Chapter 202. Former Hero – Date (Day 2 – Laurier)

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The next day…

My partner for the second date was Laurier

[Laurier, is there somewhere you want to go?]

[Huh? …a place I want to go? Isn’t it already decided?] 

Laurier laughed at my question.

The place Laurier wants to go to… Certainly, I probably didn’t even need to ask.

[The grocery store?]

[As expected of Haruto. That’s right!]

I got it right.
She’s very simple to understand!

So, my date with Laurier was combined with an Amman food tour.

[Hmm… Haruto! What do you think that is?]

When we arrived at the commercial district, Laurier immediately found something and pulled my hand.

[Hmm? Which one?]

[Look, that’s it. The one at that food stall.]

At the point where Laurier pointed, there was a place that looked like the sales office of a restaurant and there was some kind of chunk of meat hanging there.

[I don’t know what that is… it looks like it’s some kind of meat.]

There was a signboard, but it was written in a broken font so I couldn’t read it.

[Okay, let’s check it out and eat.]


Laurier answered my words with a big smile.

This fellow really likes to eat.

But when she looks so happy, I feel happy too.

[Haruto! Haruto! That!]

[Yosh, let’s eat.]

As a result of repeating this exchange about five times…


[Wait a minute… it hurts…]

In front of Laurier rushing to the next store, my stomach became full in no time.

How regrettable…

Or rather, it’s Laurier’s stomach that is strange.
No matter how I look at it, her stomach is smaller than mine so how come it can fit so much?

Do demons have special digestive organs?

Is the food digested as soon as she eats?

[Muu… can’t you eat anymore?]

D, don’t look at me with such a sad face…

[Maybe we can just buy the portion for Laurier to eat…]

I still have money.

[Hnnn~… No, I want to eat with Haruto today, so if Haruto can’t eat anymore, I’ll put up with it.]

When Laurie said so, she sat down beside me who was sitting on the bench.

So cute!

If you say such a thing, I…!

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Ahhh… My stomach, digest them as quickly as possible.
My stomach should be able to do it.

I wouldn’t let a weak stomach prevent me from completing the date with such a cute girl!

I try to think so with all my heart but… well, it’s not like it’s suddenly okay.

But, I feel like it’s gotten a little easier.

Oh, seriously?

All humans use magic to strengthen their physical abilities, but is it possible to consciously strengthen one’s digestive ability?
It’s not impossible.
I felt like I could do it.

However, it was only slightly faster.
It’s not enough to go out with Laurier for a day.

Maybe it’s because I’m sitting and waiting for digestion.
If you expend more energy, wouldn’t your stomach capacity increase to match?

Should I run for a bit?
Because running seems to consume a lot of energy.

However, I couldn’t just run a marathon in the middle of a long-awaited date…

Is there a more efficient, date-like way to consume energy?


At that time, an electric current ran through me.

I had a flash of inspiration.

I looked at the clock installed at the square.
It’s still 11 o’clock because we started out early in the morning.



I suggested my idea to Laurier, who was sitting next to me and dangling her legs.

[Right now, I’m pitifully full.]


[However, since it’s our honeymoon, we can’t let Laurier’s eating tour end in the morning.]

[No, don’t overdo it, okay?]

[We won’t overdo it. We really won’t, but we may need to push each other’s limits.]

[Isn’t that unreasonable?]

[I mean, don’t bother about the details, shall we?]

[Eh… o, okay?]

[Well, I came up with a way to efficiently burn the contents of my stomach.]


[For that, Laurier… I need your cooperation. Will you help me?]

[….? What kind of help? Making you vomit? That sounds like we’re wasting food. I’m not impressed]

[That’s not it.]

[It’s not?]

[No, it’s not. It’s not like that. ……So, what do you think? Will you accept my proposal?]

[I would like to ask you to tell me a specific method before answering, but…if Haruto says it, let’s believe  and go along with him!]

Laurier put in a lot of tsukkomi but in the end, she made up her mind.

[Good. Let’s go then.]

[I don’t really understand, but alright.]

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I took Laurier’s hand and aimed for a corner of the commercial district.

[Here… I see, so that’s how it is.]

Looking up at the place we arrived at, Laurie muttered.

The place I brought Laurier to was Amman’s resting area.

In other words, the strategy to promote  digestion is burning calories equivalent to a full marathon in one run!

I pulled it out and went for it!

[Laurier… do you understand? Every time I’m full, I need to consume energy…]

[Fu… as you wish. If Haruto will accompany me on my eating tour, why don’t I follow Haruto’s sexual desires to the fullest? Haahahahahaha!]

No, nonono.
It’s not for my sexual desire; it’s for you, alright?

Also stop laughing out loud.

Because I haven’t raised the silent field yet!

…Well, fine. I have to admit that it also has to do with my sexual desire!
Let’s go.

[Okay then. Let’s start, Laurier!]

[Umu! It’s fine if you come at me, Haruto!]

Laurier and I went through the door while arguing things I didn’t think were the lines of a couple entering the rest area…!


It’s late afternoon.

[Haa… haa…T-this… have you visited all the restaurants on this street…?]

I strengthened my stomach with magic power and consumed energy by taking a break with Laurier, but my stomach had already exceeded its limit again.

[Haa… haa… Uh, um. The food in this town is… um, I must conquer… all of them.]

Laurier is Laurier and, because she took a lot of breaks with me in a fairly short period of time, she no longer has any strength in her legs.
Besides, even though it’s Laurier, it seems that the act of conquering the city’s cuisine in one day was reckless, and as expected, we’ve reached the point where we can’t eat any more.

[Next is…this.]

I looked at the object in my hand.

