and tearful, he muttered to himself, “Chu Xiang wanted to save Chu Xi. Chu Xi wanted to harm Chu Xiang, and when Chu Xiang could save Chu Xi, she refused. Chu Xi attempted to kill Chu Xiang again, and finally…why…”

Chu Cheng stood there woodenly, with no sadness, no joy, as if he was numb from head to toe. He looked at the breathless Chu Xi, and surprisingly felt relieved. Everything was over. These things would never happen again. There would be no more commotion at home. There would be nothing, and their lives could finally return to peace.

He obviously has always been so fond of his younger sister, cherished her. But he just didn’t know when he really took his sister as a burden, but he couldn’t blame himself. His whole life has become a mess because of Chu Xi.

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He kept standing there. The medical staff shouted at him, but he did not respond. He just stared at Chu Xi. When he was in his prime, when he was at his busiest, Chu Xi ran away from home, and Chu Xi clamored for a heart replacement. He was busy running around seeking medical treatment for her, and even entered the black market countless times looking for a suitable heart, dealing with those who licked blood with knives.

God knew how scared he was when he went to the black market for the first time. How did the organs that those people buy and sell come from? What horrible people were they? Mrs. Chu asked him to contact those people without a room for refusal, and Chu Xi cried miserably beside her without a single word to stop her. Did he have a change of heart then?

He was married, and everything was supposed to be harmonious and happy. But his wife and sister couldn’t get along, and they didn’t like each other well enough. Every time his mother helped his sister, he couldn’t find peace when he went back to his room. At that time, he would rather work overtime in the company than go home, and home wasn’t a warm place for him.

Then Chu Xi drifted away from the kind little girl he remembered. She would lose her temper, scream, and smash her phone. It was as if she’d go crazy at any moment. He also got increasingly tired. He missed a lot of good opportunities at work because his time was taken up by Chu Xi’s affairs.

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