Chapter 203  Former Hero – Date (Day 3, Mina)

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The third day is a date with Mina.

[Where do you want to go, Mina?]

[No, I don’t have a particular place I want to go.]


[Y, you don’t?]

That’s a problem since this should be a date.

[Ah, pardon me. I worded it wrong. It isn’t that I don’t want to go on a date, but I just want to spend the day relaxing with Haruto-sama…or something like that.]


Doesn’t that mean…an indoor date?

[I see. If Mina wants to do that, I have no objection.]

[Thank you very much.]

With my consent, Mina deeply bowed her head.

H, hmmm?
This doesn’t feel like a date.

But, oh well…

[Like this?]

[Yes… tighter.]

I was sitting on the bed in my room holding Mina from behind.
And that’s it.

But, this seems to be what is comfortable for Mina.
And it’s comfortable for me as well.

After yesterday, I don’t really mind at all having a slow day.
It’s pretty nice.

Also, I felt like I’m being more rational than usual today. I guess because I did it a lot yesterday.

Normally, if I hugged her like this, I would unintentionally do something unnecessary and go in a naughty direction, but today I was somehow more rational than ever before.

[Haruto-sama… Um, if you don’t mind, could you stroke my head?]

[Of course. If there’s anything else you want me to do, just say it.]

I stroked Mina’s head as I spoke.


Mina let out a happy voice when she was stroked and held me as if hugging me.

She’s cute.

Mina usually doesn’t actively take the initiative but today, whether because it’s a date or the atmosphere of the honeymoon, I feel like she’s been taking initiative more than usual.

[A maid who has been so spoiled by her master makes me feel like I am doing something.]

After stroking her head for a while, Mina, who was leaning over her body, said something like that.

[Hey hey, stop right there. Before being a maid, Mina was my wife, right? I’d rather spoil you more if I could.]

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Because Mina is always one step behind everyone else.


Mina was unexpectedly stubborn despite me stroking her head.

[I think it would be fine for Mina to call me Haruto as well.]

Putting aside those who have been calling me Haruto even before marriage, some still couldn’t get over their use of honorifics. Mina and Aura are the latter.
Aura has been calling me husband, but that’s besides the case.

[Nyaa…!? C-calling Haruto-sama without honorifics is…!]


It was a plan that I said without thinking, but Mina was unusually nervous.

Her face was bright red and she refused to look at me at all.
This may be the first time I’ve seen Mina acting like this.

[Eh? Why? Why don’t you try calling me?]

I rarely see Mina like this.
I definitely want to push this.

[No, no, no. I can’t do that nya…]

A mixture of polite words and cat language.

So cute.

But that’s it.

Mina listens to almost everything I say, but I feel that anything I say no to is absolutely no good.

What should I do…..?

That’s it! Let’s say something mean.


[Y, yes….?]

When her name was called, Mina only turned her eyes. That gesture is also cute.

[From now on, call me by name.]


I said with a commanding tone.
If she won’t listen to my request, then let’s make it an order.

As expected.

[Uh… uh… nya…..]

However, the next moment Mina started trembling, and tears began to form in her eyes.


[I-I’m sorry, Mina. I’m just kidding! You don’t have to call me using my name!]

I never thought that it’d make her cry. How ignorant I can be.

[*Hic*… Suddenly…no… I’m sorry…]

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Mina apologized while wiping her tears with her hands, but it was me who felt more apologetic.

[It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have forced it.]

I apologized to Mina again and hugged her tightly.
Mina responded by hugging me back.

Time passed for a while with us staying in that position just like that….

[Um… Haruto-sama.]


Perhaps having calmed herself down, Mina called me.

[Um… does Haruto-sama want me to drop the honorific that much…?]

[Huh…w-well….not really…]

When she asked me that, I was reminded how she almost cried earlier and I ended up with a half-baked answer.

[Not really?]

Mina gave me a stare… 


Even though it was something I brought up, for some reason I became embarrassed.

[That’s… well, if you are willing, I’d like you to call me… I guess.]

When I told her so, Mina’s gaze ran here and there while fidgeting.

This reaction is…can you call me already?
My heart was pounding.

