Golden Agent of the Adonis (22)

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Chu Xiang’s home was an 80-square-meter space that housed two rooms— one was a bedroom whilst the other was a study room. The textiles around the house were all soft and there were many green plants, which were very warmly arranged.

Chu Xiang didn’t use her spiritual power to heal herself, so she was a little tired after returning home from the hospital. Fang Zhenxuan helped her sit on the head of the bed before frowning slightly, “You’ve been working so hard, but your body should be prioritized. How about you handle these matters tomorrow?”

Chu Xiang shook her head, “No, the first 24 hours are golden and it’s very important. And if we let a day go by, the heat mustered from the situation will probably go down. If I were to place you under the spotlight then, it wouldn’t generate that much of an effect. Hence, we have to get the issues settled today to be able to get the highest possible benefit.”

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Fang Zhenxuan helped her put the small table and laptop on the bed before he said, “Then I’ll boil some water for you and get something for you to eat.”

“Okay, I’ll trouble you to do so,” Chu Xiang raised her eyes and saw his back. With an idea flickering in her head, she picked up her mobile phone and went to take a few photos of him.

Fang Zhenxuan looked back at her while boiling some water, “Why did you come here?”

Chu Xiang raised the mobile phone in her hand, “I’m creating some buzz-worthy material. Come here, sit on the sofa and take a picture with the pillow.”

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Fang Zhenxuan guessed that she might want to post it on the Internet. Worried that she was actually exhausted, he walked over quickly and cooperated with the movements that she requested.

Chu Xiang handed him another coffee cup, “Go to the window, that is, the one by that curtain and lean against the window sill, but don’t block the greens on the sides. Then, put one hand into the pocket of your trousers and hold the coffee cup in the other. Act as if you’re lowering your head to start drinking the coffee.”

Fang Zhenxuan worked as a cover model several times when he was working and had some experience in posing and making specific movements, so he could easily create the effect that Chu Xiang wanted.

Then, Chu Xiang asked him to take a picture of him watering flowers, a picture of him cooking in an apron and a picture of sitting in a wicker chair with his head leaning on one hand as he read a book. After that, she went back to bed and contacted the company.

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She told the company that she had just arrived home and her voice, naturally, sounded weak, “I’ve been settling a personal matter for so long and it’s wasting everyone’s time. Let’s discuss the process regarding the public relations sector and resolve this matter as soon as possible.”

Chu Xiang didn’t say it clearly, but through the hidden meaning in her words, she expressed that she must put the company first and was willing to fully cooperate.

The company considered the fact that she needed time to recuperate and after discussing the specific matters, they said, “This matter will be handled by the PR Department and the Legal Department so you don’t have to worry about it. From the tone of your voice, I can tell that you’re still tired, so have some good rest.”

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“Okay, I apologize for troubling you all for working all day. I ordered drinks and small cakes for everyone, so I’ll have Xiao Lin bring them to share with everyone later. Thank you, everyone. When I return to the company, I will treat everybody for a meal,” Chu Xiang’s voice hinted a bit of her gratitude, as if she was very grateful that they were willing to help her deal with this matter instead of giving up on her.

The company said she was being too polite, but everyone liked her a little more. Originally, they were truly tired from working all day due to this situation unfolding, but now one of the parties expressed their gratitude, it more or less made them feel a lot better.

Now that Chen Lifeng, Chu Xiang and Zhou Yuan, the three parties involved, were willing to unify their voices, the PR team would be able to handle things easily. Chu Xiang didn’t even need to make a sound since she was just an agent and a behind-the-scenes worker. As long as the situation was given time to die down, it didn’t matter if she voiced her opinions or not.

So now, as long as Chen Lifeng posted on Weibo, officially declaring his change of agent and also blessing Chu Xiang at the same time, it would imply that the two of them would retain their ‘good relationship’ thanks to their many years of tacit understanding. As a follow-up, the company only needed to issue another general statement and this case was practically over.

Chu Xiang agreed with this plan very much before she took advantage of this good opportunity to call Manager Liang and tell him that she wanted to make Fang Zhenxuan famous. Manager Liang already knew that she wanted this good-looking newbie artist to prove herself, so he had no objection to this. He said, “Don’t worry, the company will never forget what you have done for us throughout the past few years. Now that you have a newcomer in your hands, as long as there are no problems, there won’t be any issue regarding your access to the company’s resources. If he really has the potential to be popular, the company will naturally provide you with our full support.”

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