RGC – chapter 2: Connection (part 3)

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The capsule arrived just past noon.

V-capsule. This capsule, which was developed independently by the Hero Company, is made strictly for Valhalla. Its size is just enough for a body, about a single bed. Kim Hyun-sung clicked his tongue looking at the V-capsule installed in the room.

‘I’ll have to eat in front of the computer from now on.’

The one-room apartment was so small, by placing the V-capsule beside the bed there was no more space. What if I move to a bigger apartment with the thirty million won I received? No, that would be a waste of money. Kim Hyun-sung quickly straightened his thoughts and laid on the capsule.

Although it was his first time using a V-capsule, it wasn’t so hard to manipulate it. Since Valhalla was already installed in the capsule system, he could just put on the helmet and lay. The capsule slowly closed.

‘I also felt like this the first time I entered a capsule.’

The feeling when looking at the closing lid. The light on the helmet’s goggles twinkled. He felt a numbing feeling from the limbs touching the capsule. It was the process of synchronizing the sense sensor.

[Welcome to V-gear.]

[We are searching the list of installed games. Please wait a moment.]

[Valhalla is installed.]

[Do you want to connect to Valhalla?]

Yes. It wasn’t needed to answer with the mouth. One just had to think of an answer. After a brief silence, the system’s voice sounded on his head again.

[There isn’t an account. Do you want to create a new one?]


[The Terms of Service are…]

Skip. Payment of one month service. Then start Valhalla with the capsule.

Again, the voice was silent.


His conscience was fading.

   — Welcome to Valhalla.

Kim Hyun-sung opened his eyes. It was the world of virtual reality he didn’t connect for 5 years. First, he lowered his sight to see his body. He saw a undressed body.

   — Please enter the name you will be using in Valhalla.


Kim Hyun-sung answered without thinking. That was because the names could be used even when they overlap in Valhalla. (like there could be two players with the same username)

   — Laden-nim. Do you want to hear about the Valhalla System?


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   — Aside from special cases, the avatar’s appearance can’t be modified.

   — Will you be using the Inheritance System?


As his research, from character creation to the system procession was fast. A light appeared in front of Kim Hyun-sung, no, Laden. The light involved Laden’s body. A stinging sensation started from inside his head and expanded to his body.

   — Please wait a moment. This can take a few minutes.

Laden tried to move his body during this time. Although he couldn’t get used to the game stats, this was the basic avatar Laden would be using in Valhalla.

First, he verified the senses. The pain sensor and coordination could be adjusted in the game.

‘Maybe it’s a little slow.’

He thought while closing and opening his hands. The first thing to do after the game avatar is created will be modifying the coordination.

   — Confirmed

He heard the system’s voice. The light involving his body disappeared.

    — Laden-nim is 12th Dimension Panthea (Pantheria). One of the Rodiak’s Seven Demon Lord. It is possible to Inheritance the Demon Lord of Beast.

   — Will you Inheritance?

“Demon Lord?”

Laden’s mouth was wide open. Not a hero but a Demon Lord? Although he was a bit surprised, it wasn’t a rare case. People would aggregate those whose Inheritance was the name of a Hero, however, if it’s said clearly, it’s the name of a transcendent in the worldview of Valhalla.

“…Well… It doesn’t matter. I was planning to receive the Inheritance anyway.”

Laden nodded.

   — Inheritance complete.

   — You can choose the starting city. Would you like a recommendation?

“Starting city at the West.”

    — Confirmed

Laden’s feet floated. A strong light involved his floating body.

   — Sending to the West

   — Then, please have a pleasant adventure.

Laden’s body disappeared from the white space.

His feet touched the ground. He was in the cave where the tutorial progressed. He already knew its content. The tutorial was about killing ten slimes in the vast cave.

First, Laden checked his looks. He felt the light clothing touching his skin. It was a beginner’s vestment. The sensation was so real it would make one to forget it wasn’t reality.

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‘That’s a virtual reality for you.’

Actually, he was moved. 5 years ago, when he had jung-e-byong at 17 years old. After deleting the character, he had promised himself not to play games anymore…

“I endured a lot for 5 years.”

Laden opened the system menu while mumbling. The basic way to manipulate was similar to Fantasia. The first thing to do after login was synchronizing the sensation. Even though the avatar of the virtual reality world would look very real, it still wasn’t the original body. It was obvious one would find the sensation weird if they didn’t adjust the settings.

‘How did I set these before again…?’

The setting screen wasn’t so different from 5 years ago, but the problem was Laden’s memory. He frowned and looked at the screen. On the sensation setting window it was possible to modify the sense according to the player’s preference. It was the same for the pain sensor.

‘Set the pain at about half… No, that’s too unrealistic. About 70%.’

As he explored the setting screen, he remembered his setting from 5 years ago. Pain 70%. It was to reduce the pain to 70% of what one would feel in reality. Of course, the system would cut the pain automatically if it gets dangerous.

“… Um…”

He tried to jump and move his hands and legs. He stretched his neck and swung his body up and down, he bended his articulations. He did that for a long time.

In the moment, for him, it was the most important to match the avatar’s sensations to his own. There was an automatic system to match it for the player, but it still was the best if one did the job themselves.

‘… This is for now. The rest is better to set after a battle.’

He turned off the setting window. The next thing to do was verifying his Inheritance name and the skills he got.


Name: Laden

Title: Demon Lord of Beast

Race: Human

Sex: Male

STR: 10   AGI: 10   INT: 10   HP: 10   MP: 10


‘This is the basic stat.’

There are five stats. If one increases the strength, the attack power would increase; if agility was increased, it would make the body’s movement and evasion easier. Increasing the intelligence, it would increase the magic damage. Finally, if one invests stats on HP and MP, obviously it would increase the HP and MP.