It was like that for a while, but Mina looked me in the eye again as if she had made up her mind.

[Ah, humm… Then, is it alright… If it’s just once?]

Her face reddened.
Perhaps mine as well.

[W, well…]

I nodded.



[Ha… Ha, Har… Haruto…]

There was a long moment of silence, but then I heard a very low voice. It was almost inaudible, but Mina certainly called my name.

She simply omitted the『-sama』part, but that’s enough for me. I’m extremely happy.

Up until now, we’ve had many physical encounters and, even though we’ve gone through the formalities of getting married, at this moment, I finally felt like I’ve become a couple with Mina in the truest sense of the word.


I was already hugging her, but I was overwhelmed with emotion and hugged her even tighter.
Due to my excitement, I ended up pushing her down onto the bed.


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Mina, who was laid down by me on the bed, stared at me with a bright red face.

[Mina, that just now feels nice. Can you do that again?]

[Nya… e, e…]

Mina said that she’d only do it once. But, there’s no way I would let her do such a nice thing only once.


I called her name in a begging tone.

[Ha, Haru…to.]

I could really tell since there’s a gap in the middle.


[Uuu… Ha, Haruto.]

Perhaps finally giving up, Mina called my name in a clearer voice.

As expected!
This is awesome.

Mina, who called me at the peak of her embarrassment, put her hands around my neck and hugged me tightly so that she couldn’t see my face.

This is why I love her every move…!

[Hehehe… Thank you Mina. I’m happy.]

[I, it’s so embarrassing…]

I stroked Mina’s head while hugging her back.

Mina pressed my face against her breast and entwined her legs to try to get closer to me.

Mina was always aggressive when doing naughty things, but she displayed a different kind of aggressiveness.

Putting that aside, I couldn’t keep my head on top of Mina forever so I rolled sideways while maintaining the same position.

Now we’re hugging each other and lying down on the bed.

[Hey, Mina. From now on, why don’t you call me like you did just now?]

I tried proposing while moving my face and looking up at Mina from her cleavage.

Because it was so good, I would like not only Mina to say it, but also the other wives who don’t call me by other names.

[That’s…it’s no good…! It’s embarrassing.]

When Mina said so, she pushed my head into her bosom again.


It felt great to have my face buried in her chest, but now I want to see Mina’s face…!
But it’s true that calling me like that in front of everyone is a high hurdle, isn’t it?

Though it would be nice if she could.

…then let’s set up a compromise.

[Then, just when we’re alone like this, can you call my name without honorifics?]

This time, I didn’t look up and said while hugging her like I was spoiled.

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There’s no reply.
But, it’s not like I’m hugging a corpse.

I’ve been enjoying the sound of her heartbeat ringing like a bell in the depth of Mina’s soft bosom. 

[…..I, I’ll do my best…to do that as much as possible.]

While I was waiting, I got an answer like that.

She’ll do her best, huh?
It wasn’t fully accepted, but let’s be satisfied with that for now.

[Thank you, Mina.]

[Yes… Haruto.]

When I called Mina’s name, she immediately returned in kind. And it’s clearer than the previous two times.

I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Something snapped.
When that happens, my reasoning collapses.

I glide my body on the bed.


I got out of the embrace of Mina’s chest and aligned my face with hers.

[Mina… I…]

I wondered what kind of face I have right now?
Maybe it’s a very perverted face?

But even if she saw me like that, Mina looked back at me without being frightened.

From Mina’s point of view, it must be obvious what I was going to do after this. It’s the usual pattern.

[G, go on, Haruto?]

After saying that with a bright red face, Mina gently closed her eyes.

My reasoning had completely shattered.

I went for a kiss and stuck my tongue in.
At the same time, I groped her breast with one hand and stroked the butt with the other.

[Nn… Ah, Nn… Nya… Funyaa…]

Mina accepted everything I did.

Her tongue was also passionately entangling mine and she stuck out her breasts and butt to me so that I could easily access them.

This is what it means to be lovable.
No, I’ve always thought that she’s adorable.

It’s just that deep.

With that said, I, who had completely recovered, managed to flirt with Mina.

Who said I became more rational today because of what happened yesterday?
I forgot about such details.


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