The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (39)

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Chu Xiang sold the five small items she brought to three people, two of whom Yin Xu told her about, and one whom she found herself, for a total of 20,000.

When Chu Xiang went back, Shou Hou’er and Yin Qiuwen had almost sold out their dishes. Holding the malted milk she purchased, she said ingratiatingly, “It’s so hard to buy this. It took me and an aunt a long negotiation to get this can.”

Yin Qiuwen replied in surprise, “Sister-in-law, have you been gone for so long to buy malted milk? You, why have you bought this? We don’t have children in our family. Don’t tell me, you-you…”

Yin Qiuwen couldn’t help but stare at her stomach. Chu Xiang flicked her forehead. “What are you thinking about?! It’s for Mom’s health.”

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“Oh, are you going to give it to Mom? You are so nice, Sister-in-law!” Despite Yin Qiuwen’s surprise, she was also deeply moved. They just made money, but Chu Xiang didn’t buy anything for herself, and instead bought good stuff for her mother to replenish her body right away. She was really treating them as a family.

Shou Hou’er exchanged glances with Chu Xiang and understood her signal. The items were sold smoothly. His hands trembled with excitement, but he quickly steadied himself. However, he shouted louder, and the food in their basket was sold out in no time!

Their pricing wasn’t high. After all, it was just a pretense, so the selling ended pretty fast. By the time they headed back to the village, everyone was busy with their work. When they saw them, they naturally wanted to ask a question or two, and they were shocked as well as curious to know that they had sold their dishes pretty well. After asking them a round of questions for a long time, they also noticed the malted milk that Chu Xiang bought for Yang Yuelan.  They all praised the daughter-in-law for her filial piety and Yang Yuelan for her good fortune.

After the three returned home, the villagers were left still discussing it. Many villagers also thought of

going to the town to sell wares. When Chu Lan returned to the village, their enthusiasm had not dissipated, and they also pulled Chu Lan aside to ask her this and that. Even if she tried hard to cover it up, they vaguely guessed that she didn’t seem to have earned any as the look on her face wasn’t a festive kind.

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Chu Lan’s appearance was in sharp contrast with Chu Xiang. Weren’t these two the lucky and the disaster stars? Why did it look like it was the other way around? The Chu family shouldn’t have made a mistake, right?

Grandma Chu was the most sensitive to this matter. Every good news of Chu Xiang was like a slap in her face. She especially hoped that someone could hit Chu Xiang’s face, but nobody in her family could fight. Even Chu Lan’s previous good fortune dropped from the chain, really pissing her off!

Grandma Chu ordered that if Chu Lan couldn’t earn the money for ten days, she would just stay at home and not go anywhere.

Chu Lan was still part of the family, unable to get rid of her grandmother’s control, so despite being suffocated to death, she could only endure. The key was that although she got reborn, she was still a worthless person. The feeling of having every point in her future memory all wrong, and couldn’t seize the opportunity made her as anxious as an ant on the hot pot.

For the next ten days, Chu Xiang and Yin Xu went into the kitchen early in the morning to cook dishes, that even the nearby neighbors smelled the aroma, and then Shou Hou’er would take the food to the town to sell.

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Chu Xiang went to sell a few antiques for the first time and never went there again. It wasn’t easy to meet two or three rich people in this small town. It was hard to sell antiques, but it was all too easy to get into trouble. They should keep a low profile for the meantime and go back to it later. At present, she, Yin Xu and Shou Hou’er each had 7,000 shares, enough for them to spend. Of course, she didn’t want to go to sell the goods, so she wrapped all the excuses in the nice-sounding ‘home review’.

The food they ate were all Yin Xu’s cooking, which wasn’t much of a meal. Shou Hou’er sold some every day, ate some by himself, shared some to several of his brothers in town, and soon returned to the village, just to let the villagers think that they had earned a lot of money with good business.

There were also a couple of villagers who went to sell their own goods, but the results were unsatisfactory. When they returned, they were disheartened and poured cold water on everyone. Chu Xiang personally cooked their family meals every day, and seemingly and unintentionally let the neighbors have a taste of them. People who have tasted her dishes praise her craft endlessly, and everyone tacitly understood why their dishes sold out well. Chu Xiang’s cooking was just divine!

Chu Xiang’s craft was amazing. She cooked delicious food for the family daily to replenish their body, and even gave her mother-in-law a drink of malted milk. Such a lovely girl made all the aunts envy. Why didn’t they let their son marry Chu Xiang?!

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Now, how could anyone still avoid Chu Xiang for being a bearer of ill luck? Right now, the most enviable person in the village is Yang Yuelan. Seeing her rosy cheeks, her former morbid complexion was gone. She was really having the time of her life!

Compared with Chu Xiang, Chu Lan was more attention-grabbing. People who haven’t yet had a daughter-in-law were still wondering how lucky she was, thinking of snatching this lucky star home. As a result, all they saw for ten days was the same somber expression on her face. Some neighbors also claimed that they could hear Grandma Chu scolding her every day. Chu Lan did not earn a penny back, but even lost a hundred!

For a hundred yuan, you could marry an ordinary wife! Everyone who heard it was stunned, and no one believed that Chu Lan was a lucky star.

Chu Xiang was getting better and better at the Yin family, but Chu Lan had lost everything. This comparison made Chu Lan’s face pale and extremely frightened. Coupled with the oppression of Grandma Chu, Chu Lan’s taut strings almost broke!

She couldn’t make money and was out of luck. The only path left for her to seize was Song Yang and become an official wife in the future. In the end, she used an underhanded trick to let Song Yang have an intimate relationship with her, and thus must marry her.

Song Yang had been with her every day during this period, and he had a good impression of her. Although he didn’t want to get married at this time as he was going to take the college entrance examination soon, he had already gotten intimate with her.

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