The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (58)

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Chu Xiang chuckled. “The campus is a place to cultivate the flowers of the motherland so of course it’s necessary to be restrained. It’s different when you’re out on a mission. Needless to say, I can play however I please.”

Li Dong still couldn’t accept it. “The changes in you are so great, making me suspect that I am not your instructor, but the other way around.”

Yin Xu lowered his eyes and asked suddenly, “You really don’t look like a girl who just left home, but rather a top soldier who has served many missions. Where did you learn from?”

Of course the original owner was unlikely to be incredibly powerful but there were countless wonders under the sun. Who said that the original owner could not become a Soldier King? Otherwise, how did all those legends under the sky come to be?

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Chu Xiang has a wide range of experience and knew that even the most miraculous things could come true, so she calmly replied, “Talent.”

This was indeed an irrefutable answer. She entered the military school and learned the corresponding lessons. So, what if she was just a quick and gifted learner? She just got a hold of a gun and practiced her marksmanship, and then was now a sniper. What was wrong with it? It was just how she was proficient at cooking. She obviously has not cooked a few meals in the Chu residence. How did she develop good cooking skills? It must be talent. There was no other explanation!

It suddenly dawned on Yin Xu that Chu Xiang married him not only to get rid of her entanglement with the Chu family, but also to extricate herself from suspicions of being a ‘spy’.

No matter what talent Chu Xiang has, she would definitely be noticed in this sensitive era if she was different from ordinary people. Some people were lucky enough to be investigated and incorporated into government work, but most were directly eradicated by some leaders below. They would rather kill such people by mistake than let them go. The more remote the place was, the more there was no place to redress injustices.

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If Chu Xiang didn’t want to be monitored, she must not expose her talent. She could only be an ordinary person and has no chance to shine. However, it was different when she was married to him. He was a soldier, and she was thus a soldier’s dependent. This status was good.

He was at a Soldier King level, so her rapid progress would not be easily suspected by outsiders. Others would only think he has taught her a lot.

Yin Xu suddenly suspected that Chu Xiang’s request to enter the army and go out on a mission this time was also intentional. It was to become a soldier in the army and achieve a meritorious service out on missions. After this step, she would complete a flawless transformation, and no one would doubt her origin and identity because his recommendation was equivalent to a guarantee. It would be easy for her to gain the trust of others.

Yin Xu rubbed his temples vigorously, feeling as if he had figured out all the key points. Chu Xiang has only two purposes for doing things, one was to make herself happy, and the other was to realize her ideas. She probably just found the food they cooked at home not delicious. Being kind to her mother-in-law and sister-in-law was merely for “family harmony”. Getting them on the same page as her and quickly overturning all the villagers’ perception of her proved to be very successful.

Chu Xiang gave him a strange look. “What are you mulling over? You look deep in thought.”

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Yin Xu shook his head. “I’m wondering if you’re a consummate schemer.”

“Maybe. Is someone sha-bai-tian not a schemer?”

“What is ‘sha-bai-tian’?”

Chu Xiang accidentally uttered a term from the later generations and explained to him after careful consideration, “It just means a silly and naive ordinary person.”

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Yin Xu didn’t know where she got such a word, rubbed his chin and said, “Don’t utter such uncommon words in front of Lao K. Otherwise, he will suspect that we are working on code words. He would rather solve us than take risks.”

“Relax.” Chu Xiang looked outside and felt as if she was in the post-apocalypse period. At that time, they were also a small team going out to do tasks, but back then, they mostly fought and killed. This time they still needed to feign civility with Lao K. Still in terms of acting, she could be whoever she wanted to play. She didn’t believe that Lao K would see through her.

When they were about to arrive, Yin Xu warned in a low voice, “Don’t conceal any weapons on your body.”

Chu Xiang nodded. There was a warehouse of weapons in her space, which was sure to be carried with her. Moreover, it was the safest place and no one could find it. This time the completion of their mission depended on her space!

Li Dong stopped the car. Chu Xiang saw their enemies with guns outside the window. The mission has started!

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