The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (72)

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Chu Xiang felt that compared to the end of times, missions like these were more interesting because there were no disgusting zombies or dirty ruins. The greatest danger they encountered was dealing with people. As the saying goes: “The joy of fighting with people is endless.” This saying was really true. It was much more interesting compared to going on missions during the end of the world.

They led a dangerous life, so it was natural that they could not take care of household matters. Fortunately, the country took great care of their families, and the people in the military compound are especially friendly to Yang Yuelan and Yin Qiuwen, and they get along with them like family.

In a few years, Skinny Monkey had seized a good opportunity and become the first to get rich, and he was also one of the best, having started up a company in the capital that was expanding and doing well.

Yin Qiuwen also graduated with honors. As Yin Xu and Chu Xiang’s family, she had been the focus of attention and was assigned to work in the state agencies suited for her practical abilities as soon as she graduated. Yang Yuelan became the director of the Women’s Federation, and made a large group of like-minded friends, spending her days laughing and joking with them.

When Chu Xiang and Yin Xu are away, Skinny Monkey often bought things and visited them on weekends. As a result of this, Skinny Monkey and Yin Qiuwen got together and became real family members with them. The two of them got married and purposely waited until Chu Xiang and Yin Xu came back to hold a simple wedding while those two had a rare vacation.

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At this time, it was popular to wear wedding dresses and have the bride and groom bite the same apple at the wedding, and also to have the bride and groom play games. The crowd cheered together, making a lot of noise and joy.

Yin Xu and Chu Xiang watched them from the outer circle, and Yin Xu couldn’t help but ask, “After watching them, do you think our wedding was too simple?”

“Does it matter?” Chu Xiang turned her head to look at him, “What difference does it make to us whether we got married or not, whether there was a wedding or not, whether the wedding was grand or not?”

Yin Xu thought seriously for a moment, “No.”

Chu Xiang shrugged her shoulders and laughed: “Exactly. I don’t even know where is our marriage certificate. Are you getting old? You’ve been thinking about this kind of obscure thing.”

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Yin Xu touched his eyebrows, laughed lightly, and whispered in her ear, “I’ll let you check if I’m too old or not tonight,”

Their vacation was short, and after two cozy days with their families, they set off again and disappeared without a trace.

Gradually, many people forgot about them. No one took Chu Xiang to be the reincarnation of a lucky star, and those who worshiped Chu Xiang appreciated her strength more than her lucky fate. No one compared her with Chu Lan; they were not on the same level and world.

However, their contrast taught many people a lesson. There was no point in comparing yourself with anyone, it was more important to always surpass yourself. Even those who have an eye on what “great” people can not be relied on. Only by relying on oneself can one live the life one really wants.

This era advocated the idea of self-improvement for new-age women, and Chu Xiang was undoubtedly the most outstanding representative of new-age women.

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She grew up in a patriarchal family, so how much suffering did she endure? The Chu family was known for their vulgar behaviors, but she was able to become a hero that everyone praised, and even after her marriage, she continued to move forward, making numerous achievements and increasing her rank. Everything she obtained was from her own hard work. She was interviewed so many times, but she never complained a word about the hardships of life. She was the role model for all the new-age women – independent and self-reliant, but still knowing her limits.

When Chu Xiang was indulging in one task after another, someone had already written a biography for her. It was a very formal, serious, and substantial biography – “Chu Xiang’s Legend”. There were also films and dramas made out of her story, her and Yin Xu’s story. Everything about her life that was known to the public was expanded with creativity and complimented her legendary life.

This was really the first time that she has been circulated in the world with a positive image of a heroic figure and with great influence.

Times make heroes, and perhaps this time she just happened to make it by mistake. Although this development was not the same as Chu Xiang’s original purpose of joining the army, she did not deliberately destroy this image. She only became more mysterious, and more impossible to get a read on, adding more legendary touch to this life’s Chu Xiang.

In this life, Chu Xiang left this world at the age of seventy. As she could not cultivate in this life, she went on missions for many years and received many hidden wounds. In the absence of elixirs to heal her, she passed away naturally and bid farewell to this place, to the unforgettable Red Age, and to Yin Xu.

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Yin Xu, whose hair was now completely white, sat upright on the edge of the bed. His back was still straight, just like a soldier’s. He had been holding onto Chu Xiang’s hand, not very tight and not very loose, just like his position beside her all his life, not very close but not very far either. He had always been there, where she could see him whenever she turned her head.

After Chu Xiang closed her eyes, he raised his hand and gently smoothed the hair at Chu Xiang’s temples, smiling lightly, and said, “Little lucky star, in your next life, go to a good home, so you don’t have to suffer so much.”

The image of the year under the hospital’s tree came up before his eyes. That pale little girl seemed to casually mention, “Let’s write up a contract, and we can gain our freedom back after a few years ……”

A fake marriage agreement, a heartfelt cooperation, became their lifetime. Now they were gray-haired. His partner had passed away, and he would be leaving this world soon too.

Yin Xu gently covered Chu Xiang with a thin blanket and finally held her hand again, “My little lucky star, goodbye.”

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