The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (38)

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Chu Xiang called Shou Hou’er into the barn together, turned around and stuffed the rabbits and pheasants into two cages, and put the bags behind the sauce jar. When she touched the bag, she tucked the contents into her space, just in case. No one could ever find them.

When everyone saw the wild animals that Chu Xiang took out, they were all surprised. They thought it was just one or two, but who knew there were so many.

Everyone asked Chu Xiang how they caught it, to which she replied with laughter, “Good luck, I guess. I’ve been taking care of Yin Xu, and I know nothing about using any means. At best, I just use a slingshot. Yin Xu can hit a prey accurately with it, but unfortunately the slingshot fell into the river when we were catching fish.”

Yin Xu was a soldier. He has fired his guns and shot his slingshots accurately, so it was not surprising. Everyone believed it, and those who wanted to learn how they caught the animals were regretful. They could learn everything else, but learning how to be a marksman was a challenge, not to mention that you really needed luck if you wanted to catch so many wild animals. They could only be green with envy.

The Yin residence was as lively as the Chinese New Year. Both Yang Yuelan and Yin Qiuwen were also jubilant and excited. Someone else asked what Chu Xiang was going to sell in the town. She chatted long with them amidst the crowd, but when everyone finally dispersed, they realized that they actually didn’t get answers to their questions.

Shou Hou’er watched the whole process, and his admiration for Chu Xiang rose another notch. This time, he called her with “Sister-in-law” resoundingly, more genuine and sincere!

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The news quickly spread throughout the village. Grandma Chu threw her chopsticks on the dining table, glared at Chu Lan and said, “Eat, eat, all you know is how to eat! You’ve been running around town all day, but what have you earned? Chu Xiang even caught so much meat for her in-laws, how about you? What are you capable of?”

Chu Lan’s mother immediately became unhappy. “The stuff that Chu Lan often brought home wasn’t anything less.”

“The past is the past. How many days has it been? I can’t even see a gram of minced meat. We only have ten yuan in total, what are we supposed to eat and drink?” Grandma Chu glowered at the mother and daughter unhappily. “Don’t think I don’t know. You’re hiding money in your room to commit wicked things. Our family is not divided, so all the money has to be handed over to me. CChu Lan, you…”

Chu Lan interrupted her irritably, “Aren’t I working my fingers to the bone for the whole family? But when I earn money, it’s going to be Daxin who will live in ease and comfort in the future, right? Grandma,  what are you so upset about?” Chu Lan got up and entered her room, “I’m done eating, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to town.”

“Rebellious girl, what an unspeakable cheat…”

Chu Lan locked the door, completely ignoring the old lady’s scolding. She was terrified now. The fact that Chu Xiang caught several prey was like a nightmare. Chu Xiang’s luck seemed to have returned, while only more than 40 yuan was left of the 100 yuan she took. She felt restless, as if there was a dagger hanging above her neck that could fall at any time!

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Chu Lan knelt on the ground and prayed to the Bodhisattva, but what was the use? The more she prayed, the more desperate she became, and she couldn’t even sleep.

The next day, when Chu Lan went to town, she coincidentally run into Chu Xiang and Shou Hou’er who were also going to town. They were really going to sell things in town!

Chu Lan sniffed a whiff of the smell of the meat in their basket. She felt deeply disdainful, but she forced a smile and said, “The villages in our locality are poor, one poorer than the other. These dishes aren’t cheap, right? Who can you sell them to?”

Chu Xiang smiled gently and replied, “You don’t have to worry about that. You should worry more about your own affairs. Seeing your poor complexion, beware lest you will lose everything.”

Her words pierced into Chu Lan’s heart. Her complexion changed dramatically, and she snapped sharply, “Chu Xiang, what are you proud of? You’re married to a cripple, have a disfigured face, yet you still have the nerve to step out and make a fool of yourself. Who are you to say that about me?”

“Who are you calling a cripple?!” Yin Qiuwen immediately pushed Chu Lan in anger.

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Of course Chu Lan wanted to fight back, but Chu Xiang quickly pushed her away. “What are you doing? Are you going to bully my younger sister? Chu Lan, stay away from us. Otherwise, who knows if you can come back safely today.”

“What do you mean?” Chu Lan stared at Chu Xiang, her face turning blue.

“Whatever do I mean, you can figure it out for yourself. I still haven’t settled the score with you for screwing me. Do you think I’m someone who repays grudges with virtue?”

Chu Xiang looked into her eyes as she spoke. How could ordinary people withstand Chu Xiang’s condensed eyes? Chu Lan was silenced, and cold sweats oozed out behind her back. At that moment, she felt that Chu Xiang was on the verge of killing her!

Along the way, Chu Lan didn’t dare to talk any more, and listened to the three of them talking and laughing. She stifled her annoyance and almost suffered internal injuries from her anger.

When they got to the town, Chu Xiang and her company didn’t set up stalls. Instead, they sold their dishes as they walked. The dishes included steamed buns, chicken offal, and diced chicken, all of which were sold by weight.

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At first, no one bought, but as soon as the lid of the back basket was lifted, the particularly aromatic smell of meat wafted out, immediately attracting a crowd. Some people were reluctant to buy it because it was too expensive, and naturally some people were willing to taste it, especially those who loved their children and wanted to show filial piety to their elders. Hence, the number of customers gradually grew.

Shou Hou’er and Yin Qiuwen were busy collecting payments and serving customers, grinning from ear to ear. Chu Lan was following them from afar, and seeing this scene, she bit her lips.

It’s just some food. Can’t these people cook it by themselves? Are they really willing to pay for it? At present, selling clothes is more profitable than food. Does this mean that good luck has really returned to Chu Xiang?

Chu Lan never considered that the reason the dishes were sold well was because they were sumptuous. She believed that it was all due to good luck, and this made her so uncomfortable that she could hardly breathe.

Chu Xiang separated from them when a crowd had gathered, and went to find a buyer by herself to sell what they dug up. Without Shou Hou’er and Yin Qiuwen to keep an eye on her, she found an unoccupied place to change into her disguise with something from her space, so now a trace of her previous appearance was nowhere to be seen.

For hidden wealth, doing a lucrative business should also remain unexposed. Her first bucket of money would be earned in this covert manner.

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