Chapter 204 – Former Hero: Date (Day 4, Aura)

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The partner on the fourth day’s date is Aura.

[Husband! There is a place I would like my husband to accompany me!]

Today, Aura enthusiastically appealed to me without me needing to ask her.

Of course, I had no problem with that.

[I’ll follow you anywhere.]

[Thank you!]

Aura broke a smile after hearing my answer. If she’s so happy like this, I couldn’t help grinning too.

[Eh? Relatives? You have relatives here?]

I heard such a story from Aura on the way to the place she wanted to go.

[Yes. It’s a distant relative, but I have relatives living in this town.]

[Hee. Aura, who is one of the best knights of Milis Kingdom, is a relative to the nobles of the Empire, huh? Aura’s family really feels like a prestigious family.]

[My and their family parted a long time ago and formally, it’s at the level of… We have almost no blood ties anymore.]

Aura said so, but a relative is still a relative, so isn’t it amazing?
Though I didn’t know the details.

 [I kinda get it, but are we heading to that relative’s house now?]


Why is she taking me with her though…?

Perhaps reading the look on my face, Aura took the initiative to explain.

[Actually, the other day, I went to say hello by myself when I was free.]

Apparently, she had visited by herself before this.

[So, there was someone who was close to my age and had become a knight just like me, but when I reported that I had gotten married, they didn’t believe me and asked me to bring my husband…]

[Ah… that kind of thing.]   

So, it really exists, huh?

Hey, how could they not believe the words that Aura, who seemed to be serious and straight-laced, said?

[If it were me, no matter how crazy it was, if Aura said it, I would probably still believe it.]

Of course I said that as a joke.

[H, Husband… Thank you so much.  I will believe and accept anything as long as it’s what my husband says…!]

It came back double.
How incredibly reliable.

I don’t remember doing anything to gain Aura’s trust, but…


[Don’t mention it.]

At this time of day, Aura and I smiled at each other inside the unpopular residential district for nobles.   

… the way, she said that she’d do anything I say just now.
She did say that, didn’t she?

Is it okay to take that literally?

For example…even if I push her down inside the bush here and now…?   

[H, Husband, not here…! In a place like this… if someone sees us…]

[Was it a lie when  you said you’d accept everything I do…?]

[That’s…not a lie, but…]

[What’s the problem then? Even though you say that, you’re wearing this kind of underwear.] 

[Kuh… well, that’s because my husband…is doing it…]

What? Yes, that’s just my imagination.

She didn’t say that she would accept everything I do or anything like that.

People falsify memories at their convenience, don’t they?


[Huh! Huh? Ah, yeah… what is it?] 

When I was grinning, Aura called out to me, causing me to let out a startled voice.

[Ah, no… it seemed like you were worried about something.]

Aura worriedly looked into my face.

She is unquestionably beautiful with well-proportioned features.

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To think that such a beautiful woman admires me.

Fufufu…can’t help but grin.

…I know it’s late, but it’s almost a miracle that a beautiful and serious woman like Aura would fall in love with a man like me.

But, it’s me. Why would I say that?

To be honest, the events that led to me having a relationship with Aura started as a result of Aura’s misunderstanding.

Somewhere in my heart, I thought that a girl like Aura was not my type.   

At that time, I had already dabbled with six girlsand I was the kind of guy who would do nothing but erotic things.
Well, that last part still hasn’t changed.  

When the fighting tournament ended, even if it was a misunderstanding, why did she decide to become my wife?
Let’s ask her later…I guess?  

[It’s okay. It’s not like it’s anything to be worried about.]

[Is that so? Alright then.]

She didn’t seem convinced, but she believed and accepted what I said just like she said earlier.
She’s doing as she said.

Meanwhile, it seemed that we had arrived at our destination.

[It’s here.]

The gate behind Aura was…quite gorgeous.   

A well-kept garden spreads beyond and a three-story building is enshrined in the back.   

[Aura Amagi, of the Rozes family of the Milis Kingdom, ]

Aura introduced herself to the guard who was waiting inside the gate.

She’s actually using my family name.

We’re married.
We’re married, after all.  

Why did I say that twice?   

Putting that aside, Aura said that she had come the other day, and the guards seemed to know that she was coming again today, so they allowed us to enter inside without hesitation.   

[That’s good.]

As I pass through the gate and walk through the garden to the mansion, I breathe a sigh of relief.

[What is it?]

[Well, the way Aura introduced yourself at the gate?   I thought I should’ve done the same.]

I explained to Aura who was dumbfounded.

[But, isn’t it just a name?]  

Even if I explain it, it doesn’t seem to make sense.

[Well, I don’t know how to put it. Maybe something like…. 『I am Haruto of the Amagi family, lord of Aria in the Ringgrad region of the Milis Kingdom』? Hmm…saying all that will be embarrassing to me.] 

When I tried to put it into words, I got chills down my spine.

