Chapter 201. Former Hero – Date (Day 1, Celes)

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The next day.

Today is the first day of the individual dates with my wives.

My partner on the first day would be Celes.
The order was determined by lottery.

[Well then, we’re going.]

Leaving those words behind for everyone else, I went out into town with Celes.

[You wanted to go to the library, didn’t you?]

I asked Celes while we walked along the main street lined with villas of other nobles.

In the first place, it was Celes who suggested going to Amman on a honeymoon and the reason was that she wanted to see the library here.

[Yes. Ah, but for a date, the library is…]

[Nah, I’m going wherever Celes wants to go. I’ve got no problem with the library.]

That’s what I said to Celes, who looked at me apologetically.

[Tha, thank you. Then… let’s go to the library.]


Once the destination had been decided, I held Celes’ hand.
When it comes to dates, of course we’ll walk while holding hands.
It’s an absolute must.

Even though Celes was a little fidgety, she firmly grasped my hand.

Un, all good!

Anyhow, the destination was a library built between the residential area where the villas of the nobles are lined up and the commercial area where tourists abound.
There is also a school attended by nobles next door.
Or rather, is it more correct to say that there is a library next to the school?

[I had a quick glimpse of it yesterday, but now that I look closer, it’s also a splendid building.] 

I looked up at the huge library built in front of me and exposed my ignorance.  

[Indeed. I’ve heard that it’s bigger than the library in Yliss and has more history.]

Celes also looked up at the library in the same way while telling me a bit of info about it.

However, unlike me, Celes is not uninformed.

Where does this difference come from?

[Well, let’s go in.]


After paying the admission fee and entering the library, I showed my stupid side again.


The inside of the library had an atrium in the center and a circular wall spread around the center, extending to the fourth floor above the stairs.

The walls are, of course, packed with books.

How many thousands…tens of thousands of books are there here?
Not a lot, but I don’t feel like counting.

Even if I want to read all the books, I don’t even know if I can read them all in my lifetime.

[Um… It looks like there’s an annex for ancient history and folklore.]

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Celes said while looking at the guide map on the hall.

There is more than one annex?
I’m speechless.

Celes brought me to the annex she was looking for.

As expected, it’s not as good as the main building I saw earlier, but the annex is an annex and this is another amazing thing.

I don’t know how amazing it is…is it enough?

[So, what does Celes want to find out?]

[Um, it’s about the relationships in ancient history and lore.]

Come to think of it, she said that earlier.
That’s why we came to the annex.

[Then, shall we split up and search?]


Hearing my suggestion, Celes made a troubled face.


Oh…I see. It’s a long-awaited date.
There’s no need to seek efficiency by splitting up, huh?

Celes wants to search with me.

Hahaha, cute girl.

[Onii-san, maybe… I don’t think you can read the text here…I’m sorry.]


After Celes said so, I looked at the books on the nearby shelf.


Can’t read them.

The characters drawn in the book were completely different from the characters I had learned so hard in Milis.

[If it’s a book in the main building, I think you can read it, but the book here is written in an old language…]

I’m speechless.

[I’m sorry. After all, we should head to the main building instead… No, let’s go somewhere other than the library.]

Celes apologized and suggested so.

[No, it’s okay, it’s okay. Since it’s impossible to divide the work, I’ll concentrate on helping Celes instead.]


[Don’t worry about it.]

As a result of repeating such exchanges for about a minute, it was decided to search for materials in the annex as originally planned. Let’s push through.

[Onii-san, can I have that book, please?]

[This one?]

[The one next to it, the green one…that’s it.]

Instead, I helped Celes pick up books that she can’t reach.

[Onii-san, you are tall, aren’t you? I really appreciate that you helped me.]

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When I handed the book I took to Celes, she said something like that.

I don’t think I’m that tall, but… I’m taller than Celes. Well, as long as it’s useful, I guess?

[You’re welcome. I don’t mind if you ask for help from time to time.]

[Thank you.]

Celes smiled while holding the book in her chest. What an angel.

However, there weren’t many books in such a perfect position that Celes couldn’t reach them, but I could.

Oy. Please read the atmosphere.

In the end, rather than picking up books, I was in charge of holding the books that were steadily piling up.

[Let’s finish with that book…for now.]

Celes pointed to a book placed in a fairly high spot and said so.
That said, it’s too tall for either me or Celes to reach.

[Wait a minute please.]

Saying so, Celes slid the mobile ladder installed on the shelf.
And when she matched the position of the book she’s looking for, she climbed the ladder.

While looking at the situation, I remembered that there was a situation like this before.

Certainly, at that time, Celes and I weren’t in the relationship we have now.

I looked at Celes, who climbed the ladder just like now, and thought that I could see her panties through the gap between her hot pants.


When I looked around, there was no one in the annex and a small table was set up nearby.

I put the book I was holding on the table.
Then, now empty-handed, I returned to the bottom of the ladder.

