“Did he login?”

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The man who was looking at the monitor turned his head to the voice behind him. Dressed in a neat suit, Alice was smiling at him. The man rubbed his panda eyes and nodded.

“Yes. He just got his Inheritance and started to play the tutorial.”

“What is his Inheritance name?”

“That, well. You know. Pantheria, one of Rodiak’s Demon Lords. He got the Demon Lord of Beast.”

Alice’s eyes sparkled hearing this.

“…That suits him quite well. So, how’s he doing?”

Her shoes made a ‘tap tap’ sound. The man suppressed a yawn and turned his head again. A giant screen occupied the entire wall, and they could see over hundreds of small tabs on the screen. The man selected one of them and expended it.

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“See it for yourself.”

Alice narrowed her eyes and looked at the screen. It showed Laden, wearing beginner’s vestments and punching a slime. The man looked at it with distant eyes and picked up the coffee from the desk.

“Really, I don’t know why senpai pay so much attention on this kid.”

The coffee was so cold and bitter one couldn’t drink it with a clear mind. The man, however, just made a weird expression and drank some more.

“He is 22. Not an age to call him a kid.”

“He’s still a kid at that age.”

Alice sneered at the provoking phrase. Laden’s movements on the screen wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t outstanding either.

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“Even though it’s a tutorial, it’s not like his coordination is extra high… Although his movements seems rather good. To speak the truth, even if we only pick blokes who is better than him at playing the tutorial after obtaining Valhalla, we would end up with a truck of them.”

“It’s only punching a slime. Who in the world would find killing it difficult?”*

“I was expecting too much because you even troubled yourself to recruit him. I mean he doesn’t meet my expectations.”

“Then should we increase the difficulty?”

Alice asked while smiling. Hearing the question, the man expression froze. He slowly looked up and observed Alice.

“…Are you serious?”

“Didn’t you say you can’t understand? If that’s so, you can increase the difficulty until you can understand. And actually, I’m also curious. I want to know how rusty that kid got over these 5 years.”

You were the one who said he wasn’t at the age to call him kid. The man mumbled and took a cigarette to his mouth. He tried to light the lighter a few time, but the fire didn’t appear. Seeing that, Alice snapped her fingers. A small fireball appeared in the air and lit the cigarette.

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“…If we are going to raise the difficulty… How much?”

“What was the slime level on the tutorial again?”

“It’s 1.”

“Increase it to 5. And change the monster to orc.”

The cigarette on the man’s mouth fell. It was going to fall on his thigh, but it stopped in midair. Alice clicked her tongue and returned it into his mouth.

“…It’s a joke, right?”

The man asked after barely regaining his composure. However, Alice just laughed and didn’t retrieve her previous line.

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“…No, senpai. Slimes and orcs are completely different monsters… And that kid, he’s still at level 1. If we put a level 5 orc…”

“Shouldn’t it be at least that high to verify his value?”

Ah, really. The man smoked his cigarette and pressed his head with both his hands.

“…What if that kid summons the GM or sue us?”

“If that happens I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure not to affect you.”

“…Really? You can’t put all the blame on me later.”

Alice wouldn’t change her mind no matter how much he nagged. In the end, the man put out the cigarette and brought his hand to the keyboard.

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