It’s a baked sweet potato.
But, it’s not just any baked sweet potato.

In Amman, where there are no industries, this baked sweet potato is made with a slightly special locally grown sweet potato.
…This is truly a local gourmet dish.

The food we have eaten so far is just a few imperial dishes.
At worst, it was a dish that could be eaten not only in this city but also in other cities of the Empire.

However, it’s hard to say that you’ve eaten all of Amman without eating this local sweet potato!

However, Laurier and I had already reached our limits.
I honestly had no more appetite.

[Ha, Haruto… What are you going to do? One last time… do you want to go?]

Laurier, who sat on the same bench as in the morning, said so.

[No… then I won’t make it in time… Besides, I can’t do it today anymore… Tonight, I’m going to sleep without doing anything. I’m so spent.]

I did it so many times today that I thought I wouldn’t have to do it for a while.
Since when was the last time I’ve been this empty…?

But even if it’s empty, my stomach is already full…

Rather, if I could move the contents of my stomach over there… no no no, imagining that, it’s not scary at all.

[I see… I guess so.]

Even Laurier, who knew me well, agreed.

Laurier may be full in another sense.

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…Isn’t it a little vulgar? I should reflect on it.

Anyway, the problem is this baked potato.

In extreme cases, for example, if I take it easy for another hour or so, I should be able to recover enough to eat a baked sweet potato.

But that is not enough.

After an hour, this hot roasted sweet potato will become cold.

After eating such a sweet potato, can we say that we really enjoyed it?


Well then, I should have bought it after recovering enough to eat, but the old man who was selling this baked sweet potato just closed the store and went home.

If only I had noticed this baked sweet potato earlier…

I regret it.

However, when Laurie and I were about to lose, the goddess of salvation appeared.

[Huh? Onii-san, Laurier-chan? What are you doing in a place like this?]

When I looked up at the voice that called me, Celes was standing there.
It seems that she’s coming back from the library.

With a baked potato in hand, I briefly explained the situation.
I couldn’t eat the sweet potato because I’m full, I said.

What is the explanation here for me?

[Putting aside Onii-san, even Laurier-chan is full. Just how much…]

Imagining what we’ve gone through, Celes’ face turned pale.
I have done something terrible today.

[Um… if you don’t mind, shall I use magic to promote digestion?]

Seeing the unusual atmosphere between me and Laurier, Celes timidly said so.

Digestion stimulating magic…?

I’ve been strengthening my stomach with magic all day today. I wonder if the magic that promotes digestion would still be effective now.

But now I feel like clinging on to the last few threads of hope.

[Please do…..]

[I’m begging you…]

The two of us asked Celes.

[Alright. Here we go…]

Celes crouched in front of me and Laurier and chanted softly. And when she put her hand on my and Laurier’s belly, that hand flashed.

It’s kind of a soft light.
The healing magic used by Celes generally emits a warm light.

If I can imagine this light, one day I’ll be able to use recovery magic…

What are you thinking about… Oh? Oh?
My stomach, which had been painful for some reason, became a little better.

[Phew… how is it now?]

Letting go of my and Laurier’s stomachs, Celes asked.

[Amazing! It’s a little less painful.]

[Celes! I will never forget this kindness.]

Laurier and I were grateful.

[E, eh……..I, I don’t think the effect would be so pleasing…]

Celes was pulling back for the first time with our gratitude.

But, a little bit of it was needed now.

[Laurier, can you still eat?]

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[Haruto too, can you?]

We looked at each other.
Grins emerged on both of our faces.

I wonder if I’m stupid.

But there are times when such idiocy is fun.

I presented the baked sweet potato in my hand to Laurier.

Laurier grabbed the edge of the baked potato.
The one I’m holding is the other end.

Each of us moved the hand holding the roasted sweet potato in our direction.

Then, the sweet potato was beautifully cut in half in the middle.

And, from the crack that split in two, steam rose as proof that it was still hot. A delicious smell wafted out from it.

Apparently, we made it in time.

While I was impressed, Laurier split her own sweet potato in half again.

[Celes, for you.]

[Eh? Is it okay? You wanted me to eat this sweet potato too…?]

Celes was perplexed when Laurier offered her a baked sweet potato.

[It’s fine. This is a sweet potato that could only be eaten by Celes. Today’s eating tour is a victory for us three…!]

Victory for us three….!
Good words. Exactly so.

Hearing Laurier’s declaration, I almost cried.

[Ku, eat up…? Victory?]

Celes’ mind hadn’t really grasped the situation.

[Eat up… Laurier, Celes, before it cools.]


[Umm… ye, yes.]

Us three nodded to each other.

And finally, the baked sweet potato in my mouth…!



It’s more refreshing than I thought…!

Based on my previous experience of baked sweet potatoes, I imagined a heavier texture. It’s sweet like a little fruit but with a refreshing texture that goes down my throat. It didn’t leave your mouth dry.
With this, if your stomach isn’t full, you should be able to eat a whole one without hesitation.
As soon as you take a bite, you’ll be craving for another bite…!

Because I’ve been eating all day long, it turned into a dramatic food report.
And I can’t say anything good at all.

However, after enjoying the taste, the conclusion is that… it’s delicious!
This is delicious!

The baked sweet potato disappeared into my stomach in about a minute.

Both Laurier and Celis had finished theirs.

Everything’s complete.

I silently shook hands with Laurie.

The handshake was strong and I could feel that the bond between us had deepened.
Then, the three of us hugged each other with Celes without caring about  being seen.

[Eh? What…ehhh?]

Until the very end, Celes was unable to fully grasp the situation.

…….H-hey, I was on a date with Laurier, right?

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