When Tang Mian woke up the next day, he rolled over in bed, still groggy, and stared at the familiar duck-shaped lamp on the ceiling as his mind gradually woke up.

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Just yesterday, he had been in a car accident while riding in Fu Shizhao’s car, only to wake up and find himself reborn to the age of three.

He saw his dad, mom, older brother, Uncle Fu, and… Fu Shizhao, who was his age.

Thinking of this, Tang Mian subconsciously turned his body and looked towards the other side separated by a partition.

The partition was hollowed out, allowing him to see the other side clearly without much obstruction.

Fu Shizhao was still not awake.

He was holding a small cat doll in his arms, his long eyelashes slightly drooping as he curled himself into a little ball.

Fortunately, he didn’t press his injured arm underneath himself.

Tsk, he can really sleep.

Tang Mian estimated the distance and reached his little hand through the hollowed-out partition, gently poking Fu Shizhao’s small face. He ruffled his hair even more messily before satisfiedly retracting his hand.

He was starting to “tease” Fu Shizhao from a young age.

Soon after, with the small dog doll in his arms, Tang Mian played around on the bed, rolling back and forth for a while. His hair and pajamas became all wrinkled from the activity. Only then did he contentedly strike a “big” pose.

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In his current state, Tang Mian was quite small, and the bed seemed unusually large. As he grew a little taller, he knew he wouldn’t experience this kind of joy anymore. Having a second chance at life meant reliving the happiness of being a child.

After thoroughly enjoying himself, Tang Mian’s sleepiness had vanished long ago. He sat up halfway on the bed, still holding the little dog doll, and glanced at Fu Shizhao, who was still sound asleep. After a moment of contemplation, he opened the small door on the side rail of the bed, got off the bed, put on his slippers, and headed towards the door.

Suddenly, a soft and tender “big brother” came from behind, stopping Tang Mian’s hand just as he was about to open the door. He turned his head as if he had been caught doing something naughty, his guilty gaze meeting Fu Shizhao’s tousled hair that he had messed up earlier. With a small nod, he acknowledged him.

It seemed that Fu Shizhao had been awakened by the commotion Tang Mian had made while playing on the bed…

Fu Shizhao was now propped up on the bed with his uninjured arm, his hair ruffled by Tang Mian moments ago. The tuft of messy hair on his head was just as prominent as the one on Tang Mian’s head. His voice carried a subtle hint of a spoiled tone as he said, “Big brother, wait for me to freshen up too.”

“Okay,” Tang Mian replied in a somewhat stiff manner, remaining in place.

Their previous close bond was evident. Tang Mian and Fu Shizhao used to have a really good relationship. They would freshen up together every day, and even… taking baths together was normal for them.

He no longer recalled the exact dynamics of his interactions with Fu Shizhao when he was three or four years old, but following Fu Shizhao’s lead would surely work without any problems.

The current Fu Shizhao was also just around three or four years old, and he was easy to fool.

Tang Mian’s thoughts were reasonable, but unfortunately, Fu Shizhao was also reborn, which indirectly established his “dominant position.”

Fu Shizhao had a fairly shallow sleep to begin with. He had already woken up when Tang Mian’s hand approached his face and head, “misbehaving.” He simply continued pretending to be asleep, his goal being to see if Tang Mian would have any other actions.

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He didn’t expect that Tang Mian would only play on the bed for a while before getting up.

Naturally, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to get up early and freshen up alongside Tang Mian. So, he called out to him before Tang Mian could open the door.

His mood was quite good.

Waking up, he found Tang Mian still by his side.

That alone was enough to keep him in a good mood for the entire day.

Following behind Tang Mian, they exited the children’s room and unexpectedly ran into Tang Sheng, who was coming out with a backpack slung over his shoulders.

Tang Sheng was already neatly dressed at this moment. He had probably finished breakfast and was about to leave after grabbing his backpack.

The school that Tang Sheng attended and their father’s office was conveniently on the way. Every morning, Uncle Fu would drive them both to school & office together and pick them up in the evening.

However, due to a small incident last night, Tang Sheng had been brought home by a parent of a classmate. This parent was acquainted with Tang Sheng’s parents and didn’t mind taking a slightly longer route.

Seeing the two disheveled little heads, Tang Sheng was reminded of the events from last night. He pursed his lips, mustered up courage, and initiated a conversation, though he immediately wished he could time travel to give his past self a slap for uttering those words just seconds ago.

“Morning, have you eaten?” Tang Sheng blurted out.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Tang Sheng wished he could go back in time and give his past self a slap. These two bed-headed kids had just woken up; how could they have possibly had breakfast?

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Tang Mian and Fu Shizhao fell into silence in unison.

“Big brother is really… as always, he always manages to do things that are both strange and amusing,” Tang Mian thought to himself.

Seeing Tang Sheng’s embarrassed expression, Tang Mian decided to be merciful and not make a fuss. He replied, “No.”

Tang Sheng let out a small sigh of relief upon hearing the answer. He quickly added, “Go eat quickly, big brother is heading to school,” and then swiftly made his exit.

Today, he needed to learn a thing or two from his desk mate…

His desk mate had a younger sister around the same age as Tang Mian. Every day, Tang Sheng had to endure listening to his desk mate brag about the heartwarming interactions he had with his sister. His ears were practically calloused from hearing about the morning kisses his sister gave him, how she would gift him her favorite hairpins, and how she would be waiting at their doorstep when he returned from school.

Tang Sheng, who used to dismiss such things, now inexplicably found himself wishing that Tang Mian would treat him like that too.

As Tang Sheng was rushing downstairs, he nearly collided with Shen Siwan. She quickly warned him to slow down, not to trip.

Then, Shen Siwan glanced at her wristwatch, thinking it was still early. Why was her eldest son in such a hurry…?

But he was already gone, and Shen Siwan couldn’t bring him back to inquire further. She could only stride over to where the two little figures were, bend down slightly, and praise, “You woke up so early today? That’s great! As a reward, you can watch an extra episode of the cartoon this morning.”

Tang Mian’s eyes instantly lit up, his delighted expression saying it all.

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Shen Siwan led the two little figures to the bathroom. As she untangled their messy hair, she said, “Your birthdays are coming up soon. Mommy plans to take you for a photoshoot… you know, taking pictures. We’ll get the photos printed and put them in a photo album. How about we go once Shizhao’s injury has healed?”

Upon hearing this, Tang Mian’s heart started ringing alarm bells.

When he was younger, one of his mom’s greatest pleasures was dressing him up in various little dresses. The reason for this was related to her desire to have a daughter during her pregnancy. After all, she already had a son and wanted to have a complete set of both genders.

People say boys are sour and girls are spicy. His mom craved spicy food during her pregnancy with him, and she thought she was going to have a girl. She had prepared a lot of clothes for a girl during her pregnancy, but it turned out to be a son.

However, they were all her own flesh and blood, and whether they were sons or daughters, she loved them equally.

His mom wasn’t disheartened either. While he was still young and looked like a little porcelain doll, she dressed him in pretty little dresses, turning him into a doll. Ironically, she dressed him up but never did the same for Fu Shizhao.

This was probably related to the fact that Fu Shizhao wasn’t her biological child, and although “playing” was fine, there had to be limits.

Her own biological son, on the other hand, was different… he could be “played with” in any way imaginable.

Fu Shizhao, who was quietly brushing his teeth on the side, had a barely noticeable smile flash across his eyes.

In his previous life, he had always kept photos of Tang Mian wearing little dresses when he was a child.

They were incredibly adorable.

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