It felt weird.
I’m not used to it. 

[The way husband said it just now, it’s a very wonderful arrangement!]

Aura stopped and applauded with crackling applause.

[Eh… that’s right? Seriously? Do you think it’s good?]

I don’t feel bad when I’m getting praised like that.
And if it’s by a beautiful woman, all the more so.

[Of course. But, it might be better if you keep your hands here a little longer.]

In the middle of someone else’s garden, Aura started giving a lecture.
Even so, it was just a little hand placement, so it was over in no time.

[Alright, let us go.]


After finishing the lecture, Aura and I headed towards the mansion again.

After arriving at the mansion, we went through the entrance and were greeted by the maid and the butler.
Then Aura introduced herself again and we were led to a place that looked like a reception room.

Aura and I sat side by side on the sofa in the drawing room and waited for a few minutes.
There was a clattering sound of the door opening, and a woman entered.

[Thank you for waiting.]

Saying that, the woman who entered had semi-long blond hair and her hair was roughly tied back into pigtails. The face is…quite pretty. She’s honestly beautiful.   

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Her breasts…are smaller than Aura’s
Though it’s still bigger than average.   

After completing the analysis in an instant, I decided to stand up and say hello.   

[I am a member of the Imperial Knights. My name is Muzel of the Paris family. Thank you for visiting today.]

When I tried to say hello, she greeted me very politely first.  

 [Ah…ehhh… thank you for your hospitality. I am Haruto of the Amagi family. The lord of Aria in the Ringgrad region of the Milis Kingdom. It’s nice to meet you…]

I feel like I messed up at the beginning, but I was able to introduce myself without hesitation.
The position and angle of the hand that Aura just lectured on was also perfect.

When I glanced at Aura, she was looking at me with a sparkling face.
Seemed like I’m doing good.

[Nice to meet you too.]

Umu… Muzel-san holds out her hand to me while saying that.

A handshake?
Is it really alright to shake her hand?
Would it be rude to shake her hand here?

I’m too nervous.
Even if all I had to do was to shake hands.   

Thus, I grabbed the hand that was offered to me.  

When I applied a force into my grip, the other side also did so in return. Then the handshake ended.   


Just introducing myself and shaking hands alone made my back sweat.

This tension is similar to when I greeted the brides’ families before the wedding ceremony.

Failure is unacceptable.
It’s so difficult.

[Muzel. This is my husband. I told you the truth, right?]

After the greetings ended, Aura immediately got to the point.

We came here so that she could introduce me and prove that she is married.

[Yes, it seems so…or rather, I’m sorry, Aura-san.]

When Muzel-san looked at me and smiled, she started apologizing to Aura.

[Hmm? What do you mean?]

Aura tilted her head as if she didn’t think she would apologize. I did the same too.

[It’s not like I really doubted you. I don’t think Aura-san would tell such a lie.]


[If I hadn’t said that, wouldn’t you have introduced us like this?]   


Aura and I exchanged glances at Muzel-san’s words.   

In short?

[D, did you deceive me, Muzel? To think a knight would do such a thing…!]

[It’s shocking to be told that I deceived you. It’s not that I doubted Aura-san’s words, but it was hard to believe that there is actually a man who was attracted to a straight-laced and chivalric woman like you.]

Aura approached and Muzel-san dodged it.

Although they seem to be arguing about the situation, judging from their words, it is clear that they are on good terms.
Friends, I guess.

I felt like this was the first time I saw this side of Aura.  

[Come on, Haruto-sama. Please take a seat.]

Muzel-san, who ran away from Aura, took my hand and made me sit on the sofa.
What’s more, for some reason, she sat down next to me.

I mean, she’s still holding my hand.
My heart throbs a little when a beautiful woman holds my hand like this.   

It’s only as usual.

[Mm. Muzel. When you welcome guests, you sit across from them, right?]

Aura sits on the opposite side of Muzel-san while pouting.

And she doesn’t want to lose or something? She also took hold of my hand.

This feels amazing.

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It may be the first time that Aura has a rivalry like this.   

[Isn’t it fine? Because I’d like you to tell me more about the beginning of your relationship with Aura-san.]

[If it’s just talking, there’s no need to hold hands, right?  Because it’s my husband.]

Before I knew what was going on, I was surrounded by beautiful women on my left and right, and an argument began.

W-what should I do?
Should I shake off Muzel-san’s hand?
Do I have to?
Wouldn’t it be too rude?  

Don’t get overwhelmed, me.   

[…just like a maiden in love…that Aura-san… Haruto-sama is amazing. How on earth did you manage to change that Aura-san to become like this?]  

Were you still half in doubt.

However, seeing Aura openly burning with rivalry, she seemed convinced.   

[Eh, well…]

Even if you ask me.

I just thought about it myself, but I don’t remember doing anything particularly unusual.

[It’s difficult to explain in words… well. I was just spending my time normally… would you say?]