At that exact moment, Celes, holding a book, went down the ladder.

Every time she went down carefully, her butt would stick out and I could see a glimpse of her underwear from the hem of her hot pants. 
I’d say it’s still a great angle.

Just in case, I waited after deploying a Silent Space (Silent Field).

I called out to Celes when her butt was about the height of my line of sight.

[Celes, wait a minute.]


Celes, who was stopped halfway, looked at me over her shoulder.

[Can I touch your butt?]


Celes trembled at the sudden stupid offer.
That’s right.

[I know it’s unscrupulous in a place like this. But, I want to surpass myself from back then.]

The me at that time was the me who couldn’t get to do anything at the library in Iris.

[I don’t understand what Onii-san is saying…?]

If you find out, you will be surprised.

[If I explain it in this situation, it will take a long time. Let me touch your butt just for a little while.]

[Eh…eh, um… if it’s just a little bit…]

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Even though she was confused at first, Celes accepted my request.

I would’ve given up on that idea if she were to tell me no.

[Thank you, Celes. By the way, I have erected a Silent Field so it’s okay if we get a little loud.]

[Eh… just touch it a little…nyaaaa!?]

Without waiting for Celes to finish her words, I touched her butt.
I stuck my hand through the gap in her hot pants.

It fit in easier than I expected.

As if that gap existed so that my hand could enter through there.

Inside the hotpants, I rummaged Celes’ butt through her underwear.
Touching and rubbing vigorously.


When I rubbed her butt, Celes trembled accordingly.

I’ve finally surpassed myself from back then…!

I got a really silly sense of satisfaction, and although I regret it, I pulled my hand out of Celes’ hot pants.

[Thank you Celes. I surpassed myself from back then.]

[Haa, haa… hey, I’d like Onii-san to explain what’s going on…]

Taking a deep breath, Celes wobbled down the ladder.

I hugged Celes like that and put her down on the floor.

[Well, actually…]

I told Celes about what happened in the Library of Iris.

Something did happen that day, but not to Celes.

[At that time…so…]

Celes, who heard my story, made a slightly exasperated face as expected.


I apologize for peeking on Celes who, back then, hadn’t even had the relationship we have now.

[Ah, no… that’s fine. Actually, at that time, I was also aware that someone was watching me from below…but I pretended not to notice…]


Astonishing facts are being revealed now.

At that time, did Celes know she was being watched?

[Re, really?]

[It would be strange not to notice such an enthusiastic gaze.]

What did you say…..?

[W-was it so obvious that I was peeking…?]

In my memory, I only saw it for a while, but I don’t remember seeing it that way.

[You’ve been looking at me back then…right?]

Celes said, but she covered her mouth with the book she brought down.

Is that so…?

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The difference in recognition is terrifying.
Let’s be careful.

[I-Is that so… I’m sorry? Now we’re in a relationship where we do things like just now, but at that time it wasn’t like that at all… it’s like peeping… I mean, I ended up peeping.]

I didn’t think I was noticed, so I apologized for looking into it again.

[No, it’s really okay. Like I said earlier, I knew it too yet I didn’t say anything.]

[But doesn’t that mean that you didn’t say it or that you couldn’t say it?]

People like Laurie and Tanya would immediately counterattack after being peeked at.

[If someone I don’t like peeps at me, I’ll complain right away.]


What was that?
You liked me even from back then…?

[I, I mean…when we first met in the underground labyrinth…ever since you saved me, you’ve been my Hero… Well, I’ve fallen in love with you…]

Celes said while not only covering her mouth, but her entire face, with a book.


I’m getting nervous. seriously.



I quickly took away the book that Celes had used to hide her face and hugged her tightly.

[I also fell in love with you from the first time Celes smiled at me!]

[Eh!? Don’t you think it’s too easy to fall in love?]

Is that so?

It’s true that I’m gullible to falling in love easily, but even so, falling in love is not a matter of chance, you know? Personally speaking.

[That’s how attractive Celes was.]

[Huh…i, is that so? Thank you.]

Un un.

[But… that’s right. I don’t know about myself, but the people you chose are all attractive and good people.]

[That’s right. That’s why Celes is also a charming and good girl.]

[Ye, yes…!]

Celes hugged me back.

If you hug each other and make eye contact, then the kiss would be inevitable.



After calling each other’s names, Celes and I kissed.

Since I wanted to touch Celes’ butt, I didn’t think it would reveal the truth at the time or the timing when I fell in love with her, but this is also one of the results, okay?
Anyway, thanks to that incident, Celes and I, who were more lovey-dovey, continued our library date.

At first, Celes hadn’t finished all the research that she had intended to do, but it seems that she’ll come back here tomorrow to find out more about it.

In the middle of her research, Celes said that the annex has become a place that holds new memories with me. It goes without saying that I finished up and brought Celes to the rest area in the commercial district.

It’s the perfect homework.

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