‘A fighter class in Fantasia would definitely need to increase muscle and agility.’

It wasn’t that he wouldn’t increase the HP, but the fighter Laden played was one to certainly hit and dodge rather than endure the damages.

‘Let’s first check the skills from the Inheritance.’

He was planning to play as a fighter for the Basic Class, but if the skills by Inheritance wasn’t meant for a fighter. He kept in mind to boldly cast the fighter class aside.

‘That’s only if it was worth it.’

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Laden scrolled the screen with his finger.


Unique skills:




Predation Detection

Eating: the avatar can steal a part of the defeated monster’s strength.

Bloodshed: depending on the amount of blood in the proximity, the HP restoration increases.

Heo-heo-sil-sil: in exchange for a continuous HP loss, the attack power increases.

Predation Detection: the senses increases. Killing intent can be detected sensitively.


Laden’s eyes slimmed. Unique skills were given by Inheritance with the name. Unique skill would level up along with the player, and if one reaches a certain level, a new Unique Skill could be made or a new skill could derivate from the existing ones.

‘Since I’m only level 1, I don’t have a Derivative Skill.’

He possessed four Unique Skills. Eating, Bloodshed, Heo-heo-sil-sil, Predation Detection.

He read the information about his Unique Skills. Although he couldn’t understand some difficult parts, he could grasp the outline somehow.

‘This, isn’t it a too plain growth type?’

The avatar can steal a part of the defeated monster’s strength. Although it was obvious the fact when one levels up, they would get stat point, the characteristic of Eating was to add more stat point after leveling up. Or else, even without leveling up, the stats could increase. Yet he didn’t know how much stat point he could receive from this.

‘This kind of character naturally can’t shine on the beginning.’

A sprout of uneasiness grew on his heart.

The next is Bloodshed. He could understand this skill better than Eating. To put it simply, Bloodshed was hematophagy. One would recover their HP by inflicting damage on the opponent. The HP recovery rate would increase with the amount of blood around. Which meaning was if it was a multiplayer battle, his HP recovery rate would increase astronomically.

And Heo-heo-sil-sil. In exchange for a continuous HP loss, the attack power increases. In this case, he would have to verify the rate of HP loss and attack power increase.

‘Predation Detection seems to be like a 6th sense. Sensitive to killing intent…’

First, he closed the skill window. He finished understanding the outline. The name he got by Inheritance, Demon Lord of Beast, was somehow suitable for being a fighter. Actually, a fighter was a class inclined to single player battles.

‘But that’s only applied in Fantasia. In Valhalla one can grow in all kind of ways.’

In the worst case, he was prepared to create a new character to avoid the Inheritance. However, he quite liked the Unique Skills he got by Inheritance, so that wouldn’t be necessary.

After checking the Unique Skills, Laden opened the Item window to verify the paid items.

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There were only weapons in the inventory. The beginner’s weapon didn’t have a determined form. They could select an equipment and modify its form according to their thoughts. Laden chose a fighter gloves without hesitance. A well fit leather gloves covered his hands. Laden slapped the thin steel plate covering his fingers with his hands.


Laden turned his head. He saw a firmly closed door of the cave. Soon after he open that door, the tutorial would begin. Laden stretched his neck while walking to the door.

‘Let’s check how rusty I got.’

Laden felt his thumping heart and showed a smile.



V-gear: virtual gear.

Nim: [님] It’s like “sama” from japanese. It’s a respecful form to refer someone. “Sir”.

12th Dimension Panthea (Pantheria): [12 차원 판테리아] Idk what it means. A place?

Rodiak: [로디악] Maybe a place? Maybe from the mythology?

Demon Lord: [마왕] mawang. The king of the demons.

People would aggregate those whose Inheritance was the name of a Hero, however, if it’s said clearly, it’s the name of a transcendent in the worldview of Valhalla: [영웅의 이름을 계승받은다고 뭉뚱그려 말하기는 하지만, 발할라에서 계승받은 이름은 뚜렷하게 말하자면 발할라의 세계관에 존재하는 초월자의 이름이다] It confused me, so I translated to my interpretation. I don’t recomend MTL korean stuff ‘cause it translates wrongly if it’s a long phrase (even some short ones).

Jung-e-byong: [중이병] It literally translates to “desease of the second year of middle school”. It’s like a ‘desease’ everyone experience usually at the age of 12-13, they can bevieve they are heros and such. (Chuunibyou from japanese). So, he could be considered special if he expierienced it at 17. There is a lot of jokes about this in Korea. (Like: ‘Why the north koreans doesn’t invade the south?’  ‘Because of the jung-e-byong.’)

Unrealistic: [무디]. Moody. But I prefer ‘unrealistic’.

Eating: [섭식] Hm, yeah. Stuff. Please if you know a better name for these skills, tell me cause idk.

Bloodshed: [유혈] It’s ‘something-blood’. MTL this and found it cool.

Heo-heo-sil-sil: [허허실실] It’s a 사자성어 (like proverbs). It means that something seems weak on the outside but has hidden strength inside.

Predation Detection: [포식감지] Yeah, idk. Maybe Predation detector? (but 감지 isn’t detector)



Maybe I’m getting better at this?

But really, there are a lot of terms I don’t understand… ㅠ ㅠ 

And, yup, the author repeats a lot. I’m not good in English, so I’ll just repeat those too. Also, if any of the terms or stats are wrong, please tell me, so I can fix it.

This chapter will have 7 parts ^^

I’ll try to post every other day at least. (since I broke it into parts).

Hope you enjoyed it~ 

안녕~ 다음에 또 보자~ (bye~ let’s meet again~)

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