On the contrary, I want to ask the same.


Muzel-san turned her head as if peering down.

Too close!

This woman, does she understand that there is this thing called private space?

[Husband. No need to pay attention to Muzel.]

Aura pulled my arm and hugged me.
And my arm was sandwiched between Aura’s breasts and held tightly.

It’s soft.

[Then, I would like to ask Aura-san. What did you first see in Haruto-sama?]   

In the end, what Muzel-san wanted to hear was Aura’s story.
I feel like I’m the starting point, not the center.

In any case, I’m also interested in the story, so I’ll wait and see what happens without interfering.

[I… the reason why I started seeing Husband… umm, that…]   

Aura raised her gaze as if remembering something.

Honestly, she’s surprisingly not shy about it, and answers honestly when asked.

No, that honesty is also one of Aura’s charm.

[Just like Husband said earlier, it’s because he treated me normally…..]   


Eh? What do you mean?

I couldn’t quite understand Aura’s words, and a question mark appeared in my head.

It appeared that Muzel-san was the same, as she was seemingly petrified.

[Eeerr, what do you mean by that…?]

Muzel-san, who had recovered from her shock, asked Aura.

[Hmm? Ah, I guess I didn’t say enough just now. To make it a little easier to understand, my husband always looked at me as a woman… how should I put it?]  

Even after listening to Aura’s additional explanation, I still don’t quite understand.

[I’ve lived my life aiming to become a knight, and now I can say that that dream has come true, but uh… maybe because of my temper, I was treated like a man by the people around me.] 

As if recounting memories, Aura spun words.

[I myself thought that it would be fine. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, you will live as a knight… At that time, when I met my husband, he treated me normally…very much so. He naturally treated me as a woman. In that way, while you were treating me with a feeling that I had forgotten until then, before I knew it, I was also conscious of my husband as a man…]

Yes, after finishing her monologue, Aura hugged my arm once more as if loving it.

I see.
Is that why Aura became aware of me?   

Nice and normal.
Because it’s nice and normal.

When I was told something like a confession next to me, I immediately felt the urge to hug and kiss Aura, but as expected, Muzel-san was there so I stopped.

Instead, I let go of the hand held by Muzel-san and stroked Aura’s head.
This much should be allowed in public.

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Aura had a surprised expression for a moment after being stroked on the head, but she soon broke down with a smile.   

[When I met my husband for the first time and was undergoing training, there was a time when he patted my head and praised me. Come to think of it, I might have been attracted to Husband since that time.]

Aura said so and entrusted her body to me.
She’s cute. Seriously.

But, did I do that?
I wonder if I really did or not…?

I remember stroking Sharon’s and Laurier’s head a lot. 
My memory is a little vague, but I may have stroked it with that flow.

W, well, if Aura said that I petted her head, then I must have.

I was nice back then.

Aura and I looked at each other and smiled at each other.   

A super lovey-dovey couple!
No, just a married couple!

[I, I was thinking of embarrassing Aura-san by asking about how you two got into a relationship, but I’m the one who ended up being embarrassed…!]

Witnessing the lovey-dovey space between me and Aura, Muzel-san began to writhe while covering her face with both hands.

[Muzel should find a wonderful companion like my Husband as soon as possible.]

Aura said something very unusual and provocative.

And with a triumphant face to booth.

[Ha…! A, Aura-san… Didn’t you say something you shouldn’t have said…?]

Muzel-san froze and her shoulders shook.

Hey, don’t start a fight, okay?

[E, even I have a gentleman who is interested in me! The next time we meet, I will tell you about him! Thank you for today!」

And we were kicked out by a red-faced Muzel-san.

[Will that be alright?]

I asked Aura when we exited the premises through the gate.   

It wasn’t a fight, but I wonder if it’s okay to end the visit like that.

[It’s always like that whenever I see Muzel… Husband, I’m sorry that you had to accompany me into such a situation.]

Aura lowered her head.   

[No, it’s fine. I’m glad I got to see a side of Aura that I don’t usually see. You were cute.]

[C, cute…thank you.]

Aura was instantly blushing shyly.
When such a beautiful face goes restless with shyness, it’s making her even cuter.   

For a moment, I checked my surroundings.

Not a lot of people around.
If I want to embrace her, it’s now.   


After saying a few words, I gently embraced Aura.

[H, Husband…?]

Aura panicked in my arms.

[Just a bit…]

[A, alright…]

Aura said that as I was enjoying her warmth and the feel of her large breasts.

[Husband, there is still time, but… well, after this…?]

[Is there another place you want to go?]

When asked about her wishes, Aura replied while fidgeting.

[S, somewhere… a place where… the two of us can be alone…]

To a place where the two of us can be alone!
To a place where the two of us can be alone!!

On the day I was told such a thing, my excitement was turned up to eleven in an instant.

[Roger that.]

I embraced Aura’s shoulders and turned my feet towards the familiar place in this town.

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