Golden Agent of the Adonis (23)

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Chu Xiang smiled and said, “Thank you Manager Liang for being so considerate of me. This incident really taught me about both the warmth and the coldness of the world. Those who got along well with me on a daily basis avoided me whereas Fang Zhenxuan and all the other colleagues in the company protected me and helped me. I am really touched— if someone treats me well, I will definitely pay them back in the future. Manager Liang, when I am free in a few days, I will try my best to hoist Fang Zhenxuan to earn money for the company.”

Everyone loved to be appreciated and also liked to listen to pretty praises about them. Manager Liang was in a good mood when he heard it, so he laughed out loud, “You said it as if the company only wanted you to make money, but we have always been different as we pride ourselves in being a humane company. If you really make this newcomer famous, the year-end award will be indispensable for you, so do it well.”

“Then I would like to thank Manager Liang first since I have decided to win a huge bonus by the end of the year! Manager Liang, I have a selfish request. You see, I’m currently at my worst right now because I almost died last night. If it weren’t for Fang Zhenxuan who happened to see me and nursed me carefully when I was unconscious, I might not be able to wake up today.”

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“Oh? Such a thing happened? This young man is kind-hearted, so you should thank him well,” Manager Liang thought about her words and asked, “The selfish request you had is about Fang Zhenxuan, I presume? Just say it out and we can discuss it then.”

Chu Xiang smiled and said, “Manager Liang, it’s not a big deal, but he’s a newcomer, yes? He hasn’t signed a contract with the company yet. I just found out that he was still the President of the Student Union of his law school and was a top student. If it wasn’t for some personal reasons that made him decide to enter the entertainment industry, he would have been a social elite. His character and qualities are very good, so I am very optimistic about him and I want him to have a more sense of belonging to our company to climb up the ranks steadily. So I thought, can we give him a preferential contract? The same type as the one signed by Chen Lifeng? I’m confident that he will bring enough benefits to the company.”

“The same contract as Chen Lifeng? Chu Xiang, at this stage, you can’t even tell what kind of development this newcomer will bring for us; you really are treating him kindly.”

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Manager Liang didn’t feel displeased, but felt that Chu Xiang was a rather emotional person. It could be perceived as such since Chu Xiang had never targeted Chen Lifeng in consideration of their friendship for many years and her consideration towards the company. Now, due to Fang Zhenxuan’s one-night care and her trust in him as a potential artist, she was trying to obtain a preferential contract for him. Such a loyal employee would always be liked by people. Especially since Chu Xiang had never caused any trouble to the company, this quality of hers was even more precious.

The interests of the entertainment industry came first for her and Manager Liang preferred people who showcased their true temperaments. As he thought about it, Chen Lifeng’s current contract was a two-year contract, with 30% of the earnings given to the company and 10% allocated for the agent. Although such a contract was too good for newcomers, how much money could the newbies actually make in two years? It was still unknown whether Chu Xiang was capable of making the new artist a star, and now that she was in a pit but remained loyal to the company and its interests, he didn’t seem to mind the idea of having her owe him a favor.

Chu Xiang’s subtle influence as a hardworking and loyal colleague that worked tirelessly all day played a role in the decision. People in the company, including Manager Liang, had a very good impression of her. Manager Liang agreed to her request without thinking about it for too long.

Chu Xiang said with gratitude laced in her voice, “Manager Liang, thank you so much! I can’t wait to show you the results. Don’t worry, we will not let you down!”

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Manager Liang laughed and said, “Okay, I will be waiting for your results. You should take good care of your health first; everything else can be settled by the company for now.”

“Okay, thank you Manager Liang!”

After Chu Xiang and Manager Liang’s talk, she immediately contacted the HR Department and asked Xiao Lin to complete Fang Zhenxuan’s contract and his agency appointment while she was going through the process of changing agents.

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Although Xiao Lin was one of the assistants that the original owner had found for Chen Lifeng, Xiao Lin and the original owner belonged to the same orphanage, so she listened to the original owner all the time and Chen Lifeng didn’t fancy the thought very much. Especially during this period of time, Chen Lifeng had secretly interacted with Li Ou and Zhou Yuan but avoided Xiao Lin entirely, so she was now on Chu Xiang’s side. She was very capable as well, which was why Chu Xiang felt at ease leaving matters to her.

Chen Lifeng was afraid that Chu Xiang would go back on her word, so he had to wait until the contract to change his agent was finalized before speaking out. The company wanted to make a public statement as soon as possible. Therefore, they dealt with the change of contract very quickly, naturally finishing up the final touches for Fang Zhenxuan’s contract as well.

After Xiao Lin distributed the drinks and cakes to the people in the company, she immediately took the contract to Chu Xiang’s house for them to sign. Then, she hurried back to the company to file the contract, thus completing the process.

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