The Strongest Fox-Demon (1)

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Chu Xiang regained consciousness, feeling severe pain all over her body and her soul was unstable. Fortunately, the spiritual energy in this world was abundant, and she soon got over the pain.

Chu Xiang slowly opened her eyes to look around. It was a very small cave; dark, and there were insects crawling in the corner. She lowered her head and saw her body; it was a small bundle of fur. She had transmigrated into a fox!

The host was a fox demon who has been cultivating for a hundred years with her best friend. This time, they went down the mountain because they heard that a thousand-year-old snow lotus was about to bloom, so they wanted to go and get the treasure. However, it turned out that the rumors about the snow lotus were fake. A dozen demonic cultivators had set up a trap to capture them in order to obtain their demonic cores to refine into pills.

Even though these foxes’ cultivation was quite good, they still could not withstand the targeted attack from so many people, not to mention that those people also set up a lot of traps. The two of them fought to get out of the encirclement despite suffering serious injuries, but they couldn’t cope after escaping from those people.

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At that time, the original owner’s consciousness was already blurred. Before she died, she only remembered that a passing scholar came up looking surprised and picked her up.

When the scholar saw them, they were already unable to maintain their human form and transformed into their original form. The host was a flame fox, with a fiery red pelt, and her best friend, who grew up with her, was a snow fox with a snow-white coat devoid of blemishes.

The original owner was hurt too badly, so when Chu Xiang saw her, she felt pity. However, a demon’s cultivation was always like this, no one knows which day was the end. Aside from her friend Bai Yi, the original owner had no other attachment to this world.

Chu Xiang searched around and didn’t see Bai Yi’s figure. She staggered to her feet and fell off the rock she was on when her front legs gave out.

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It was the first time she used four legs, and she was particularly unused to it.

Chu Xiang was badly injured, and the fall made her dizzy. It took her half a day to recover. This was a world of cultivation, and there was a companion with her who understood the extent of her injuries, so Chu Xiang could not simply use medicine to cure herself. She could only wait and see what happens, and endure for the time being.

Sometime later, Chu Xiang wobbled to her feet again and tried to walk a small circle in place. This time she felt better, but her limbs were still very weak, too weak.

She suddenly heard some movement. Her ears twitched, and she turned to look outside. She saw the scholar carrying an oil lamp, holding a snow fox, and chiding it with concern.

“Why did you run out again? Your wound is not yet healed, you cannot run freely. Look, the cloth on your leg fell off. I will re-bandage you. Next time, you are not allowed to go out. What if you got lost? There are many hunters here.” The scholar tenderly whispered admonition. When he looked up and met Chu Xiang’s eyes, he froze for a moment, then was delighted, “Xue’er look, that little fox is also awake!”

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The snow fox who was called “Xue’er” instantly turned her head and was obviously very happy to see Chu Xiang. She leaped out of the scholar’s arms and quickly ran to Chu Xiang and ran around her several times.

[Xiang’er you’re awake? How are you? Are you feeling better?]

Chu Xiang felt a little tired, so she slowly lay back on the ground. [Much better. I’ll be fine if I take my time healing the injuries. What have you been doing?]

[He was half an hour late today. I thought something had happened to him, so I wanted to go out and find him, but I ran into him halfway.] Bai Yi happily plopped down in front of Chu Xiang, her voice carrying an indefinable joy, [Do you know why he came late? He went to pick medicine for us. He’s so nice, I’ve never seen such a nice human before.]

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Chu Xiang looked at the basket on the scholar’s back and thought, “He picked medicine for the foxes he found? Is that such a rare good gesture? Aren’t there many such kind-hearted people?]

She rested her chin on her two front paws and conversed in a low voice. [How many people have you met before? A lot of people are like this. If you’d like, when we get well, we can go mingle with the people more. Life in the city is not bad.]

[People are cunning and indifferent, haven’t you heard the stories of those who suffered before you? You should be a little warier, and don’t be fooled. People as nice as the scholar are really too rare.] Bai Yi retorted.

Chu Xiang looked at Bai Yi’s serious expression as she gave the advice. She complained in her mind, “Who between the two of us should be more vigilant? You’re the one who is bribed by a little goodwill, no?”

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