The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (59)

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“Hahaha! Man, you really made Uncle Chai wait. You’re putting up the bossy image?”

Once Yin Xu got down from the car, a bald man wearing gold chains welcomed with a laugh and wanted to shake his hand

Yin Xu shook the bald man’s hand briefly and apologized, “I apologize. The car broke down on the way, so there was a delay. I’m not the boss, I’m only his assistant. I will help my boss down immediately.

Yin Xu ran to the other side of the car and opened the door. He stretched out his hand so Chu Xiang could hold it as she got down from the car. Li Dong and Liang Jie also got down from the car and stood on both sides of the car while watching Chu Xiang. The three men’s action made Chu Xiang’s entry look especially eye-catching as if she was the moon worshiped by the stars.

The bald man was surprised and rubbed his head. “Man, you’re not kidding me right? This is your boss? A woman?!”

Liang Jie faithfully played his role as the bodyguard and glared coldly once he heard the bald man’s words. “Watch your words!”

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“Huh? For real?” The bald man eyed all of them and then laughed. He stretched out both his hands to Chu Xiang. “I’m Jin Ze. How do I address you, lady boss?”

Chu Xiang smiled faintly. “You can call me Ms. Lin.” Her fingertips barely touched Jin Ze’s hand before she retracted her hand. She lifted her chin in a slightly arrogant manner, “Where is Uncle Chai?”

Yin Xu added, “Sorry, Sister Xiang has an appointment with someone else in the day after tomorrow. We don’t have much time here, so we hope to conclude the collaboration this time as soon as possible.”

Jin Ze wasn’t upset, but thought this was part of Chu Xiang’s confidence. He made a welcoming gesture. “Ms. Lin, this way please! Uncle Chai is inside. He’s very friendly to guests, so we will most definitely show you the greatest local hospitality.”

Chu Xiang walked ahead with her head lowered to fix the gloves on her hand. She said coldly, “I’m only interested in business and nothing else.”

Jin Ze calmly followed up. “Of course. I hope that you won’t disappoint us.”

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The entourage went past the high walls into the courtyard. The main door was heavily guarded by armed private soldiers on both sides. Jin Ze signaled one of those soldiers from Chu Xiang’s back. Immediately after, someone that seemed like a fugitive dashed over to them and then got shot to death by a soldier.

Jin Ze snuck glances at Chu Xiang’s expression and realized that Chu Xiang was very indifferent toward this, as if she was used to it and there was nothing surprising about it.

He relaxed slightly and chuckled. “My apologies. It’s a private matter, but you had to see it.”

Chu Xiang waved her hand as a response, and Yin Xu’s expression remained the same. Meanwhile, Li Dong and Liang Jie both tried to keep their gazes straight. However, their hearts boiled over with rage. It was a life gone right in front of their eyes. They knew how to act, but the anger accumulated, and they wished they could kill everyone here.

After passing through the archway and long corridor, a small two-story building appeared in front of them. At first glance, it seemed to be an ordinary house, but on closer inspection, they could see that the walls, doors and windows were no ordinary; it was no worse than an air-raid shelter.

The door of the building opened from the inside and Jin Ze raised his voice and said, “Uncle Chai, Ms. Lin has arrived!”

While speaking, they had already entered the small building, and a lean old man in a Zhongshan suit was sitting on a wooden sofa reading a newspaper. At the sound of the news, he raised his head and revealed a smile, “You’re here? This place is a bit remote, you must have had a hard time finding it?”

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Uncle Chai wore gold-rimmed glasses, had neat hair, and a kind smile. Anyone who saw him would think he was a kind old man. He did not look like a spy or a drug lord.

Chu Xiang raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Jin Ze, “Is this really Uncle Chai?”

Jin Ze laughed. “How was it? Are you surprised? Uncle Chai is a refined man.”

Uncle Chai laughed lightly and said, “Ms. Lin, sit down. You have come a long way to taste our specialties here. Let’s talk slowly and make friends, don’t make it so formal.”

“Good, I like to talk business with elegant people.” Chu Xiang smiled and shook hands with Uncle Chai, then took a seat on the sofa opposite him.

Yin Xu stood next to her, while Li Dong and Liang Jie both stood behind her. They protected her from all sides.

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When Chu Xiang was sipping her tea, she took a brief glance and already had a good idea of the possible threats in the room. Five men and women dressed as underlings all had weapons concealed on their bodies, and these people stood in strategic positions that enabled them to protect Uncle Chai or attack Chu Xiang’s group at any time.

Chu Xiang and the others came here this time due to an important character the military secretly captured. Through his “connection,” they got in touch with Uncle Chai, so they can also be counted as an acquaintance introduced. However, since this was the first time the two sides met, they were bound to test each other.

Uncle Chai cheerfully chatted with Chu Xiang, but he kept going around in circles without talking about the main topic. Nevertheless, he did it very well with the way he silently probed for Chu Xiang’s limit.

Li Dong and Liang Jie were less experienced in undercover work, and when they heard Uncle Chai’s more difficult questions, their hearts pounded with nervousness. Meanwhile, Yin Xu, who has fought with Uncle Chai before, was calm and smiled as he helped Chu Xiang out.

However, he realized after helping her twice that Chu Xiang did not need any help from anyone. She could answer any questions perfectly. Including their identities and experiences, she could flippantly mention these previously unplanned contents without any mistakes. These information put together would be the complete life story of several people.

Li Dong and Liang Jie were confused, but thanks to their training, they didn’t show it on their faces.

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